Chapter 3
Walking into Qianyu's laboratory, Lin Yu saw that the internal equipment was destroyed in a mess, and many things were crooked.


Since Lin Yu approached Qianyu's laboratory, he had an indescribable strange feeling, and after entering the laboratory, this strange feeling became even stronger.

"What the hell is going on?"

The increasing sense of strangeness made Lin Yu more and more uncomfortable.In order to seek a reasonable explanation, Lin Yu kept recalling knowledge about the collapse.After searching most of the memories about Honkai in his mind, Lin Yu finally came to a conclusion: Honkai can be eroded.

The so-called Houkai energy erosion refers to the gradual mutation of organisms under the radiation of Houkai energy.If you don't receive formal treatment in time, the result will be death or death, there will be no third result.

"There won't be a Houhuai experimental furnace here, right?"

Lin Yu was just a little skeptical at first, but the more he walked inside the laboratory, the stronger the strange feeling became.This couldn't help but make Lin Yu more affirmed his guess.However, there is one thing that makes Lin Yu very puzzled, because there is no erosion phenomenon that he knows on his body at all, just like there are no gray-white erosion marks on his body, so he should not be eroded by Honkai.And my strange feeling is only the burning sensation coming from my back, and it is constantly increasing.

"If this goes on, I won't spontaneously combust!"

The burning sensation coming from behind became more and more intense, giving Lin Yu a strange thought.Continuing to walk deep into the laboratory, along the way, I encountered a few dead men who were slightly stronger than ordinary dead men, but it took Lin Yu some time to solve them.After all, this kind of thing has no IQ, and it can be done with a little trickery.

"It seems that some kind of experiment was still going on here before the collapse!"

After a wave of the dead man was dealt with, Lin Yu made a simple judgment based on what happened here.Seeing that the indicator lights of several laboratories were still on, Lin Yu guessed that these laboratories had individually configured power supplies.So Lin Yu used his hacking skills to hack the door of a laboratory.

After entering this separate laboratory, Lin Yu found that it was just a data storage room, and there were no supplies.However, Lin Yu found a map of the laboratory and some useful materials here.

"So it's planning to make soul steel weapons here?" Looking at a piece of information in his hand called "Soul Steel Weapon Research Plan", Lin Yu planned to go to the weapons research room to find some weapons to use, because the alloy sword in his hand had already been used. A gap has started to appear, and it is estimated that a few more dead soldiers will be completely abolished.More importantly, the data said that ordinary weapons basically did no harm to the Honkai Beast. Before Lin Yu was able to kill the Honkai Beast at the door, it was purely luck and wisdom, and because it was still the lowest level Honkai Beast that had not fully mutated. bad beast.If it was a high-level Honkai beast that came at that time, Lin Yu would have run away without saying a word. Could it be that he had to fight it!That is purely looking for death!

If you want to cause damage to the Houkai beast, you can only use the Houkai energy weapon.If there is no Honkai weapon, it is estimated that there is no hope of surviving the Honkai.

Lin Yu walked towards the weapons laboratory, and encountered a few dead men along the way, and it didn't take much effort to solve it, but the alloy Tai Dao was almost scrapped.Arriving at the gate of the weapon laboratory, Lin Yu cracked the password of the security door as quickly as possible and entered the weapon laboratory.

"There are so many weapons!" The walls of the laboratory are covered with all kinds of weapons, ranging from pistols, gloves, swords to heavy swords, everything.But it's a pity that most of them here are just ordinary models, not real Honkai weapons.

After some investigation, Lin Yu discovered that there is an independent laboratory inside this laboratory, where there are real weapons against the Houkai Beast, and that is Lin Yu's primary goal.However, that laboratory seemed to be difficult to find. Lin Yu searched for a long time but could not find the entrance, which shows how important the weapons in this laboratory are.

"Such a small thing can't trouble me!"

It took Lin Yu a while, and finally found the entrance switch behind a test bench.


After a loud noise, the test bench automatically moved to one side, and a hidden door opened on the covered wall, revealing a staircase leading to the ground.Lin Yu immediately entered the underground passage and closed the door carefully.It would be strange if such a loud sound of opening the passage didn't attract the dead outside.

Entering the hidden laboratory, Lin Yu was stunned by the sight in front of him: multiple sophisticated instruments, an isolated weapon melting furnace, an operating Honkai Furnace, and some unknown things.However, Lin Yu was immediately frightened awake by the corpses that fell on the ground, and immediately held the Taidao that was about to be scrapped in his right hand and became vigilant.

After carefully turning around the laboratory a few times without finding anything unusual, Lin Yu took a deep breath and relaxed.Walking to the corpses, Lin Yu checked and found that these people were all eroded to death by Honkai energy, and they did not become dead men.

"Fortunately, there are no dead men here, otherwise my sword might not be able to deal with it."

Looking at the alloy sword full of gaps in his hand, Lin Yu couldn t help but rejoice that he didn t meet any dead men here.After calming down his nervousness a little, Lin Yu began to search for portable Honkai weapons.

After some searching, Lin Yu only found three simple Houkai energy weapons: two prototype pulse pistols and a willow leaf compound sword.After searching for several times, Lin Yu couldn't find the soul steel weapon mentioned in the previous information.

"Strange! It stands to reason that the soul steel weapon should be here!" Lin Yu, who hadn't found the soul steel weapon after searching for a long time, looked depressed, but he didn't give up, and immediately began to search for information from the experimental bench.


Soon, Lin Yu looked at the information about the soul steel weapon in front of him, speechless.After working for a long time, the ongoing experiment in this laboratory is the production of soul steel weapons, and the specific weapons have not been made yet!Hell if Lin Yu can find the soul steel weapon.

Looking carefully at the data about the soul steel weapon experiment, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yu's mouth.It turns out that the preparations for weapon production have been completed, and the data model is finally imported. Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of the Houkai, the final casting cannot be completed.Looking at the weapon melting furnace operating through the glass, Lin Yu had a bold idea: Now that the preparations are done, why not input the data model of the weapon by himself to complete the casting of the weapon?

Just talking about not practicing fake moves, Lin Yu took out the tablet in his backpack without saying a word, and connected it with the experimental bench.In Lin Yu's tablet, there are many Taidao models designed by himself. For example, the Taidao I held before was designed and customized by Lin Yu himself.If it is used as weapon data, it only needs to be slightly modified.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yu began to import weapon data to the test bench.At the same time, the weapon melting furnace inside the glass room began to operate automatically, and the operating power of the Honkai furnace began to gradually increase.

After completing the data import, Lin Yu immediately pressed the button representing the soul steel material, and saw that liquid soul steel melted by ultra-high temperature began to be injected into the weapon furnace, the shape began to gradually appear, and the weapon shaping began.

"Inject the Honkai core before the weapon casting is completed, and make it fused to complete the casting." Lin Yu was constantly paying attention to the weapon casting process while also checking the data on the test bench, for fear of making mistakes during the casting process.Although the casting process was set by the previous researchers, there is no harm in being careful.

"The soul steel weapon is about to be cast, and the Honkai core will be injected!"

As the system beeped, a dazzling purple-red light began to appear in the glass room.And with the continuous injection of Houkai energy, the light became more and more dazzling.

"Warning! The radiation of Houkai energy exceeds the limit value!"

When the dazzling light reached a certain point, the Houkai energy alarm in the laboratory sounded.

"Fuck! What's the situation?"

Lin Yu was startled by the siren, and immediately felt that the situation was not good, so he hid in the safety room under the experimental platform.In the next second, the strengthened glass used to isolate the Houkai energy was shattered by the excessive Houkai energy, but a small amount of Houkai energy light penetrated the experimental platform and shone on Lin Yu.


Suddenly, Lin Yu felt that his body became hot instantly, as if it was about to burn.The severe pain instantly made Lin Yu faint, but the next moment Lin Yu passed out, a dazzling red light glowed from the back of his hands and back, and the intense pain gradually disappeared.What's even more amazing is that the purple light is continuously absorbed by the red light on Lin Yu's body until the purple light in the laboratory disappears.

After everything was over, the laboratory fell silent, and the mysterious rune on the back of Lin Yu's hand disappeared after flashing red light a few times.

 Needless to say, the runes here are stigmata. Without these things, it would be difficult for the protagonist to survive in the Honkai world.

  Spoiler alert, the next chapter may be a bit boring, but it is an important foreshadowing of the following plot, forgive me! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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