Chapter 29 Two Taboo Words
Lin Yu, Mei Yi, and the others were talking and laughing as they prepared to go to lunch. Just as Lin Yu left the teaching building, he saw Teresa talking to a girl with short gray blond hair and wearing a black silk maid outfit.

"Who is that person? Why haven't you seen it in the academy?" Lin Yu was a little puzzled.The girl gave him a very strange feeling, and it didn't match her appearance in a maid outfit at all.

But since she is so familiar with Teresa, there must be nothing wrong.Just when Lin Yu was about to continue walking with Mei and the others, he noticed that Fu Hua was looking at the girl walking with Teresa, and there seemed to be something wrong in his eyes.And that girl also noticed Fu Hua's gaze, looked at her, and smiled slightly.

"Squad leader, do you know that person?" Lin Yu asked Fu Hua.

"Yeah!" Fu Hua nodded and continued, "Her name is Rita, and like Teresa, she is one of the three S-rank Valkyries of Destiny."

"Huh? You said that maid is an S-rank Valkyrie?" Who would have imagined that an S-rank Valkyrie with top destiny would wear a maid outfit.

"Don't underestimate that dress, it's her Valkyrie armor!" Fu Hua glanced at Lin Yu who was surprised.Indeed, no one would have thought that the Valkyrie armor would be a maid outfit!

"Okay! With the two examples of Teresa and Rita, I guess I can accept the last S-level Valkyrie no matter what it is!" Lin Yu is an S-level Valkyrie who has completely obeyed the destiny. All of them are so weird. .

Think about it too, these two S-rank Valkyries, one looks like a kid and the other looks like a maid, both of them have very personalities.

"I wouldn't be surprised even if the third S-rank Valkyrie grows thick and has explosive muscles!" Lin Yu has already begun to imagine in his mind what the last S-rank Valkyrie looks like.

At the same time, in a special training room of the Destiny Headquarters,
"Ah chirp!" The Valkyrie Youlandelle sneezed inexplicably just as she finished her workout and was about to eat.

"Strange! Could it be that Rita is talking about me?" Urandale picked up a glass of water and drank it, muttering incessantly.

In St. Freya College, Lin Yu and the others still ate when they should eat, and played when they should play.The practical exam in the afternoon didn't affect their mood at all.

As for how to test the actual combat test, it is the same as the previous test for Lin Yu and the others. The machine is used to simulate the Honkai Beast.It's just that students can choose the specific Honkai Beast, and the score has little to do with the Honkai Beast's level.The assessment is mainly based on the students' coping ability and combat skills.

Qiyana followed Lin Yu's suggestion this time and chose dozens of advanced Honkai beasts for the test.Under Qiyana's gun fighting skills, she passed the exam perfectly.Mei and Bronya chose the Knight-level Honkai Beast, and they also passed the exam very well.

As for Lin Yu and Fu Hua, both of them practiced with the temple-level Honkai beasts, and the chariot-level Honkai beasts were directly ignored by them.Under the power of Luoying Zhan and Cunxinquan, the temple-level Honkai Beast had to be finished.

On the way back,

"It's finally over! Miss Ben is going to eat a lot tonight!" Qiyana stretched her waist and moved her body.

"Stupid Qiyana, just know how to eat!" Bronya complained.

"Do you want to quarrel, you flat brat?" Kiyana immediately became angry after hearing Bronya's words.Really two endless guys.

"Student Qiyana, did you mention the word tablet just now?" Fu Hua suddenly spoke at this time, and his tone was very scary.Lin Yu took a closer look, and it wasn't the tone that was scary at all, okay?The whole person is blackened, okay?

"Could it be that these two words are the monitor's taboo?" Lin Yu seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at Fu Hua.I don’t need to elaborate on where to look!Moreover, Fu Hua seemed to have noticed Lin Yu's gaze, and gave him a hard look, which scared Lin Yu to quickly shift his gaze to other places.

"Qiana, ask yourself for blessings!" Lin Yu saw it just now, but Fu Hua was in a state of rage!In this case, Lin Yu could only pray for Qiyana silently in his heart.

"I said, what's the matter?" Kiyana didn't notice Fu Hua who was almost completely blackened at all, but just answered casually, and continued to argue with Bronya, "What? Did I say something wrong? You Isn't he a tablet kid?"

Kiyana!Kiyana!No one can save you this time!

I saw Fu Hua with a dark face, step by step towards Qiyana, the aura exuded was amazing!Lin Yu can feel it from a long distance!And Mei also silently stepped back a few steps.Bronya also felt Fu Hua's aura, and instead of arguing with Kiyana, she also moved aside.

"What? Miss Ben is right!" Kiyana saw Bronya move back, thinking that she had won.However, what greeted her was the blackened Fu Hua with eyes as if he wanted to kill her.

"Hey! Squad leader, what are you going to do?" Qiyana looked at Fu Hua who was walking towards her with a strong momentum, and suddenly panicked.

But now Fu Hua can't listen to anything, she just wants to give Qiyana a hard lesson for saying the word "flat".

"Mei, save me!" Seeing that Fu Hua had no intention of stopping, Qiyana immediately asked Mei for help.But Mei had already stepped aside.Qiyana looked at Lin Yu again, and he also retreated far away, as if he was afraid that the next thing would affect her.

"Squad leader, I was wrong!" Qiyana still didn't know where she had offended Fu Hua, so she begged for mercy loudly.

"It's useless to talk too much! Take the trick! Cunjin·Open Sky!" Fu Hua immediately used the Cunxin Fist to give Qiyana a hard lesson.

A few minutes later, Qiyana could only rub her head after being hit by Fu Hua a few times, solemnly expressing that she was wrong.This made Fu Hua calm down.

What can be done?Even Lin Yu probably wouldn't dare to follow Fu Hua's set of Inch Heart Boxing, what else can Qiyana do except admit her mistake!
"Qiana, are you alright?" Mei came over at this moment and gently rubbed Kiyana's head.

"It's okay! It's just that the monitor gave me a few blows on the head!" Kiyana grabbed Mei's hand and rubbed it on her face, looking comfortable.

"Hey! Qiyana! You'd better not mention those two words in front of the monitor in the future!" Lin Yu watched the whole process of Qiyana being violently beaten by Fu Hua, it was miserable!So Lin Yu kindly reminded Qiyana in order not to experience the power of Cun Xin Fist again.

"Which two words?" Qiyana still hasn't understood that "tablet" is Fu Hua's taboo.

"It's the two words before you describe the Bronya kid!" Lin Yu would not say those two words, after all, Fu Hua is right in front!He didn't want to experience the whole process of Cun Xin Boxing.

"Oh~ it's a tablet!" Qiyana understood immediately.

"Huh?" Fu Hua turned his head abruptly, and looked hard at the few people behind him.

"Ah? Did someone talk just now?" Kiyana was clever once, knowing that "tablet" is Fu Hua's taboo, so when Fu Hua turned around, he immediately started to play dumb.

Seeing that several people shook their heads, Fu Hua turned around and continued walking forward.

Back in the dormitory, Lin Yu saw Ji Zi lying on the sofa, and there were still a few bottles of wine on the coffee table next to her!Needless to say, Ji Zi drank again, and seemed to drink a lot.

"Huh? You're back!" Ji Zi didn't seem to fall asleep, and got up from the sofa after hearing the door open.

Sister Ji Zi, you drank too much again Lin Yu and the others have encountered this situation several times, and they all know what to do.

Afterwards, Fu Hua and Ya Yi sent Ji Zi back to the room.Lin Yu put away those bottles of wine.As for Bronya and Kiyana, let them go!The exam is finally over, let them relax!

"Brother Lin Yu, let's play games together!" Bronya said to Lin Yu holding the game console.

"Yeah! Finally finished the exam!" Kiyana didn't quarrel with Bronya while playing the game.

Lin Yu didn t refuse when he saw this, so he went to Bronya s room to play games with Qiyana.

A few minutes later,

"Hurry up! Kiyana, come save me and support me!"

"Here we come! We'll be here soon!"

"Stupid Qiyana, brother Lin Yu has been beaten to death by five people from the opposite side! What's the use of you coming?"

As soon as Bronya finished speaking, the words Kiana was killed appeared on the screen.Obviously Kiyana was going to die.A few minutes later, the words "failure" appeared on the screens of all three of them!
"Bronya doesn't want to hack with Kiyana anymore! It's purely to increase the difficulty for myself!" Bronya looked at the failure words that popped up on his screen, and complained about Kiyana.

"Alas--" Lin Yu sighed heavily, looked at the word "MVP" on the screen, and thought to himself: As long as there is Qiyana in his team, it will be difficult not to lose.When he played with Bronya, he basically didn't lose, but after bringing Kiyana, the result was reversed.But Lin Yu didn't care about these, anyway, he didn't take the game so seriously, he just played a few rounds with them when he was free.

"Okay! It's time for me to make dinner!" Lin Yu looked at the alarm clock next to him, it was getting late, and Teresa was about to come back.

Goodbye, Brother Lin Yu Hearing that Lin Yu was going to cook, Bronya stopped pulling him to continue playing games.Bronya didn't play with Kiyana anymore, but chose to form a random team alone.

"See if I win once for you to see!" Qiyana seemed unconvinced, ready to play another round.

Lin Yu went out after putting down the game console, and Mei was preparing ingredients outside!
"Mei, here I come! Let's go together!" Lin Yu walked over and began to prepare ingredients.

"Huh!" Seeing Lin Yu coming, Mei laughed happily.

The dinner was very sumptuous, which met Kiana's request to eat a lot.However, there were only six people at the table during the meal.There's no way, Jizi is drunk and still lying in the room!The careful Lin Yu deliberately left a meal for Ji Zi in the refrigerator. It would be more convenient if Ji Zi got hungry and looked for food at night.

 Next is the plot of Sakura Reminisces and Enhui in the manga, guess what will happen! PS: There are no recommendations these days!Sad...·`(>▂<)`·.

(End of this chapter)

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