Chapter 236 Guess
In the evening, outside the hospital.

Ulandal stood there motionless and watched the transport vehicle of Chasing Fire Moth leave.

According to the regulations, the fire moths will recover the remains of all "Honkai disease" patients, so Anne's body was also taken away by them.

In the evening, Yolandelle went into the bathroom after returning home.


Yolandelle punched the mirror above the sink.With a "bang", the mirror was instantly shattered, and Youlandal's hand was also injured.

Although the wound was painful, it was nothing compared to the pain in her heart.

"Annie...she's only ten years old!"

In the past two years, Ulandal failed to save a single "Honkai Disease" patient, and could only watch them leave in pain.After so many breakups, she was in self-doubt.

What kind of doctor is she?Not even a patient can be saved!
After a long time, Ulandal finally calmed down.

"Well, the frustration is over!"

Ulandal patted her face vigorously, then encouraged herself:

"It's time to start working hard. Continue to study last night's case!"

bell bell -

It didn't take long for Ulandal to study, her cell phone rang.The screen displayed a call from Ragnar.

"Director Ragnar, what can I do for you?"

After stopping the ongoing research, Ulandal connected the phone.

"Bianca, it's so late, haven't you rested yet?"

At this time, Ragnar was leaning in the corridor of the hospital talking on the phone with Ulandal.

"I know you spend all night studying the 'Honkai disease'. Although you are still young and in good health, don't push yourself too hard.

After all, so many things happened today, you should rest early! "

Ragnar knows better than anyone how hard Ulandal is studying the "Honkai Disease".

"...Thank you for your concern, Director."

"Also, Bianca..."

Ragnar seemed to have something to say, but he hesitated to speak.


"Director, what's the matter with you?"

Urandale noticed that Ragnar seemed to have something to say, so she asked.

"Nothing. Come on, Bianca."

In the end, Ragnar gave up on the words that were already on his lips, and simply gave Yolandelle some encouragement, and then she hung up the phone.

"Huh? Didn't you want to call to tell your lovely junior to give up research on 'Honkai Disease'?"

A figure in a white coat appeared in the corridor of the hospital.This person knew what Ragnar originally wanted to say to Ulandal, but he didn't understand why Ragnar gave up in the end.So he asked Ragnar why:
"Why didn't you tell her?"

"...Bianca...if you've seen her eyes, you'll know. That kid won't give up easily."

Ragnar knew Yolandelle's character, once she decided to do something, she would stick to it, and no one could persuade her.Then Ragnar asked the person not far away:
"Doctor, how long can I live?"

"Six hours."

The man known as Ragnar the Doctor gives an exact time.

"Judging from your condition, the Honkai energy will erode your whole body within six hours.

Sorry, my old friend..."

"Ms. Ragnar..."

A figure in a white coat also appeared on the other side of the corridor. This person was Lin Yu who had agreed with Ragnar yesterday to stay with her all the time.

But when Lin Yu heard the doctor say that Ragnar's last time was only six hours away, there was a trace of sadness on his face.

Although this was just a dream, Lin Yu still couldn't bear it when facing Teacher Ragnar who was about to leave. After all, Teacher Ragnar was the most important person in his memory!
"Xiao Yu, it's okay. Ever since I got the "Honkai disease", I knew that this day would come sooner or later."

Ragnar seemed to have expected such a day for herself, so she didn t want Lin Yu to worry about her so much.

"Xiao Yu, you and Bianca are my most proud students. I hope you can realize your wish and find a cure for "Honkai disease" as soon as possible."

It doesn't take Lin Yu to say that Ragnar also knows that he has been researching the "Honkai Disease" secretly, and his efforts are not much less than Bi Anka.So she hoped that after she left, the two of them could realize their long-cherished wish.

"Teacher Ragnar, don't worry, I will definitely find a cure for the 'Honkai Disease'."

Lin Yu assured Ragnar.

"Well! I believe you can do it."

Ragnar looked at his palm, half of it was covered by purple lines.When the purple lines completely occupied her palm, it was when her condition worsened and when she left.

"Doctor, can you grant my last wish?"

Ragnar looked up at the doctor who was not far away.

"My friend, as long as I can do it, I will try my best."

The doctor also did not reject Ragnar's last request.

"My two students, they will entrust you in the future."

As if confessing his last wish, Ragnar uttered his last request.

"I certainly will."

The Doctor assured Ragnar.

As an old friend of Ragnar's, the doctor will definitely take good care of her two students.

"Then, I'll take my leave. Xiaoyu, you don't have to stay with me anymore."

Ragnar left after finishing speaking, and signaled Lin Yu not to follow her anymore.

"Doctor, this..."

Lin Yu didn't know whether he should agree to Ragnar, so he looked at the doctor on the side, wanting to ask his opinion.

"In this last time, let her be alone!"

The doctor naturally knew that Ragnar wanted to spend her last six hours alone, and couldn't bear to let others see her suffering when her condition worsened.

"I see."

Lin Yu also understood what the doctor meant.

"Although this is just a dream, why must Mr. Ragnar's friend be this person?"

Lin Yu, who didn't keep up with Ragnar, glanced at the doctor standing on one side again, complaining silently in his heart.

A friend of Teacher Ragnar, and a doctor who is in charge of researching "Honkai Disease" in "Flame Chasing Moth".His name was Otto Apocalypse.

Yes!The doctor's name is the same as that of the Catholic bishop.And not only the name, even the appearance is exactly the same!

"I'm really convinced!"

Lin Yu also knew that the people in this dream were basically people that Youlandal knew in reality, otherwise Ragnar and him would not have appeared here.But why is this guy who disgusted Lin Yu so much here?
"Since the people here are all people Nana is familiar with, does that mean that the maid Rita will appear soon?"

Lin Yu also made some guesses about this.

This dream was woven by Su, and Lin Yu didn't know what would happen afterwards.All he can do is to accompany Nana in the dream, and let SU not think badly about her.

But if things are really as Lin Yu imagined, then this matter will become interesting.

 The second one is delivered! PS: Do you think I will let Rita appear?乛乛

(End of this chapter)

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