The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 212 Simple Requirements

Chapter 212 Simple Requirements
In the battlefield between Lin Yu and the Second Herrscher.

" is it possible? do you have the means to break through the space?"

The Second Herrscher was lying on the ground seriously injured, looking weakly at Lin Yu, who was extremely weak not far away.

"Second Herrscher, I still won this time."

Lin Yu approached the Second Herrscher step by step with his weak body.

Lin Yu has fought against different second herrschers dozens of times, but this time the second herrscher is stronger than any previous second herrscher.But even so, the final winner is still Lin Yu.

The Second Herrscher was frightened by Lin Yu who was slowly walking over, thinking that he was coming to get rid of him.As a result, what Lin Yu said when he walked to her side shocked the Second Herrscher.

"Novalu, it's time!"

Lin Yu tried every means to weaken the power of the second herrsrscher, his purpose was only to give Novalu's consciousness suppressed by the second herrscher a chance to fight back, not to get rid of the second herrsrscher.

"What... what?"

Just as Lin Yu's voice fell, a very strong Honkai energy fluctuation suddenly appeared on the Second Herrscher.Under the impact of this Houkai energy, Lin Yu struggled to maintain his figure with the spear in his hand, so as not to be thrown away by the terrifying impact.

Obviously this has nothing to do with the Second Herrscher, otherwise she wouldn't be so panicked.


The Second Herrscher suddenly yelled in pain, and his expression kept changing. It seemed that Novalu's consciousness was resisting the consciousness of the Second Herrscher.

As time went by, the fluctuation of the Houkai energy gradually weakened, and the appearance of the Second Herrscher also quietly changed.

The original silver-white hair gradually turned back to black, and the wings of light behind him were slowly dissipating. Even the red pupils turned back to the black pupils Lin Yu was most familiar with.At the same time, her strong Houkai energy fluctuations also disappeared without a trace.

"Lulu, you finally changed back!"

Seeing that the consciousness of the Second Herrscher had been suppressed by Nuova Lu, Lin Yu's body was close to the limit, and his body still couldn't support it after all.While Nuovalu recovered, Lin Yu's eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

"This person...why does he know that my consciousness has not been completely suppressed by the Herrscher's consciousness?"

Novalu walked to Lin Yu's side, and looked at the stranger in front of him very curiously.


Just when Nuovalu was about to help the unconscious Lin Yu up, she suddenly frowned, as if she had noticed something.

Afterwards, I saw Nuovalu spread her palm, and a silver-white diamond-shaped gemstone appeared in her hand.

This gem is the core of the second herrscher, but at this time most of its power has been used by Novalu to suppress the consciousness of the herrscher.The surface of the gem shone with light, which was the appearance of the Herrscher's consciousness trapped in the core, which was constantly struggling.

"Second Herrscher, you have done so many bad things with my body, you should spend the rest of the day in the seal!"

Novalu saw that the Herrscher's consciousness was still struggling in the core, and then used the power of the Herrscher already mastered to set up layers of extremely strong space barriers on the core to seal the Herrscher's consciousness.

The remaining time is to gradually wear down the strength of the Herrscher's consciousness and slowly deprive all the power of the Herrscher from the Herrscher's consciousness.

Novalu knows how powerful the Second Herrscher is, so naturally she will not leave any resistance to the second Herrscher, so she must take all the power of the Herrscher from her.

After confirming that the seal on the consciousness of the Second Herrscher was strong enough, Novalu continued to observe the unconscious stranger in front of him.

"You, who exactly are you?"

It's a pity that Lin Yu, who was already in a coma, could not answer Novalu's question.

After the Second Herrscher was eliminated, the Houkai energy in the entire area weakened rapidly, and the surrounding Houkai beasts were successfully wiped out by other guardians.

In the rescue team that arrived later, they took Lin Yu back for treatment, while Novalu was taken away by other guardians alone and kept under supervision.Nuovalu didn't make any resistance to this, but just followed them silently.

After all, these people all knew the true identity of the Second Herrscher, so they couldn't let Novalu walk around at will.

About a week later, Lin Yu woke up, showing how much the battle with the Second Herrscher consumed him.

It's just that when he woke up, he was greeted with another bad news—that is, in this battle with the Second Herrscher, he had already suffered irreversible damage to his body due to excessive overdrawing of his own strength.

To put it simply, it is almost impossible for Lin Yu to continue serving as a guardian.

"Cut! I thought it was some bad news! It turned out to be this!"

Lin Yu didn t care about this so-called "bad news" at all, after all, his trial task this time has been completed.It won't be long before a new trial will start again, so this "bad news" is nothing to him at all.

The day after Lin Yu woke up.

"Yu Team, the people above the organization are looking for you!"

A team member who was a member of his own team walked into his room to bring him organizational news.

"Understood, I'll go there right away!"

Lin Yu replied impatiently.

I am already like this, and those people in the organization are still looking for me?Could there be something else?

After arriving at the headquarters of the organization, Lin Yu entered a conference room full of leaders.

"Yu, you have made the greatest contribution to the crusade against the Second Herrscher this time, and the organization has decided to meet your request. As long as the organization can do it, the organization will try its best to agree to your request."

However, Lin Yu did not react after hearing these words from the leader.

In Lin Yu's view, the mission of Yu, the guardian of human beings, is over in this trial, and it doesn't matter whether he asks for it or not.

and many more!I seem to have forgotten something?

Lin Yu suddenly remembered a very important thing, that is, what happened to Novalu?

After defeating the Second Herrscher, he fell into a coma, and his team members told him about the rest.So he also knew that Novalu, who had turned back into a human, was imprisoned underground in the organization.

"This is not acceptable! Lulu will become the strongest guardian of this era in the future, how can she be imprisoned?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yu suddenly had a bold idea.

"I do have one request, and you can all make it, that you may not agree to."

Lin Yu looked at the leaders of the surrounding organizations.

"As long as we can do it, we will try our best to do it, and this can be regarded as compensation for the harm you have suffered."

In the eyes of the leaders, losing Yu, the strongest guardian of mankind, is a loss for all mankind, so they will try their best to meet Yu's last request before retiring from the ranks of guardians.

"My request is very simple, I need to find a successor to replace me and continue to fight against Honkai!"

Lin Yu stated his request very directly.

"Oh? Since you have made such a request, you must have found the right person!"

In the eyes of these leaders, Lin Yu will definitely find the most suitable person in his team to replace him, and then continue to fight against Honkai.

"That's right, I have found it! And she will definitely become stronger than me in the future!"

"Who is this guy?"

"Her name is..."

When Lin Yu said this person's name, all the leaders were stunned.For a while, they even began to wonder if there was something wrong with their ears.

"Yu, are you serious?"

A leader immediately asked Lin Yu very seriously after reacting.

"Of course I'm serious! Do you think I'm going to be joking with you here?"

Lin Yu looked at the leaders standing in a row speechlessly, and then shook his head helplessly.

"Yu, although we can easily satisfy your request, can you change someone? She really has too many uncontrollable factors!"

Leaders voiced their concerns.

"Since I can make such a request, I have absolute certainty."

Lin Yu completely ignored the shocked expressions of those leaders, and continued:

"As long as you do what I say, then I guarantee that she will become a guardian countless times stronger than me."

Lin Yu's tone seemed very confident, which also made all the leaders present fall into thinking.

Although there are many uncontrollable factors in her body, if she can be exchanged for a guardian who is stronger than the strongest guardian today, then in their opinion, it is worth taking this risk.

After a fierce ideological struggle, the leaders finally decided to agree to Lin Yu's request.

Walking out of the organization's headquarters, Lin Yu strolled on the path.

"These guys are really serious. If they know about Lulu's achievements in the future, they will probably feel very grateful for the decision they made today!"

That's right!Lin Yu's proposal to find a successor for himself was just an excuse for the imprisoned Novalu to regain his "new life".

Although Lin Yu didn't know how Novalu in the real world got rid of the oppression of the Second Herrscher and became a guardian, but let me do my best to help here.

Even if this is a world that exists in trials!

Then Lin Yu noticed that the surrounding space was suddenly full of cracks, and then began to shatter like a mirror.

"Is this trial finally over!"

After seeing this "horrible" scene, Lin Yu seemed very calm, as if he hadn't seen it.

This scene can be said to be common to Lin Yu. After all, he has experienced it more than 90 times, so it is strange if he is not used to it!

This is the end of a trial, but it also means the beginning of the next trial!
 The subsequent trials will not be described in such detail. I think many people are also looking forward to the arrival of the inheritance chapter! PS: There will not be many descriptions about the protagonist's trial space in the future, and the span is also very large!
(End of this chapter)

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