Chapter 251 The Forgotten SU
"Yo! Nana, long time no see!"

Lin Yu leaned against the tree and waved at Youlandelle who turned around.

It is true that Youlandelle hasn't seen Lin Yu for a long time, but Lin Yu is different.After all, he had already met Youlandelle during the mission in London, and later communicated with her "personally" with the red kite avatar in St. Freya Academy.

"Xiaoyu, is that really you?"

Youlandelle walked over in disbelief, then stood in front of Lin Yu blankly and looked at him.

You know, Ulandal had been looking for Lin Yu when she picked up the pendant with the photo in Singapore.Later, I finally got news about Lin Yu from Teresa, but what greeted her the next moment was the "death news" that Lin Yu might have been killed by the judgment-level Honkai Beast.

Fortunately, she got some hints from the little doll during the mission in London, which also led her to St. Freya Academy.In the academy, she, Teresa and the others met Chi Yuan, and learned that Lin Yu was "saved" by Yu Ren.

This sudden great news also made Youlandal's depressed mood disappear instantly.

Although she learned at that time that Lin Yu could not leave Yuren casually, that was enough.

It's just that no matter how she thought about it, she never thought that she would see Lin Yu in this "Sumi Mustard Seed"!
You know, "Sumi mustard seed" is a world bubble located in the sea of ​​quantum!

How could Youlandelle not be surprised to see Lin Yu here!
"What do you say, Nana!"

Lin Yu didn t say much to Youlandal, but just smiled lightly at her standing in front of her.

Needless to say, for Ulandal, just a smile is enough, after all, this smile is exactly the same as the one in her memory.

"Great, Xiaoyu, I finally found you!"

After confirming Lin Yu's identity, Youlandal immediately flew towards Lin Yu happily.


Lin Yu was also taken aback by Youlandelle's sudden swoop.Before he could react, Ulandelle hugged him directly.


Just as Youlandal hugged Lin Yu all of a sudden, a small figure suddenly fell from Lin Yu s shoulder.

It was Xiaona who had been sitting on Lin Yu's shoulders.

"Uh...well, Nana, can you calm down first?"

Facing the excited Youlandelle, Lin Yu didn t know what to do next.

"Miss Valkyrie, are you a little too excited?"

Xiaona, who quickly turned on the propeller during the fall, flew above Lin Yu's head, and then said to Youlandelle with an unhappy face.

Xiaona stayed on Lin Yu's shoulders all the time, but Youlandal ignored her and hugged Lin Yu, and let her fall down.

No wonder she was unhappy.


After seeing Lin Yu, Youlandelle didn't notice Xiaona's existence at all, but now a voice suddenly appeared, which inevitably surprised Youlandelle, so she immediately let go of her hands holding Lin Yu .

"You are……"

But when Youlandal saw Xiaona standing on top of Lin Yu's head with an unhappy face, she was stunned again.

Isn't this what she looks like in that photo!

"Okay, Cortana! Get off my head now."

Although Xiaona is not too heavy, she is standing on top of her head, which makes Lin Yu unavoidably uncomfortable.

"Roger that!"

Speaking of which, Xiaona jumped off Lin Yu s head, landed firmly on his shoulder, and then sat down again.

"Nana, let me introduce you, this is Xiaona, an armed doll I made based on your appearance."

Looking at Youlandelle who was stunned in front of him, Lin Yu didn t know what to say, so he had to introduce Xiaona to her first.

"I see. No wonder she looks exactly like me when I was a child."

After listening to Lin Yu's introduction, Youlandal, who came back to his senses, also understood why Xiaona looked the same as she did when she was a child.But the next moment, after observing Xiaona carefully for a while, she found something was wrong, so she asked Xiaona:

"Xiaona, have we met before? I feel like this is not the first time we have met?"


Lin Yu and Xiaona were speechless immediately.

It is indeed not the first time that Youlandelle and Xiaona have met, after all, they had a big battle in London before.It's just that Xiaona was wearing a small mask at that time, and she was still fully armed, which was very different from her current appearance.

"Nana, that... In fact, Xiaona participated in the mission in London before."

It's not easy for Lin Yu to hide anything from Youlandelle, after all, Novalu called Xiaona's name in front of Tianming.

"You're the little guy who fought me, then gave me the pendant and sent me to Santa Freya?"

Looking at Xiaona sitting on Lin Yu s shoulders, Youlandelle finally recalled the experience in London.

After all, Xiaona fought back and forth with her at that time, and neither side could gain the upper hand.

"Hmph! That's right, it's me!"

Xiaona looked very proud.

You know, Ulandal is known as the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, and it is an incomparable honor to be able to fight her evenly.

"Sorry, Nana! At that time, Xiaona didn't know your identity. If I hadn't seen that photo, I probably wouldn't have found you."

What Lin Yu said was the truth.

If it wasn't for Xiaona who accidentally got that photo, who knows how long they will fight with Tianming.

"Anyway, it's good to know you're fine."

After looking for Lin Yu for so long, Youlandal only saw Lin Yu now.The joy of this reunion has long since erased all the previous disappointments and sorrows.

"By the way, Xiaoyu. Come back to Tianming with me in a while. I'll explain the situation to the Bishop and Rita, and they won't make things difficult for you."


Lin Yu was shocked by Youlandelle's words for an instant, but fortunately he came back to his senses immediately, and said to Youlandelle:

"Sorry, Nana, I can't go to Tianming with you, I have to return to Featherblade!"

What are you kidding, let him go to fate?Isn't this the same as sending yourself to the wolf's den?
Who doesn't know that Mandate of Heaven is the strongest organization against Houkai?If his identity as a Herrscher is exposed, Lin Yu may not be pulled to do slice research every minute.

"Back to Feather Blade? That's right, Chi Yuan said in St. Freya that you are now a member of Feather Blade, and you are controlled by others just like me."

Recalling what Chi Yuan said before, Youlandal also understood the reason why Lin Yu did this, after all, she is the same.


Lin Yu didn t know how to proceed.

You know, Yu Ren's leader is himself, who can control him?
Then Lin Yu and You Landal briefly explained a few words, and then the two sat under the big tree and chatted. After all, they haven't seen each other for ten years, and they must have a lot to say.

"That...Miss Bianca, Mr. Lin Yu, although it is a good thing for you to reunite after a long absence, can you pay attention to whether there are still people here?"

After a long time, SU, who had been left alone for a long time, finally couldn't bear to speak.

He felt that if he didn't say a few more words, Lin Yu and You Landal would probably forget that he, the third person, existed in "Sumi Mustard Seed".

 The inheritance chapter is coming to an end, and the timeline is only about half a year away from the game plot.During this period, a chapter can be interspersed. As for the content, please look forward to it! PS: The recent votes are in single digits, which is really horrible, but I also know the reason... (ー_ー)!!
(End of this chapter)

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