The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 27 The Eve of the Exam

Chapter 27 The Eve of the Exam
I have to say that Mei's cooking skills are very good.Seeing the people at the table eating so deliciously, Lin Yu sighed to himself.However, this is only limited to curry rice.

"I didn't expect the food you cooked, Mei, to be so delicious!" Everyone else had finished eating, only Teresa and Kiyana were still eating.

"Could it be that the white hair dumplings are all big eaters?" Lin Yu couldn't help guessing in his heart when he saw the two white hairs eating.

After eating, it is estimated that it is the impact of testing the fault in the afternoon.Everyone is a little tired, not only physically, but also mentally.

After that, everyone else went to rest!Only Lin Yu stayed and packed up with Mei.

I'm really sorry for your inconvenience, Lin Yu Yai said to Lin Yu who was cleaning up the kitchen utensils while cleaning up the dining table.

"No trouble! After all, they eat very cleanly!" Lin Yu said, looking at the pot in front of him.This pot is not too small, but now?It's empty inside, it's all thanks to Kiana and Teresa!

"Mei, why do I feel that we need to consider everyone's appetite more when cooking in the future?"

" really need to think about it!" Mei also looked a little embarrassed at this time.She considered Qiyana when she was cooking, but she didn't expect Teresa's fighting power to be as good as Qiyana's!

Lin Yu was packing his things while chatting with Mei Yi, and it didn't take long for him to finish packing.After the end, the two of them went to rest just like everyone else.


In the next month, Lin Yu's life seemed very ordinary and regular.

I get up early in the morning and go out to exercise, and I still often go out with Fu Hua.To Lin Yu's surprise, Fu Hua was not only very good at boxing, but also had deep insights into swordsmanship.So during this period of time, Lin Yu would ask Fu Hua about Cunxin Fist and some questions about swordsmanship every day, and Fu Hua also enthusiastically helped Lin Yu answer his questions.

After exercising with Fu Hua, Lin Yu would go back to have breakfast.Breakfast is prepared by Mei, and it is in line with everyone's appetite.

After breakfast, Lin Yu and the others will go to school obediently.And Ji Zi?If there is a class, I will go to class, if there is a task, I will do it, if not, I will continue to sleep at home.As for Teresa, she is the head of the academy, and no one cares about her whatever she wants to do.

Going to class is not a big problem for Lin Yu!But it's different after class, it's hard!As the only male student in the college, Lin Yu's story has long been spread in the college forum.As for the college's forum, as long as they are people in the college, they can use the terminal issued by the college to enter.But Lin Yu didn't dare to reveal his terminal account, otherwise he would be afraid of the consequences.So Mei and the others are the only ones in Lin Yu's contacts.

But what Lin Yu didn't expect was that he wasn't the only one in St. Freya College.When Lin Yu knew about this, it was a touch!He turned out to have "the same kind"!
Another man from St. Freya College is Walter Yang. Like Himeko, he is a teacher, mainly teaching history.If other teachers have something to do, he will sometimes help with other classes.

And since Lin Yu knew the "existence" of Mr. Walter, he often went to chat with Mr. Walter. The content of the chat was not only about learning, but also some small talk.After all, the two of them are the only two men in the academy.

And Walter was also very happy during this month. He had never imagined that a person of the same sex could talk together.Therefore, during this period of time, Lin Yu and Walter Yang had a teacher-student relationship in class, and a friend relationship after class.

Today, just after class,
"Goodbye Lin Yu!"

"See you tomorrow, Lin Yu!"

Several students next to them greeted Lin Yu and went back.

"Finally get out of class is over!" Lin Yu leaned his head back on the chair.

"The exam is going to be tomorrow, everyone has to work hard! Especially you, Kiyana, Mr. Jizi asked me to remind you!" Walter didn't leave immediately after class, and stayed here to remind all the students Exam tomorrow.

After a month, I have learned a lot of courses, and finally the first exam is about to be ushered in.However, some people are happy and some are sad!Don't worry if you learn well, but let fate be your thing if you learn poorly!

"What's the matter with Aunt Jizi? Why do you make every teacher pay special attention to me?" Qiyana limply lay on the desk.

No idea!Among the four people, the least worrying one is Qiyana!Otherwise, do you think Ji Zi is fine and every teacher will focus on Qiyana?

"If it weren't for you not to hand in your homework every time and go to bed in class, would Jizi care about you so much?" Lin Yu tapped Qiyana's head lightly a few times, and said helplessly.

"What's the matter? Isn't Mei still here? " Qiyana gave Lin Yu a sharp look, then hugged Mei from behind, and said with a feeling of being coquettish.

Without Lin Yu and Mei, Qiyana would have died several times.In class, they had to persuade Jizi who was angry; after returning, they had to stop Teresa who was furious and wanted to hit Kiyana with Judas.

"We really can't help you this time!" Lin Yu couldn't help a person who didn't study pass the exam.

"Okay! Go back and prepare for review!" Mei took a few books and prepared to leave.

Kiyana, who was empty-handed, did nothing, and prepared to leave with Mei.In her opinion, there is no need for her to take any books, just read Mei's.What's more, my own book is no different from the new one, and nothing is written on it.

"Bronya doesn't think it's necessary to focus on a person who will definitely fail!" Bronia said a fact that people can't deny!
"Are you a little kid trying to make trouble? I've been annoyed with you for a long time!" Kiyana raised her fist as she spoke.

"Bronya doesn't talk to brainless people!"

"..." Lin Yu was speechless for a while, thinking that Bronya didn't talk much at ordinary times, and when he spoke, he would start to hate Qiyana.

"Okay! Stop making trouble! Go back!" Mei finally couldn't help but speak again.

"Yes!" After hearing what Mei said, the three of Lin Yu immediately became very obedient.


After returning home, Lin Yu entered the room and prepared to review for tomorrow's exam.Now Lin Yu's room has changed a lot: a dark blue wardrobe, a black study table, a big brown bed, and so on.However, at this time there was still a person lying on the bed!
It was none other than Ji Zi.Now she is wearing a black dress at this time, her thighs and shoulders are exposed.Although she still wears long sleeves on her upper body and black stockings on her legs, the visual impact is still very strong.

Sister Jizi, why did you run into my room again Lin Yu yelled when he saw Jizi lying on his bed.

Yes!In the past month, Ji Zi has run to Lin Yu's room not once!

"Huh? It's Lin Yu?" Hearing Lin Yu's cry, Ji Zi got up slowly and said.But she herself didn't seem to realize that there was anything wrong with her current appearance.Then Ji Zi rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "My room was messed up by me again, so I can only run to your place!"

Lin Yu and Mei are the most familiar with Jizi's room.No matter how clean it is, Ji Zi can make it messy in one day.So Lin Yu and Mei basically clean up her room.But what Lin Yu couldn't figure out was why he had to run to his room every time Jizi's room was messed up!
"Okay! Sister Ji Zi, we have an exam tomorrow! I'll clean up the room for you tomorrow!"

The most important thing right now is to prepare for the exam. As for Jizi's room, let's take it easy for now.

"Oh? Exam tomorrow? Do you want my sister to help you review?" Ji Zi regained his energy all of a sudden, sat up from the bed, lifted Lin Yu's chin with his fingers, and said with a charming expression.Facing Ji Zi's teasing, Lin Yu's face turned red instantly.

No way, Ji Zi didn't notice that she was giving benefits at all.But Lin Yu was different. Facing Ji Zi who was giving benefits, the impact was too strong.

"No need!" Lin Yu quickly pushed Ji Zi away, slowed his beating heart, and said, "I'll do the review myself! You should go back quickly!"

"It's so boring!" Seeing that his teasing didn't have much effect on Lin Yu, Ji Zi seemed a little disappointed!

It's just that these few seconds are of little use to Lin Yu. If it takes longer, Lin Yu may not be able to withstand it.

"Really! You have to tease me every time you come here!" After muttering a few times, Lin Yu sorted out the books on the table and got ready for review at night.

As for why he was just preparing, it was because he was going to make dinner!The current situation is that breakfast is wrapped by Mei, lunch is made by the two of them together, and dinner is basically cooked by Lin Yu, but Mei will sometimes come to help.

Walking out of the room, Lin Yu opened the refrigerator, looked at the ingredients in it, and thought about what to make for dinner.

Ham, shallots, shiitake mushrooms, and some meat, after Lin Yu chose these things, he decided to make flavored fried rice and fresh soup.

"Everyone, dinner is ready! Come out quickly!" After preparing everything, Lin Yu shouted inside.

"It's coming! It's coming!" The voices of everyone answered from inside.

"It smells so good!" Needless to say, the first one to rush out must be Qiyana.This guy can be No.1 for eating, and the others are estimated to be at the bottom.

"Thank you! Lin Yu!" Just after Mei finished her first review, she heard Lin Yu's voice.

Afterwards, everyone sat at the dining table and began to eat dinner.

"Let me tell you, tomorrow is your first exam, give me a good exam! Do you know?" Even if Teresa was eating, she didn't forget to remind Lin Yu and the others about the exam.

"Don't worry! There's nothing wrong with it!"

Of course, it is not difficult for Lin Yu and the others to pass the exam.It's just that it's not necessarily true for a certain person!

 In the past few days, I will try my best to stabilize the update time!Please forgive me for the unstable update a few days ago!
(End of this chapter)

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