Chapter 202 Treatment
Two days later, in the void, Lin Yu's room.

"Phew~ I finally copied this memory completely."

Lin Yu glanced at the golden light ball the size of half a fist in his hand and heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had finished a major event.

This golden ball of light contains all the memories of the battle between Novalu and the Eighth Herrscher that Lin Yu took a long time to use the power of the core of consciousness to reproduce from his memory.

"According to what Lulu and Cangxuan said, the ability of the Eighth Herrscher is related to consciousness control. I don't know how much I can reach the Herrscher level at my level."

In the scene that Lin Yu saw in the memory space before, the Eighth Herrscher controlled thousands of guardians at the same time, many of whom had obsidian-level existence.But now, it is very difficult for him to even control a raven.It's unknown how long it will take to reach the level of control at the Herrscher level!
"Forget it, let's practice using the power of the Herrscher in the future!"

There is not one kind of strength that Lin Yu needs to practice, but several kinds!At present, the powers Lin Yu is most familiar with are the power of space and the power of erosion. After all, these two powers were the first he obtained, and they are also the most frequently used. They are naturally more proficient in using them than other powers.

"Then it's time to get down to business!"

After everything was ready, Lin Yu walked out of the room.

On the other side, in the arsenal, Novalu is doing some inspection and maintenance work for Heitian Baiyu.Although Novalu seldom used it during this period, he would do some inspections and maintenance for him every once in a while.

"Lulu, where are you now? I'll go find you."

Just when Nuova Lu had just finished inspecting Hei Tian Bai Yu, Lin Yu's voice sounded from her mind.

"I'm in the armory now, what's the matter?"

Novalu told her where she was.

"Got it, I'll help you with your headache in a while."

"That's great, finally getting rid of this problem that has been bugging me for so long."

When Nuovalu heard that Lin Yu was coming to help her solve her headache, she immediately became a little happy.

Not long after, Lin Yu came to the arsenal, along with Fei Yuwan and Phil.After all, Lin Yu couldn t be disturbed when he was "treating" Novalu, so he still needed other people to help him watch.

"Brother, you can rest assured to help Sister Lulu treat her illness! We guarantee that no one will come to disturb you."

Hiyumaru and Phil confidently assured.

"So, what do we do next?"

Novalu looked at Lin Yu and asked him what to do next.

"Relax, I will use the power of the core of consciousness to enter your mind, and then help you resolve that vague memory."

Lin Yu said the solution.

"Then get ready! I can do it anytime."

"Then let's get started!"

Lin Yu walked towards Novalu, but Novalu asked him when he saw this:

"Lin Yu, what are you doing?"

"Um... In order to ensure the success rate, the two of us need to rely a little bit more."

No idea!Who made Lin Yu's current power of consciousness unable to use it from a long distance!We can only shorten the distance as much as possible.

"How close?"

For some reason, Novalu suddenly had a very bad feeling.

"If you want to guarantee an absolute success rate, I'm afraid you still need to contact the other party."

Lin Yu seemed a little embarrassed when he said these words, but there is no way!

After a fierce inner struggle, Nuova finally accepted Lin Yu's plan.

As for how to touch, of course it is the forehead!Otherwise where else?
"excuse me!"

"Understood, quickly delete that troublesome memory, and don't do other things."

"I know I know!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu and Novalu sat opposite each other, and then their foreheads touched each other lightly.

In order to ensure that he would not feel embarrassed, Lin Yu kept his eyes tightly closed the whole time.But Novalu was different, she watched the distance between herself and Lin Yu getting closer.As the foreheads of the two touched, her little face inevitably flushed slightly.

"Hmph! Since this is a special occasion, I will forgive you this time!"

Then she also slowly closed her eyes, quietly waiting for Lin Yu to deal with her memory.

In the memory space of Nuovalu, Lin Yu has entered smoothly.

"I have to find that memory to make it clearer!"

Although Novalu's memory in this era is only a few years, the amount of memory is still huge.If Lin Yu wanted to find the memory that troubled Novalu, it would still take a lot of time.

"Forget it, let's find it slowly!"

On the other side, on the training ground.

Cecilia is doing simple training with Ji Lin.Ji Lin also knew that Cecilia had just "recovered from a serious illness", so naturally he didn't use much strength during training.

"Cecilia seems to be recovering very well! She can already fight Xuanyuan back and forth."

At the table beside the training field, Cang Xuan and Yae Sakura were chatting leisurely.Although they will be training for a while, the training of Cecilia and Ji Lin is estimated to take a lot of time, so they still have to wait for a while.

"Xiao Ai, can you fight?"

The person who accompanied Noelle at this time was Yae Rin, after all, Hiyumaru and Phil were called away by Lin Yu just now.

"My sister once taught me some moves, but it's been so long that I don't remember them clearly."

Noelle was well protected by Novalu a few epochs ago, and she was never allowed to participate in any battles.Even if Nuovalu taught her a few tricks, they were only for her to protect herself in an emergency.In fact, Noelle has also learned it, but so much time has passed, and she can't guarantee that she can still use those moves like before.

"Then let's practice it! Just to help you recall those tricks."

Anyway, idle is idle, Yae Rin simply dragged Noelle to the other side of the venue.The weapons here are all made of wood, and they are generally used by everyone when they don't need the Honkai energy. After all, these wooden weapons can't withstand the Honkai energy at all.

Yae Rin took the Taidao first, but Noelle hesitated after seeing the various weapons in front of him, and finally took the Taidao like Yae Rin.

"Huh? Xiaoai, you can also use a Taidao?"

Yae Rin was also taken aback after seeing Noelle also holding a sword.

"Hmm! Most of the moves my sister taught me focus on speed, and Taidao is the weapon with the best flexibility."

Afterwards, Noelle assumed a fighting posture, ready to fight Yae Rin at any time.

"Huh? Why does Xiaoai's hand gesture look so similar to that of Lulu's?"

When Yae Rin saw Noelle's pose, she immediately thought of the scene when she and Noire were training before, it was so similar!
"Forget it, I don't want to talk about it. Just test her briefly first."

Yae Rin also assumed a fighting posture, and after confirming that Noelle was ready, she rushed towards Noelle directly.

"Nine forms of Tianyu, one form - Feiyu!"

Facing Yae Rin's fierce sword move, Noelle immediately used the moves that Noir had taught her.


The two wooden swords collided heavily, making a dull sound.

"Huh? This is...the Nine Styles of Tianyu?"

Yae Rin did not know how many times she had seen Tianyu's Nine Styles, so she naturally recognized Noelle's moves at a glance.

"Huh? Do you know this trick?"

Noelle was also surprised by this.

"Of course, this is a move commonly used by Brother Lin Yu and Sister Lulu, and everyone here knows it."

Before Cecilia and Noelle came here, everyone would conduct quantitative training every day, so they could recognize each other's moves at a glance.

"Xiao Ai, why do you use the moves of Sister Lulu and Brother Lin Yu?"

Seeing this, Yae Rin couldn't help saying curiously.

"This... this is what my sister taught me!"

Noelle didn't expect her moves to be recognized all at once, and for a moment she didn't know how to explain it to Yae Rin.

"Forget it, you don't need to explain. Brother Lin Yu said before that he will find an opportunity to explain your situation to us."

Yae Rin did not continue to ask, after all, this was what Lin Yu had confessed.


Then, the two started training again.

On the other side, after a lot of effort, Lin Yu finally found that memory in Nuovalu's complicated memory.

"This picture is really blurry!"

Lin Yu was also speechless after seeing the scene of the battle between Novalu and the Eighth Herrscher.

Who made these memory images so blurry, if it wasn't for Heitian Baiyu, he almost didn't recognize that the man with the gun on it was Nuovalu.As for the Eighth Herrscher, he wouldn't be able to recognize him at all, okay?

It's no wonder that Novalu didn't recognize Noelle!
"The next step is to make this memory clear."

With that said, Lin Yu took out a golden ball of light out of thin air.This is exactly the light ball about this memory that Lin Yu specially made before.


With Lin Yu's light wave, the golden light ball immediately shattered and turned into countless memory pictures floating towards Nuovalu's vague memory.

Seeing the two slowly and smoothly merging, Lin Yu also breathed a sigh of relief.Presumably now, Nuovalu should be able to gradually remember that she has a younger sister!

"I should get out of here too!"

What should be done has been done, and it is time for Lin Yu to leave Novalu's memory space.

Then Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Nuova Lu's closed eyes and slightly flushed face.

"Ahem! It seems that closing your eyes was the right choice."

Being so close to Novalu made Lin Yu feel a little embarrassed, so he hurriedly left Novalu.

"Brother, is sister Lulu all right?"

Fei Yuwan and Phil ran over immediately after seeing Lin Yu wake up.

"Don't worry! Lulu is fine."

"But why hasn't Miss Lulu woke up yet?"

Seeing that Lin Yu had already woken up, but Novalu hadn't woken up, Phil couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"She still needs some time to familiarize herself with her memory, and she will be fine in a while. You guys take care of her here first, and I'll go first."

Lin Yu explained briefly, and then prepared to leave the arsenal.


At this moment, Lin Yu stopped suddenly.

Lin Yu's heartbeat suddenly became very violent.

"Not good! The power of the Herrscher has been used too frequently in the past two days, causing the dominant core to take shape ahead of time."

Lin Yu immediately realized that something was wrong. In order not to affect Fei Yuwan and the others present, he immediately opened a door of space.

"Brother, why do you..."

Fei Yuwan and Phil also immediately noticed that something was wrong with Lin Yu, but before they finished speaking, Lin Yu rushed into the gate of space and disappeared.

 The protagonist's breakthrough chapter is here! PS: After this article is the Inheritance Chapter. After all, the Second God's Key was destroyed by Phil, so Destiny will have to spend time to repair it! ┐(-`)┌

(End of this chapter)

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