Chapter 234 Why is he here?
"It was too late to study the case study last night, and I accidentally fell asleep."

Youlandelle rubbed her sleepy eyes, trying to wake herself up.Then she simply tidied up the research materials left on the table last night.

"It was a strange dream. I actually wore an exoskeleton to fight monsters."

After packing up the materials, Ulandal said to herself while preparing to wash up:
"I'm not a child anymore, why would I have such a strange dream?"

"Then, I'm off!"

After everything was ready, Urandale waved to the photo on the table and went out.

Five years ago, a disaster occurred in Changkong City, and the entire city disappeared in that disaster.At that time, Ulandal's friend, that is, the girl with short brown hair in the photo, Rita was attending high school in Changkong City.And after that disaster, Ulandal never saw her again.

So far, the government has not announced the cause of that disaster. Since then, a strange disease - "Honkai disease" has appeared all over the world.

After suffering from "Honkai disease", the patient will have purple streaks all over his body, and then his organs will gradually fail until he dies.

The cause of the infection is unknown, and the treatment is unknown.

The death rate is…

hundred percent!

After arriving at the hospital where she worked, Ulandal immediately went to her patient's room.

"Annie, how are you feeling today?"

As soon as she entered the door, Yolandelle saw a girl with short blond hair sitting on the hospital bed.She is one of the patients in charge of Ulandal - Anne.

"Doctor Bianca, here you come."

As soon as Anne saw Urandale come in, she became more energetic, and then she reported her situation to Urandale:

"The body temperature is normal, the blood pressure is normal, and the purple lines on the body have not changed."

After listening to Anne's report, Ulandal carefully recorded her situation.

"Doctor Bianca, I heard from other doctors that I have 'Honkai disease', and I heard that this disease cannot be cured..."

As soon as she said this, Annie's mood instantly became very depressed, and her eyes began to turn red.

"Am I dying?"

Ulandal was taken aback when she heard Annie's words, and then immediately reacted.She put the notebook in her hand aside, then gently wiped away the tears that Annie was about to shed, and comforted:
"Annie, don't worry, your condition has not deteriorated. I will definitely cure you."

Urandale comforted Annie a few words in the ward, and after confirming that her emotions had calmed down, Urandaier left the ward.

"Bianca, come here."

As soon as Urandale closed the door of Anne's ward, a doctor came from the corridor and stopped her.
"Bed No. [-]'s condition deteriorated, and he suffered from acute heart failure. The purple lines had entered the heart, requiring immediate surgery."

"Honkai disease" has no definite cure so far, the only way is to try to cut off the part where the purple lines invade.However, at the moment of excision, the invasion of the purple lines will suddenly intensify, and this situation has left countless doctors helpless.

in the operating room.

"It's too late, the whole heart has already been invaded."

The doctor who helped Urandale with the operation stopped after seeing the patient's entire heart covered with purple lines, and she also persuaded Urandale:

"Bianca, stop!  …Operation failed."

Not long after, outside the ward.


Youlandelle squatted in the corner alone, feeling guilty for not being able to save the patient just now.

"Doctor Bianca, long time no see."

Just when Youlandelle felt guilty, a figure stood in front of her.


Startled, Ulandal slowly raised her head to look at the person who appeared in front of her.

"I'm Bolong of the Flame Chasing Moth, and I'm here to recover the remains of the 'Honkai'."

The people who came here re-introduced themselves to Ulandal, after all, it has been a long time since he met Ulandelle last time.

"…I see."

After knowing the reason of Bolong, Youlandelle stood up slowly.Then she seemed to think of something, and asked Bolong:

"About my last submission..."

After a long time.

"Yo! Bianca, you're finally back. You've been chatting with the Flaming Moth for so long, what did you talk about?"

The person who said this was the person who reminded Ulandal to go for the operation, and it was her director—Ragnar.She threw a can of drink at Urandale after seeing her come back, and asked her what she and Bolong had just talked about.

"Director Ragnar..."

Ulandal caught the drink thrown by Ragnar, and told the content of the chat with Bolong just now.

Ulandal had already submitted an application to the Flame Chasing Moth a long time ago, but unfortunately they rejected it.

"Join that dubious organization? It's been five years and they still haven't released a treatment plan. Either they don't want to publish a treatment plan, or they don't have a treatment plan at all."

After listening to Ulandal's narration, Ragnar also expressed his personal views on the flame-chasing moth.

"No matter how slim the hope is, I want to give it a try."

Although there is no treatment plan for "Honkai Disease", there is a possibility that Moth Chasing Fire can treat "Honkai Energy", and Ulandal does not want to give up the hope of this possible existence.

"There are still many patients waiting for me!"

Although Urandale's application was rejected by Flame Chasing Moth, she was not discouraged by it, instead her eyes were filled with more determined gazes.

"I believe that as long as you work hard, there must be possibilities."

"Hahaha! This really sounds like something only you would say!"

Ragnar couldn't help smiling after hearing what Urandelle said, and then said to her:
"That is a disease with a [-]% mortality rate! If it was someone else, I would definitely persuade him to give up early. But if it is you, it may be possible to trigger a miracle.

After all, you are my favorite student! "

Ragnar was right. Among the many students she had taught, Ulandal was indeed the best, and no one could be better than her.

"But don't tire yourself out, you've been staying up late every day studying cases."

Ragnar gently rubbed Yolandelle's head before leaving, and told her not to be too busy.

"Thank you, Mr. Ragnar."

Ulandal thanked Ragnar, and at the same time said silently in her heart:
"And you, Rita..."

After Ragnar left, Urandale recalled something about Flamemoth.

It is said that five years ago, a group of survivors in Changkong City were taken in by the Flamemoth, so Ulandal boldly guessed whether Rita would also...

On the other side, Ragnar had just returned to his office and closed the door when he turned around and found a man standing behind him.

This man is none other than the "culprit" who controlled Ulandal and made her fall into this "trial" - SU.

"I found it, you are one of her "beacons". So please clear it first..."

SU just made a move, but found that the whole space seemed to have fallen into a stillness, and he was shocked.

"How is this going?"

Just when SU ​​was puzzled, a figure pushed the door and entered.

"Mr. Su, I don't care what kind of trial you arrange for Nana, you just need not to intervene and let the trial go on naturally."

The visitor was wearing a white coat, and he could tell at a glance that he was a doctor from this hospital.It's just that his appearance stunned SU.

Isn't this Lin Yu who punched him a few times?
How could he be here?

 Guess how the main character got in?How will the story develop with the protagonist who suddenly messed up in the comic plot? PS: I am very sorry, there was an accident, and the second is a little bit suspenseful.·`(>▂<)`·.If there is no update at eleven o'clock, it will be gone, and it can only be updated tomorrow. (If there are two changes today, one change will be made tomorrow)
(End of this chapter)

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