Chapter 208 Why Is It You

In the space enchantment.

"How could my brother be trapped in the Houkai energy crystal?"

Fei Yuwan couldn t help being a little surprised when he saw Lin Yu sleeping in the crystal pillar.

"I'm afraid this is not the point!"

Nuovalu seemed to have noticed something else, and then she looked up at the sky above the crystal pillar and said:
"The seven Herrscher cores above are the culprits that caused Lin Yu to sleep, right?"

Phil and Hiyumaru looked in the direction that Novalu was looking at, and found that there were six projections of Herrscher's core directly above the crystal pillar, constantly rotating around a colorful core projection.

The colorful Herrscher core is naturally Lin Yu's Shenyu core, and surrounding it is the complete Herrscher core that Lin Yu already has. They are the space core, the death core, the consciousness core, the domination core, and the constraint core. And the six Herrscher cores of Corrosion Core.

"It doesn't look like there's any abnormality, does it? The six Herrscher cores are still under the control of Shen Yu's core! And the distance between them seems to be gradually shrinking."

Phil noticed the slightest change that was almost negligible.

"It seems that Lin Yu's Shenyu core has absolute suppression of the core copied by it!"

Novalu also noticed it.

The six Herrscher cores did not have any changes in Lin Yu's mouth. On the contrary, they have been controlled by Shen Yu's core.Therefore, Lin Yu's deep sleep this time was probably caused by Shen Yu's core.

"Lin Yu's Herrscher core is too strange! I have never seen such a Herrscher core."

As an existence that has fought against the Herrscher, Novalu has also seen the core of every Herrscher.All of them are single-color gemstones, and none of them have multiple colors like Shen Yu's core.

"I really don't understand the situation!"

Facing Lin Yu's unexplained deep sleep, Nuova Lu did not dare to destroy the crystal pillar at will to force Lin Yu out.This made her a little helpless.

"However, the strand of consciousness in Chiyuan also said that Lin Yu may be going through some trials now, we'd better wait for him to wake up by himself."

Novalu thought of what she had learned from Chi Yuan before, which made her a little relieved.

As long as it's not a bad thing!
"This guy should be fine here. He should wake up after a while. We just need to go out and wait."

After analyzing all the information she had obtained, Nuovalu finally felt that they could not get involved in this matter, so it would be better for them to wait quietly outside and wait for Lin Yu to wake up on his own.

"All right!"

After a period of inspection, Phil and Hiyumaru didn't find anything wrong, so they planned to leave here with Novalu.


Just when the three were about to leave, they suddenly felt an extremely weak fluctuation, and the source of the fluctuation was Lin Yu who was wrapped in the Honkai energy crystal.

"How is this going?"

Not long ago, the trial space where Lin Yu was.

"It has been hundreds of years since I started the trial, and I don't know how long it has been with Lulu and the others?"

You know, Lin Yu will experience the second collapse for at least two years every time, and he has experienced it more than 90 times so far, so the total count is more than 200 years.As for the specific time, Lin Yu didn t particularly care about it.

However, there is one thing he is very sure of, that is, the time on his side is definitely different from the real one, just like the trial when Shenyu's core was just formed.He obviously felt that he had spent hundreds of years there, but in reality, only more than 30 hours had passed.

"It's been almost ten years since the second collapse when I started to learn Xuanyuan Sword Art and Taixu Sword Art!"

Counting from the trial when Lin Yu officially started practicing these two sword moves, this is already the third trial.If counting from the initial trial, Lin Yu is now experiencing the second collapse of No. 90 six times, and he is still in a state that has just begun.

"Are you going to start again?"

To be honest, Lin Yu is used to this kind of thing.

"Forget it! It is estimated that there is still more than a year before the outbreak of Houkai. Before that, I should give my body, which is no different from ordinary people, a good exercise!"

Although Lin Yu still remembered all the moves he had mastered before, Naihe couldn't use a few moves at all with his current physical fitness.

According to the experience summary of more than 90 times before, Lin Yu will be in the twelve to eighteen months before the outbreak of the collapse every time the trial is reset.And during the period before the outbreak of Honkai, there was only one thing Lin Yu had to do, and that was to make himself reach the level that could defeat the chariot-level Honkai beast.

But before that, Lin Yu has one thing that must be done, and that is to understand how humans fight against Honkai in this trial space.

After spending a while to understand, Lin Yu discovered that the way for humans to fight against Honkai this time is still to set up a special organization to deal with Honkai.

"Well~ Let me take a look! This time, do humans call the fighters who fight against Honkai guardians? There is nothing wrong with them, after all, those people are indeed protecting people."

Lin Yu carefully looked at the information he had collected during this period of time.Then he realized that there seemed to be something wrong.

"Strange? Why do I feel a sense of familiarity? Have I seen this information somewhere?"

As Lin Yu learned more information, he felt more and more where he had seen the information.

"Could it be similar to a certain trial I experienced before?"

It's just that Lin Yu has experienced too many trials, and he couldn't recall which trial was similar to it for a while, so he simply didn't think about it.

"What do you think about those things, anyway, it's all over."

Then Lin Yu concentrated on sorting out all the information about this trial.

"The first priority at the moment is to join an organization that fights against the Houkai. After all, only they have the weapons to fight against the Houkai beast."

This is what Lin Yu has always done, first collect relevant information, and then find an organization to fight against Honkai to join.Who kept his Houkai resistance at a high level all the time!

"I don't know how my resistance to Houkai will be in this trial?"

Although Lin Yu's Honkai resistance is very high every time he joins the organization, there are also a few times it is average.But fortunately, he can quickly improve his position with his fighting skills, and thus be active on the front line against Honkai.

Soon, Lin Yu knew that his resistance to Houkai this time was very high, but there were still people with higher resistance than him.This also allowed Lin Yu to smoothly join this organization fighting against Honkai.

"Next, I should use the facilities here to improve my combat effectiveness as soon as possible!"

Lin Yu does not lack any combat experience now, because he has deeply engraved those in his mind.So he only needs to constantly improve his physical fitness to reach a level where he can display all his skills.

"I don't know if I need to fight the Herrscher myself this time?"

Among the 95 second collapses he has experienced, Lin Yu has only actually participated in about [-] battles facing the Herrscher directly.In the rest of the battles, Lin Yu was in the assisting team, and he had never seen Herrscher at all.

"I don't know if I can pass the trial after the number of trials reaches one hundred?"

Lin Yu guessed.

In Lin Yu's view, generally speaking, after going through a hundred trials, it is almost time to pass the trial, right?

In the next four months, Lin Yu continued to follow his team out to clean up the Houkai beasts in various areas.Because of Lin Yu's excellent performance, his status in the organization rose very quickly.

Seven months after joining the organization, Lin Yu formed his own team as before, but it usually took ten months to achieve this level before.

"Phew~ This time, it feels like the time has come a lot earlier!"

After Lin Yu finished training, he put the big sword weapon in his hand aside and sighed.

This time Lin Yu has been using the big sword weapon to fight, which will be very helpful for him to use the new form of Star Language "Heavenly Tribulation" in the future.

A month later, the accident happened.

The second Honkai came earlier than Lin Yu expected!

"Damn it! Why did it collapse after only eight months this time?"

As soon as the Honkai broke out, Lin Yu received an order from above to go to the place where the Honkai broke out for investigation.

What Lin Yu didn't expect was that he thought it was just a simple investigation mission, but he didn't expect to accidentally win the jackpot on the way back.

His team encountered the Second Herrscher!
It's just that when Lin Yu saw the Second Herrscher born in this trial space, he suddenly froze in place, looking motionless at the Second Herrscher in the distance.

"I just said that what I saw in the organization this time is so familiar with the various systems of Bengkai? So that's what happened! No wonder!"

Lin Yu seemed to understand in an instant why he was so familiar with the information collected and the system in the organization during this trial.

Why are Honkai Beasts divided into nine levels?Why are Guardians divided into four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Obsidian?

At first he thought it was similar to a trial he had experienced before!It wasn't until Lin Yu saw the appearance of the Second Herrscher at this time that he realized that he was wrong, and he was completely wrong.

"Why? Why is it you who met the Second Herrscher this time?"

Lin Yu looked at the familiar figure in the distance, kept repeating "Why", and then suddenly shouted at the Second Herrscher not far away:
"Why is it you!"


 By now, everyone should be able to guess what the protagonist's trial is, right?Please let your mind free to guess! PS: You can also join the group, where you can discuss with each other! ! (ˊvˋ*)
(End of this chapter)

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