Chapter 24
In Novalu's view, it would not take tens of seconds for her to deal with this kind of Honkai beast.But it is different now, she is only conscious at present, and she is still in a possessed state, the key is that she only has 1 minute of activity time.

"It's a bit restricted! It looks like I'm going to show some real skills!" Nuo Valu held Sakura Fubuki tightly.

As the No.1 who fought against Houkai a few epochs ago, Novalu used several weapons, and the sword weapon was one of them.More importantly, Taidao is the second most powerful weapon among Novalu's weapons, and she also has her own sword moves.

"Please! Sakura Fuki!" Novalu pulled out Sakura Fuki, without any hesitation, and rushed directly towards Ganesha.

"Lulu! Don't mess around!" Although Lin Yu didn't control his body for the time being, he still knew what Nova Lu was doing.Seeing her rushing over directly, Lin Yu screamed immediately.

"Lin Yu, next I will use my old swordsmanship, watch carefully! I don't know how many moves I can use, it's up to you how much you can remember!" Nuova Lu was passing a message to Lin Yu.

Hearing this, Lin Yu understood that Novalu was not messing around, but was taking it very seriously.Since Nuovalu is so serious, I can't let her kindness down!So Lin Yu began to concentrate on feeling the sword move that Novalu was going to use next.

"Sky Feather Style—Flying Feather!"

Before Novalu came directly to Ganesha, before it could launch an attack with its fangs, it started an extremely fast combo.That is, in three or four seconds, Novalu made no less than ten slashes, and cut off one of Ganesha's fangs with the last blow.

"Good... so amazing!" Lin Yu, who was in the state of "watching the battle", could only sigh when he saw Novalu's super-speed combo.It is estimated that Novalu's swordsmanship is no worse than Yae Sakura, and even better than her.

"Roar—" Ganesha, who had broken a fang after being hit hard by Novalu, was furious.He huddled into a ball and started to roll and charge Novalu.

"It's a boring trick! The fourth form of Tianyu—Broken Feather!" Facing Ganesha's collision, Novalu stood there calmly without panicking.But the sword aura emanating from Sakura Fukixue was not calm at all, the overflowing sword aura cut the surrounding ground into cracks.The next moment, a silver-white sword qi hit Ganesha who was rolling over.

"Boom—" Although the size of the sword qi was out of proportion to the size of Ganesha, the sword qi forcefully repelled Ganesha's impact.

"Cut——if it's in full condition, this guy has already been turned into two halves!" Nova, who was subject to many restrictions, seemed a little unhappy when he saw that Ganesha couldn't be dealt with with one blow.

But she didn't think too much about it, after all, if she solved it all at once, she wouldn't be able to continue using other moves.

"I can't help it! It seems that I can't use all the moves! I can only teach Lin Yu four or five moves!" Although Novalu wanted to use all the sword moves once, Ganesha probably couldn't last that Time, and more importantly, more than 20 seconds have passed.

After Ganesha was blasted back by Novalu, her physical injuries became more serious.The shell of the head was mostly shattered, and the other tusk was gone.It can be said that Ganesha, as an emperor-level Honkai beast, has lost even half of its combat power.

"Let's solve it with two moves!" Novalu kept an eye on the time, there was almost half of it left, enough for her to finish Ganesha.

"Six Forms of Sky Feather—Thousand Feather Break!"

Novalu disappeared directly from the spot, and appeared next to Ganesha in the next second.Afterwards, the endless consecutive cuts completely covered Ganesha!
In about 20 seconds, hundreds of combos completely destroyed the hard shell on Ganesha's body.It can be said to be useless without the protection of the shell.

"Seven Feather Styles—Cangyu Duankong!"

Nuova Lu raised Sakura Fukixue high, and all the sword energy gathered together, turning into a sword light several meters long.Afterwards, Novalu beheaded Ganesha.

Sakura Fukixue's sword light was like cutting tofu, directly splitting Ganesha in two.

"Huh~ This kind of performance can only be considered average!" Nuova Lu retracted Ying Fuxue, looked at Ganesha who was gradually dissipating, and let out a deep breath.Then "she" wiped her sweat, and asked via voice transmission in her heart: "Lin Yu, my time is up! Get ready to regain control of your body!"

"Ah? Oh oh oh!" If it weren't for Novalu's voice, Lin Yu would still be in surprise.No way, Novalu's performance is amazing.

"Ouch! What's going on?" Lin Yu just regained control of his body, and suddenly felt weak, and fell directly to the ground.

Lulu, what's the situation Lin Yu lay powerlessly on the ground and asked Novalu about the situation.

"No way! Your physical fitness is too weak! You can't stand it after only four moves!" Novalu's voice was not as strong as before, full of weakness.

"I'm so sorry! I made you use such a weak body!" Lin Yu's tone was also very unhappy.He couldn't believe that Novalu didn't feel what his physical fitness was like when he was in control, so she was still acting like this.

"If you have time, improve your physical fitness quickly! Otherwise, even if I want to teach you swordsmanship, you won't be able to use it!" Nuovalu was also dissatisfied with her performance. If Lin Yu's physical fitness was higher, she might have two The trick solved Ganesha.

"I won't say anything now! I have to take a good rest! This possession is very exhausting!" After speaking, Nuovalu broke off the communication with Lin Yu.Only Lin Yu was left lying alone on the test site.

It seems that we can only talk about Lulu's swordsmanship after she recovers Lin Yu lay on the ground, looking at the high alloy wall and talking to himself.

"Boom" Just a few seconds after Lin Yu lay down, the wall at the exit on one side was broken.Immediately afterwards, Teresa and Mei, who were holding Judas, appeared.

"Lin Yu, are you okay! We can't stop the test program, we can only break in!" As soon as Teresa broke through the barrier of the venue, she looked around and found that there were no Houkai beasts at all, only Lin Yu A person is lying on the ground.

Teresa, you finally came in Lin Yu said weakly to the few people who came in.

Seeing this, Mei immediately ran over, helped Lin Yu up, and asked with concern: "Lin Yu, are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Smelly Lin Yu, are you okay?" Although Qiyana's tone was not very good, it can be seen that she still cares about Lin Yu very much.

"According to Bronya's analysis, brother Lin Yu was not injured much, but just lost his strength!" Bronya quickly analyzed Lin Yu's current situation.

"Don't worry! I'm fine!" After being helped up by Mei and Qiyana, Lin Yu replied weakly: "It's just like Bronya said, it's just a minor injury, and the whole person has collapsed!"

Seeing that Lin Yu was fine, Mei and the others breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately nothing happened!

"Strange! Where's Ganesha?" Ji Zi came in and after confirming that Lin Yu was fine, he also looked around, but found nothing, so he couldn't help but wondered.

"It must have been solved by Lin Yu!" Teresa suddenly said something that Ji Zi couldn't believe.

"What? It was solved?" Ji Zi called out all of a sudden.

Ji Zi never thought that Lin Yu could deal with the emperor level Houkai beast, because it was a Houkai beast that could only be dealt with by at least the power of a top A-level Valkyrie.How many minutes did it take from the time Ganesha appeared to when they came in? Less than 2 minutes!Even if she wants to get rid of Ganesha in such a short time, it will be very difficult.

"Don't worry about that for now! Let's talk about it after taking people out first!" Teresa glanced at Jizi who was surprised, and didn't say much.

All right!Ji Zi still did not believe that Lin Yu solved the Ganesha matter.But the important thing now is to get Lin Yu out first.

outside the test site,
"Lin Yu, be careful! Sit down slowly!" Mei carefully helped Lin Yu sit on the chair.

"Thank you! Mei!" Lin Yu said weakly while sitting on a chair.

Before Lin Yu had a good rest, Qiyana couldn t wait to rush up to ask Lin Yu s situation at that time.

"Lin Yu! Lin Yu! Tell me quickly! Did you kill that Honkai Beast!"

"Qiana, stop making trouble! Lin Yu is exhausted now! How can I have the strength to speak!" Seeing that Qiyana didn't let Lin Yu rest, Mei asked, and stopped her from disturbing Lin Yu.

"It's okay! I'm just exhausted! Just take a rest!" Lin Yu was not exaggerating to the point where he couldn't speak.

"Lin Yu, did you really solve Ganesha?" Ji Zi still couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, and ran over to ask Lin Yu.

"Sister Ji Zi, unless you turned off the system before you came in, is there anyone else in the venue?" Lin Yu also told the truth.He didn't lie, although the body was controlled by Novalu, Ganesha was indeed solved by him "by himself".

"Do you understand why I didn't ask you to give the report?" Teresa said quietly standing beside Jizi.

"No, your mission in Changkong City is also..." Jizi seemed to have thought of something, but he was not sure, so he looked at Teresa to get an answer.

It was Teresa's nod that responded to Ji Zi, and then Teresa whispered: "Although it is embarrassing to say it, but without Lin Yu's help at that time, I might not be able to come back!"

Ji Zi was completely stunned. She thought it was Teresa who saved Lin Yu, but she didn't expect it to be the other way around.And Teresa is an S-rank Valkyrie, Lin Yu has solved all the dangers that could threaten Teresa, how strong is Lin Yu!
But Jizi thought about it the other way, something was wrong!Even the emperor-level Honkai beast can't threaten Teresa, and Lin Yu has worked so hard to deal with Ganesha, can he solve the danger that threatens Teresa?
"I don't want to! Find Theresa to find out the situation when I go back!" After thinking for a long time, Ji Zi's doubts still persisted, and finally she decided to find Theresa for answers!
And Lin Yu!Resting well on the chair!Although it was a rest, he recalled in his mind the moves Novalu used to kill Ganesha.

"Lulu only used four moves to solve Ganesha! I guess it's still useless!" Lin Yu recalled the scene of the battle between Novalu and Ganesha, and felt that Novalu's moves were no better than "Luo Lu" "Sakura Zhan" is much worse, even better than it.But this is just speculation, after all, there is no way to compare.

"Nine styles of Tianyu?" Lin Yu remembered the name of the sword technique that Nuovalu told him, needless to say, he knew that there were still five styles that Nuovalu hadn't used.Thinking of this, Lin Yu became a little excited.The fourth form is so powerful, isn't the ninth form even more powerful?

 I only wrote four of Novalu's Tianyu Nine Styles, and the names of the other five styles have not yet been decided. Interested readers can choose for the remaining five styles (the name must have the word "feather") after reading it. Oh name! PS: Add more updates tonight, don't forget there is another chapter!It may be late, but there will be more!

(End of this chapter)

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