Chapter 253

Destiny Headquarters, the Second God's Key Proving Ground.

Many Valkyries stood by the testing ground and watched the situation of the Second God's Key, including Rita.


The second God's Key was suddenly activated for some reason, and then a huge purple beam of light that was exactly the same as before appeared in the test field again.

"Everyone on alert—"

After the second god key was activated, Rita immediately shouted to all the Valkyries present.

After all, she didn't know why the Second God's Key was activated suddenly, so it was necessary to be more careful.

However, at this moment, a figure very familiar to Rita appeared in the purple beam of light.


After seeing that extremely familiar figure, Rita immediately ran towards that figure.


Before Urandale recovered from the teleportation, Rita pounced on her and hugged her tightly.

"Master Ulandal!"

From this slightly trembling voice, Ulandelle could hear how much Rita was worried about her during her trial.

"I'm fine, Rita."

Ulandal also hugged Rita gently, telling her not to worry anymore.

"Yourandelle, you have been in that world bubble for two hours. During this time, I have been analyzing its structure. If you give me a few more minutes, I should be able to find a way to rescue you. gone."

At this time, Otto also came out of the control room, telling Yolandelle what he did during the time she disappeared.

"Thank you for your concern, Bishop."

Ulandal also walked over at this time.

"Well, you're better than nothing. You've got Rita worried enough this time."

Otto also told Ulandal about Rita's extremely anxious appearance during this time.

"By the way, I've never seen this suit of armor on you before."

It was only at this time that Otto noticed that Ulandal's armor was completely different from when he entered the world bubble.This can't help but make him interested in the origin of this suit of armor.

"...Tell me about what you encountered there."

And Ulandal also told Otto truthfully everything she experienced in "Sumi Mustard", but she didn't mention a word about Lin Yu, after all, this was when she left "Sumi Mustard" The agreement made with Lin Yu.

"This is the leaf that the forerunner said."

Ulandal gave Otto the strange gold leaf she got from SU.


Otto took the golden leaf with a puzzled expression.The next moment, countless information poured into his mind from the leaves.

"This is……"

Otto looked at the leaf in his hand in disbelief.

"My lord Youlandelle, my lord bishop! Look, those stars!"

Just when Otto was shocked, Rita seemed to have seen something, and immediately yelled loudly.

It turned out that in the starry sky opened by the second key of God, the original star had disappeared.Then, hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of stars appeared in that starry sky.

In this starry sky composed of parallel worlds, there are countless possibilities.

The Sea of ​​Quantum, in "Sumi Mustard Seed".

At this time, the entire space of "Sumi Mustard Seed" has become dark, as if it is late at night.Under the big tree, SU leaned against the tree, and there was no leaf left on the tree.

"It seems that Miss Bianca has sent my message. Mr. Otto has already guessed the answer. All I need to do is point out a shortcut for him. Although everyone regards Mr. Otto as an insidious person , but in Miss Bianca's heart, he still has a bright side. In the illusion of trials, I also saw the deep bond between them."

Su sat under the big tree, looked at the starlight in the sky and started talking to himself.

"As for Mr. Lin Yu, although he has some prejudice against Mr. Otto, in Miss Bianca's heart, this person's status is even higher than that of Mr. Otto, and there is nothing that can shake their bond. What's more, Cangxuan and Danzhu's two children chose to believe him, so I naturally believed in their judgment."

Yes, after Youlandelle left, Lin Yu also left immediately.It's just that Lin Yu told SU about Cangxuan and Danzhu before leaving "Sumi Mustard", and even suggested that he could heal his body that was close to its limit.

It's just that Su seems to have something more important to do, so he didn t ask Lin Yu to treat him.

Afterwards, SU tried his best to get up slowly, came to the small lake, and glanced at the figure of Kevin in the lake.

"My dear friend, this is the last time I will see you. Let the people of this era work hard. Whether it's us or people like Otto, in the end, it's just a game of chess. It’s just a ‘robbing material’.”

At this time, a leaf that was about to wither fell into SU's hands, which represented the bubble of the world of "Sumi Mustard Seed".

"This world bubble is about to disappear, but I hope to keep this leaf until the end."

While talking to himself, SU retreated under the tree, and sat down extremely weakly.

However, at this moment, the leaf in SU's hand suddenly floated aside and landed in one hand.

"Mr. Su, if your last wish is to keep this leaf until the end, I think I can fulfill this wish for you."

The person who said this was none other than Lin Yu who had just left.

"You're back!?"

Su was shocked when he saw Lin Yu reappeared in this "Sumi Mustard Seed" that was about to disappear.

"Don't be so surprised, Mr. Su."

Lin Yu shook the leaf in his hand gently, and signaled Su not to be surprised.

As for why Lin Yu came back now, it was entirely because he was escorting Youlandal back just now.

After confirming that Urandale had returned to the Destiny, he naturally came back here to see SU off for the last time.

After all, SU has made great contributions to mankind and is the greatest pioneer among mankind.It would be a bit too pitiful for such a person if no one gave him a ride when he left.

"Mr. Lin Yu, thank you for your kindness, but I have cut off the connection between this World Bubble and the Second God's Key. Without energy support, it will disappear in the sea of ​​quantum in a short time."

"If it's just a lack of energy, it's really a small thing for me."

With that said, Lin Yu began to inject a large amount of Honkai energy into the leaf in his hand, abruptly turning the leaf that was about to wither and yellow into emerald green again.

And the entire "Sumi Mustard Seed" also began to recover its vitality at a slow speed.

"This is……"

SU couldn't believe what he saw.

"Mr. Su, I forgot to tell you that I am actually a Herrscher, and I am a Herrscher with multiple cores."

Looking at SU who was powerlessly leaning against the tree, Lin Yu also showed him his identity as a Herrscher at this last moment.

"I see…"

At this time, SU also completely understood why Lin Yu was able to defeat him in "Sumi Mustard" before.

It turned out that what I was facing was a lawyer!

"Then I will entrust this World Bubble to you, and I believe you will treat it well."

Exhausting his last strength, SU entrusted "Sumi Mustard Seed" to Lin Yu, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

"As for the last question that bothers me, I think the answer can only be found in the afterlife."

The next moment, SU's hand hangs down feebly, and the breath on his body completely disappears.Immediately afterwards, his body gradually turned into light spots, then drifted out of the world bubble, and finally completely dissipated in the sea of ​​quantum.

Watching the light spots turned into by SU drift away from this space, Lin Yu also admired this pioneer from the bottom of his heart who guided mankind to fight against Honkai.

"Mr. Forerunner, go all the way!"

 The fate of SU has been decided long ago, those who said that SU will join the protagonist group, hurry up and change their guesses!You must know that there are fourteen members of the protagonist group, and there are still two short! PS: The ending in the comic is a mystery. After all, MHY has no official explanation, so I have to consider whether to include it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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