Chapter 228
"Master Ulandal!"

Rita panicked when she saw Ulandal disappearing into the beam of light, and shouted towards the purple beam of light not far away:

"Master Ulandal, where are you?"

It's just that no matter how Rita yelled, she couldn't get a response from Ulandal.

"My lord, a space fluctuation was detected around the Second God's Key just now. After the space fluctuation, we lost the location information of Lord Ulandal."

The technician in charge of the God's Key experiment immediately reported the situation to Otto.

"Damn it, it was placed together!"

Otto looked at the scene of the proving ground displayed on the light screen, and clenched his fists angrily.

He obviously had already made a perfect plan, but he didn't expect to be put on by someone in the end.

"Quick! Immediately transfer the energy from other floating islands! Prepare to restart the second God's Key!"



Some scenes that she had experienced kept appearing in the mind of Yolandelle, who didn't know where she was.

"This is……"

Youlandelle couldn't help being a little taken aback by the pictures that automatically appeared in her mind.

Why do these memories automatically appear in my mind?
"It's you, Miss Bianca. This is your life!"

A voice suddenly sounded in Youlandelle's mind.She was no stranger to this voice, because it was this voice that persuaded her to step into the beam of light of the Second God's Key just now.

"A wonderful and bright life, isn't it?"

Accompanied by this voice, Yolandelle slowly opened her eyes.As soon as she opened her eyes, she found that she was in an unknown place, and not far from her, a man was sitting with his back against a big tree.

"Here... Could it be the inside of the World Bubble?"

The next moment, Ulandal roughly guessed where she was now.

"I have observed worlds that cannot be described or turned around, and you...Miss Bianca, your existence impresses me deeply. Welcome to the world bubble I created, you can call it..."

The man sitting with his back against the big tree is none other than SU, the forerunner responsible for carrying out the mission of "Hengsha" in the last era.It was also he who led Ulandal to this world bubble he created.

"Sumi Mustard Seeds! 』

"Create a world bubble... who are you?"

Ulandal looked at the man in front of her very vigilantly, because her instinct told her that this man was very dangerous, an existence that even she could not defeat.

"My mission is to protect the humans of this era and help you defeat the threat called "Honkai"."

Another leaf fell, and SU stretched out his hand to catch the fallen leaf, and then continued to explain to Youlandelle:

"Don't worry, Miss Bianca, I mean no harm. I, in your terms, am the 'precursor'."

"As a proof, I will show you the ability of the Second God's Key."


As soon as SU's voice fell, the next moment, many light screens appeared around him, and the pictures displayed on these light screens all had one thing in common—the people on them were all Youlandal.

In those images, some of Ulandal is a winning race car driver, some is an agent infiltrating an enemy camp, and some is a student studying in a classroom.

"These... are all... me?"

After seeing the pictures on the light screen, Youlandelle couldn't help being taken aback.

"It's you, and it's not you!"

The answer given by SU is very mysterious.

"The second key of God sees three thousand worlds, which is only a small part of your infinite possibilities."

"Look! Unlike the "dream bubbles" in the Quantum Sea, these "worlds" are still running, and everything is like this..."

"With the help of the Second God's Key, observe the infinite "parallel worlds" in this "Sumi Mustard". This is my task."

After explaining his mission to Ulandal, SU also slowly stood up from the tree, then he looked at Ulandal and continued:

"One day, I will find the most perfect method to defeat Houkai. Now, that day has come. And you are a necessary part of this method.

Miss Bianca, in order to save the world, I need you to follow my instructions. "

"It's really confusing, Mr. Forerunner."

After listening to SU's explanation, Ulandal also breathed a sigh of relief, but she still did not relax her vigilance.Then she said to SU: "Before you win people over, at least please explain this method of defeating Honkai!"

"Sorry... It's not that I don't want to, it's really that I can't."

SU couldn't explain the way to defeat Honkai to Ulandal at all.Then he explained the reason to Ulandal:

"It takes as many as 32874 unique points to make this world converge into a 'defeat of the collapsed world'. Thousands of lines of cause and effect are tied here, and its subtlety and intricacies cannot even be expressed in words."

After explaining the reason to Ulandal, SU came to Ulandal and said:

"Trust me, Miss Bianca, this is my request. Complete the mission I entrusted to you and save the world from the collapse."


Ulandal was unmoved by SU's request, after all, she had only known SU for a few minutes, and there was no reason for her to trust such a stranger who didn't know his origin.

"After talking for a long time, I still have nothing to prove, and I can't produce any evidence. It's too difficult for me to trust you in this situation!"

Ulandal rejected SU's request without hesitation.

The next moment, countless light blue light spots gathered in her hand, forming a light blue spear.

"I'm leaving—unfortunately, your world bubble can't trap me. It's not the first time I've traveled in the world bubble."

With that said, Urandale prepared to use her own method to leave here.However, SU's figure suddenly appeared beside Youlandelle like a ghost.

"I know, Miss Bianca. I have 'foreseen' everything. Including your suspicion, it is also in my 'foresight'."

SU slowly opened his eyes, revealing his purple pupils.At the same time, his left hand tightly held Yolandal's newly formed light blue spear.


Urandale was startled.

She didn't see how SU approached her at all, as if he teleported directly from not far away.


With SU's left hand slightly exerting force, the spear in Yolandal's hand shattered instantly.

"Go, Miss Bianca!
Sacrifice for this world! "


In the void, in the courtyard of the Yae Shrine, Lin Yu was serving food to the table in the courtyard.

Generally speaking, it should be Yae Sakura, Yae Rin and others who are serving food now, but Yae Sakura was taken out by Karen to play, and she hasn't come back yet!So Lin Yu had to do the cooking himself.

"Phil, Xiao Fei! Let everyone come over for dinner after bringing the last few dishes!"

Lin Yu shouted towards the shrine.

"Okay, brother!"

Immediately afterwards, Phil and Hiyumaru came out of the shrine with the last few dishes.

Yae Rin had been practicing with Noelle before, and only went back to take a bath not long ago.So only Phil and Fei Yuwan were helping Lin Yu.

"Xiaofei, did you steal it again?"

As soon as Fei Yuwan put the dish in his hand on the table, Lin Yu saw the "criminal evidence" left after stealing from the corner of the mouth of this greedy little guy.

"I don't have it!"

Hiyumaru thought he was hiding well.

It's just that when she saw Phil pointing at the corner of her mouth to signal her, she touched the corner of her mouth gently with her hand, and found that her hand was actually stained with oil.

Obviously, this is the "criminal evidence" that she did not completely destroy after stealing the food just now.

"Ah! Brother, I was wrong. I'm going to ask Sister Lulu and the others to come over for dinner."

After discovering that his crime of stealing food was discovered by Lin Yu, Fei Yuwan admitted his mistake in a panic, and then fled the scene.

"Uh...what are you doing running so fast? I won't punish her."

Lin Yu looked at Fei Yuwan's back fleeing in a panic with a speechless face.

"Phil, sit down first! You can eat when everyone is here."

Speaking of which, Lin Yu was about to sit down.


The moment Lin Yu was about to sit down, a feeling came from his mind.

That was the induction that the space talisman was activated.

In Sumi Mustard Seeds, Youlandelle was quietly leaning against the edge of the big tree with her eyes tightly closed, seemingly in a coma.

Beside Ulandal, SU was standing there in doubt, and the source of the doubt was the crystal fragment in his hand.

"This thing has never appeared in all my "foresights"!"

"How is this going?"

 warn!warn!The main character is about to arrive on the battlefield, Mr. Pioneer, please "mouse tail juice"!
(End of this chapter)

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