Chapter 303 Welcome
Not long after, after Lin Yu asked Hiyumaru to resign from the coffee shop, he immediately asked Novalu if he would like to go to St. Freya Academy together.

"It just so happens that my preparations are over, so let's go to Saint Freya Academy together."

Novalu has properly handled all matters in the orphanage, including the matter of Chen Tianwen's memory recovery.

Although Chen Tianwen was very sad about "losing" her brother when her memory recovered at the beginning, but with the persuasion of Nuova Lu and many other teachers, she finally accepted it slowly.

On the way to Saint Freya Academy.

"Lin Yu, I said why don't we just open a space door leading to St. Freya Academy? Is it necessary to drive there?"

Novalu and Feiyumaru were sitting on the motorcycle driven by Lin Yu at this time, but Novalu was sitting in the back seat, while Feiyumaru turned into a "pet form" and sat in front of Lin Yu.

"It might be a bit inappropriate to appear directly in the academy, but it's nothing to do anyway, just take it as a relaxation."

Lin Yu also thought about appearing directly at the back mountain of St. Freya Academy as before, but he always felt that it would be a bit inappropriate to appear directly like this, so he chose the safest way to go to St. Freya Ya Academy.

As for where did the motorcycle come from?This has to start with Lin Yu's new discovery.


After Fei Yuwan resigned, Lin Yu asked his boss for leave again, on the grounds that he had to go back to deal with academic matters.Fortunately, the store manager is a reasonable person, so he agreed without saying much.

After returning to the base "Sumi Mustard", Lin Yu checked the core of Shen Yu, which he hadn't seen for a long time.

I don t know if I don t check it, but Lin Yu was shocked when he checked it.

"When did I get two more cores??"

The core of reason and the core of rock that appeared at an unknown time made Lin Yu a little confused, because in his impression, these two Herrscher cores had never been copied!

After exploring Shenyu's core, Lin Yu discovered the origin of these two cores.

The most basic power of Shenyu's core can analyze all affairs, but he can directly produce any Herrscher's core that has been analyzed.Correspondingly, he can no longer duplicate those cores or extract their energy.It's just that the consumption of making cores in this way is very scary, nearly ten times the normal one.

It was not made before because the energy of Shenyu's core was not enough. Fortunately, the energy of Shenyu's core after evolution is more than ten times that of the original one, so there is no pressure to make these two cores.

"Um... after six more cores, will I have another 'accident'?"

Looking at the four cores of Bing, Yan, Li, and Yan slowly rotating inside Shenyu's core star ring and not yet fully formed, Lin Yu couldn't help thinking of the scene when the other six were formed.

"But I don't feel anything about the six cores this time? Shouldn't something happen?"

When the other six cores were about to be fully formed before, Lin Yu had a faint premonition that something was going to happen, but now there is no response.

"I don't have any reaction to the six cores, but why do I feel that there is something wrong with this core?"

Looking at the incompletely formed core of reason, Lin Yu's inner reaction was a little strange, with an indescribable feeling.

The core of rock, which was formed at the same time as the core of reason, has already completed more than [-]% of its progress. At this rate, it will be fully formed in four or five months.However, the improvement progress of the core of reason is very slow, and it is estimated that it can barely reach one percent. According to this progress, it is estimated that it will not take shape in three or four years.

"If only it were a little bit faster, too."

After Lin Yu examined the changes in Shen Yu's core, he also withdrew from his consciousness space.

However, the moment Lin Yu withdrew from the space of consciousness, a force from outside Shen Yu's core rushed to the core of reason, which slightly accelerated its growth speed.Tracing the source of his power turned out to be the mysterious "stigmata" behind Lin Yu.

In a certain mysterious space, a pale golden figure who was observing something seemed to have noticed something, and said to himself:
"Has it finally begun?"


After learning that he had the power of the Herrscher of Reason, Lin Yu began various attempts, trying to use his power to construct various things.As a result, because the core is too "weak", he can only construct some simple things.

Among them is the motorcycle he rode to St. Freya Academy.

After a while, the three of Lin Yu also came to the gate of St. Freya Academy.

"Huh—he's here, you can get off the bus."

After Lin Yu stopped the motorcycle, he said to Nova Lu behind him, and Hiyumaru who had returned to normal form in advance.

Before coming to St. Freya Academy, Lin Yu had already informed Teresa and the others, so they should have someone waiting for them at the door.


As soon as she entered St. Freya Academy, Novalu immediately sensed something was wrong, and she immediately became vigilant.And Higokumaru also quietly connected to the academy's system immediately after entering the academy, and naturally noticed the abnormality here.

"There's no need to be so vigilant, it's all expected."

Lin Yu was not too surprised when he noticed that Nuovalu and Feiyumaru had suddenly become alert, but just asked them to relax a little.

When Lin Yu told Teresa that they would return to St. Freya Academy, he basically guessed what would happen.After all, Rita was also by his side at the time, so there was no reason why the Catholic Bishop didn't know about these things.

"We just come back here to see our friends on behalf of our personal wishes. There is no need for such a grand welcome ceremony, right?"

Lin Yu pretended to be speechless and looked at a row of people at the gate of the academy, especially when he saw the blond man with a single ponytail draped over his left shoulder.

Under Lin Yu's reminder, Feiyuwan and Nuowalu immediately pretended to be very surprised after seeing the man.

Although I have dealt with him several times, it is better to act realistically so as not to be found out about any flaws.

"A few friends who 'come from afar' from Feather Blade, I naturally want to come and greet them personally."

Waiting for them at the gate of the academy were not only Teresa and the others, but also Rita from the headquarters of Destiny, and the current bishop of Destiny——Otto.

"I shouldn't have had a crow's mouth before..."

After seeing Otto appear, Lin Yu couldn't help being a little speechless about his inner complaints when he was in the coffee shop before.

First, Urandale and Rita appeared in the coffee shop, then Teresa and others, and finally Otto really appeared! !

Although the place where he appeared was Saint Freya Academy...

 Explain for yesterday's vote: posting 1 means that the appearance of the game plot can be delayed, and there will be continuous compensation at the beginning; posting 2 means that the game plot must be officially started after 308, that is, chapter 309. There may be some problems, but the author will try his best eliminate. (I can't guarantee that it will be absolutely eliminated...) PS: Tomorrow is the last day of the ten consecutive updates, and a new update rule will be announced at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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