The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 238 Leaving the Illusion

Chapter 238 Leaving the Illusion
After Lin Yu's explanation, Youlandal realized that if Ragnar hadn't relied on that kind of medicine, he wouldn't have survived this morning.

"So Xiaoyu, you have been researching "Honkai disease"?"

Due to work reasons, Youlandal and Lin Yu worked in the same hospital casually, but there were not many opportunities for the two to meet each other, so Youlandal did not know that Lin Yu was also studying "Honkai Disease", and Such outstanding results.

"You have been able to help Director Ragnar and I can't do anything now, it seems that my research is not enough!"

After comparing the research results of himself and Lin Yu, Youlandal suddenly felt that his research was nothing at all.However, this did not dampen her confidence, on the contrary, it strengthened her determination to continue her research.

Not long after, Ulandal bid farewell to Otto and Lin Yu, and went back alone.

"Lin Yu, go back to "Flame Chasing Moth" first. I'll deal with the matter here and go back."

"Understood, doctor."

Lin Yu also left without saying anything.

"Huh~ There should be nothing wrong here, right? It's time for me to leave this dream."

On the way back to "Moth Chasing Fire", Lin Yu planned to take back the consciousness that entered the dreamland of Youlandal.

He originally came in because Ragnar appeared in the dream, but now that Ragnar has left, he has no reason to stay here anymore.

"As long as that SU doesn't do anything that will hurt Nana, then let him go!"

Speaking of which, Lin Yu separated his consciousness attached to the "self" in the dream, and the rest was to let the self in the dream develop naturally.

On the other side, in the hospital corridor.

"Dr. Otto, Dr. Bianca has gone back. Dr. Lin Yu has also returned to the headquarters."

Bolong came to the corridor and Zhang Otto reported the movements of Lin Yu and Youlandal.

"By the way, doctor, why did you reject her? Her medical skills are the best in this hospital."

Bolong still couldn't understand why Otto refused such an excellent doctor as Ulandal to join "Flame Chasing Moth".

"Enough, Bolong, you talk too much."

Otto did not explain to Bolong, but took out the previous can of wine from his pocket again, took a few sips and said to himself:
"Ragnar, my old friend. From her point of view, she is indeed a person who will not give up easily!"

Even though Urandale had left the hospital, Otto still clearly remembered the extremely firm look in her eyes before she left.

That represented her will to never give up.

"Dr. Otto, haven't you quit drinking?"

Seeing that Otto, who hadn't had a drink for a long time, suddenly drank, Bolong couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Shut up, Boron."

Otto still didn't give him any explanation about why he drank today, but just reprimanded him to shut up.

In reality, "Sumi Mustard Seed".

"Otto Apocalypse, Bishop of Destiny."

SU looked at the picture about Otto displayed on the light screen, and couldn't help but fell into thinking, saying:
"So, for "her", you are such a role?"

"Don't think that Otto in the trial is easy to get along with, but the Otto in reality is very cunning."

Lin Yu leaned against the tree and ate snacks from the Xingyu space, while complaining about Otto's character in reality.

Not to mention that he secretly agreed with the "Sirin Project" carried out by Destiny and those harmful human body collapse experiments, just what Lin Yu saw with his own eyes in London before that he wanted to show his black hands to Nova was enough to reflect His character has no limits.

The dignified Catholic bishop not only doesn't count, but also engages in sneak attacks?


Hearing what Lin Yu said, Su turned around, but was speechless in an instant.

Where did you guys get the snacks? !
"Want some? I still have a lot here."

After seeing Su notice the snacks in his hand, Lin Yu thought he wanted it too, so several bags of snacks appeared out of thin air like a conjuring trick, which scared SU a lot.

In fact, the snacks in the Xingyu space are basically prepared for Cangxuan and Phil, after all, they are all snacks.If he doesn't bring something to eat in the star language space, what if he gets hungry when he goes out to do the mission?
However, after Lin Yu fully mastered the power of space, each of their weapons more or less incorporated some power of space, and they all had a little space.Since then, Lin Yu has not stuffed too many snacks into the Xingyu space, so most of them are still unfinished by them!
Before Su could answer, Lin Yu threw two bags of snacks over.


Facing the snacks being thrown over, SU could only catch them in a daze, not knowing what to say.But fortunately he recovered quickly, and asked Lin Yu:
"What did you mean just now?"

"It's literally! That Otto of Destiny is not a good person, he has done a lot of bad things!"

Lin Yu basically searched the database of Destiny, so as long as it is recorded, Lin Yu knows almost everything.

This naturally includes those cruel and inhumane human experiments secretly carried out by Destiny.

"I know all those."

SU has been paying attention to the situation of Urandale, so the people around Urandale are naturally his focus, so he basically knows what Otto did.Then he explained:

"Although the bishop of Destiny's method is a bit wrong, his determination to defeat the Houkai beast is unquestionable."

"You can do whatever you want, anyway, I don't like Otto. As long as you don't hurt Nana during the trial, you can do whatever you want, and I won't interfere anymore."

In the entire trial dream, there are only two people who are most important to Lin Yu, Youlandal and Ragnar.

Now that Ragnar has left, only Ulandal is left.And Youlandelle is the protagonist of this trial, so as long as SU does not move her, Lin Yu will not say anything at all.

"You don't meddle anymore?"

Su was startled when he heard this sentence. After all, if Lin Yu was testing the dream, he could not control the development of some things in it.

This troubled him a lot.

Now that Lin Yu himself said that he would no longer intervene, that was a great thing for him.

The next trial could finally develop as he thought.

"Let me tell you in advance, if there is something interesting, I will still go in and have a look."

Lin Yu finished the last snack in his hand as he spoke, and then said in complete disregard of Su's answer.


SU is completely speechless.

He didn't know what to say either.

Who made him unable to stop Lin Yu from entering the trial dream!

"Yi, that SU's mentality seems to have collapsed."

Xiaona, who was sitting on Lin Yu's shoulder and eating special snacks, told Lin Yu after seeing SU's reaction.

"Don't worry about him."

Lin Yu was eating snacks like a normal person, not paying attention to SU's situation at all.

Just after eating a few snacks, Lin Yu seemed to remember something, so he said to Xiaona:

"Xiaona, in order to prevent my identity from being revealed, you can just call me Lin Yu from now on!"

If Urandale wakes up later, it will be impossible for Xiaona to call him Wing in front of her.

This minute directly exposed his identity!

"Roger that!"

Xiaona will definitely obey Lin Yu's order.

"How did this guy get into the dream I designed?"

Su glanced at Lin Yu who was leaning against the tree and didn't care about anything, lost in thought.

The dream was specially designed for Youlandal by using the power of the Second God's Key, and it stands to reason that no one should be able to enter it.

"If HUA is there, she should be able to do it. After all, she has the key of the eighth god. Does this Lin Yu have similar power?"

Su has already made various guesses in his mind about how Lin Yu entered the dream.

 Guess whether the protagonist will participate in the future? PS: Tomorrow is the last continuous update, and the normal update speed will resume in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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