The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 305 Why Are You Still Here?

Chapter 305 Why Are You Still Here?

St. Freya Academy.

"Auntie, I'm a little hungry, should I prepare lunch?"

After playing a few games, Kiyana's stomach started growling.

"Then let's play here first! I'm going to prepare lunch."

As soon as Lin Yu heard what Qiyana said, he put down the game controller in his hand and got up to make lunch.

"Lin Yu, let me accompany you too!"

Mei, who was chatting with Nuova Lu Fuhua, got up immediately when she heard that lunch was about to be prepared.

"Okay! I haven't cooked with you for a long time."

Most of Lin Yu cooked with Yae Sakura in the base, and a few with Nuova Lu and Cangxuan.As for Kallen, he didn't have the guts to let her into the kitchen.

"Grandpa, are you and Rita going to have lunch here?"

"Let's leave. I won't disturb your reunion."

Otto naturally knew that if he and Rita were here, Teresa and the others would probably have a very uncomfortable lunch, so in order to let his precious granddaughter have a happy lunch, he left very wisely.

"My lord Teresa, then my lord bishop and I will take our leave first."

After bowing slightly to Theresa, Rita also left the dormitory with Otto.

"Xiaofei, let's see how far Tianming's mecha troops have retreated?"

Lin Yu didn't believe that Otto really let the Valkyrie troops and mecha troops evacuate, so just to be on the safe side, he still asked Hiyumaru to investigate.

"Roger that!"

Hiyumaru's consciousness immediately sneaked into all the nearby information networks, and began to trace the traces of the Valkyrie troops and mech troops.

After a while, she found out their whereabouts.Otto told them to evacuate St. Freya Academy, and they did, so they all evacuated the academy, and then set up an ambush outside the academy.

"This Otto really did what he said!"

Lin Yu didn t know what else to say to Otto s actions.

Otto assured Teresa that the Valkyrie and Mech units had been withdrawn, which he did.But he didn't say where to let them evacuate!So there's nothing wrong with those troops parked outside the academy...

"I really have to ask Cang Xuan and the others to help me."

Later, when Lin Yu was preparing to cook, he asked Cangxuanzhishu to send a message to the headquarters.


Feather Blade Base, Central Control Room.

"In this way, Xiaoxuan can be perfectly 'taken' out of Saint Freya."

Cangxuan proudly picked up the "Saving Xiaoxuan Plan" in his hand.

This was a rescue plan that she and Dan Zhu had thought about for a long time, and it included all kinds of possible situations.

"Bring the "Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sin" when the time comes, even if someone from the headquarters of the Destiny comes, it will be useless. "

The third god's key "Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sin" has become Danzhu's exclusive weapon, but it has a bit high requirements for the user, and Danzhu can't use it for long after a day.But she is not worried about this, because one day Lin Yu gets her a Thunder Core Fusion, and she can use it at will.

"The Cangxuan cannon must also be brought."

The Cannon Cannon refers to the weapon form of the Cangxuan Book, because the intelligent module and the weapon module of the Cangxuan Book have been separated long ago.The smart module was carried by Lin Yu, and the weapon module was converted into her exclusive weapon by Cangxuan, and renamed Cangxuan Cannon.

Although the power of Cangxuan artillery is very powerful, the energy it consumes is also very scary, so Cangxuan is also waiting for Lin Yu to get her the core of flame!

"Master, there is news."

The spirit of Danzhu reminded Cangxuan and Danzhu who were still discussing how to save Xiaoxuan.

"Message? Let me see who sent it."

Danzhu was a little curious about who would send a message to the central system, so he stopped the discussion with Cangxuan and went to the console to check.

"Huh? It turned out to be from Lin Yu?"

Danzhu was taken aback when he saw the sender.

"Lin Yu sent a message to the central system? Could something have happened again?"

When Cang Xuan heard that it was a message from Lin Yu, he immediately ran over to check the news.

"At five o'clock in the afternoon, control 'Red Kite' and bring two people to St. Freya to pick us up. Note that there are Valkyrie troops and mech troops around the academy. In addition, our identities are..."

After reading the news, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu also understood that Lin Yu was in trouble at St. Freya Academy.In order not to reveal his identity as the leader of Feather Blade, he could only send someone to pick them up.

"Sister, who is better to send?"

Danzhu began to think about letting "Chi Yuan" take those two to St. Freya Academy.

"Why don't you just let 'Chiyuan' take Xiaona and Xiaokai there?"

Cangxuan thought of the upgraded Xiaona and Xiaokai.

Xiaokai naturally refers to the armed puppet who guarded the second god's key, Qianjieyicheng, and has been transformed by them.Xiaona's upgrade was also completed two days ago, and it is currently only placed in the maintenance cabin for maintenance.

There is no doubt about the explosive combat power of the two of them. As long as they have enough energy, they can even stop the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny.

"I'll go and bring 'Chi Yuan' and the others over first."

Whether it is Xiaona, Xiaokai, or Chiyuan, they are all staying in the maintenance cabin of the weapon room for maintenance at this time, so someone needs to go over and bring them out.


St. Freya Academy, after lunch.

"How long can Lin Yu stay here this time?"

Ji Zi knew that Lin Yu wouldn t stay for long every time he came back, so he asked about the time this time.

"It's not too long. The time given by the superior is that you have to leave before five o'clock, otherwise the superior may send someone over."

When Lin Yu was preparing for lunch, he had already told Novalu and Fei Yuwan about someone coming to pick them up, so they didn t respond to it.

"Send someone over? Who will you send over?"

"I don't know about that either. They won't come here unless we leave here by five o'clock."

Although Lin Yu said so, he and Nuovalu knew very well that the Valkyrie and Mecha troops outside would never let them leave so easily.

The three of Lin Yu stayed in the dormitory until around 04:30 before preparing to leave St. Freya.

"If you don't leave, the people above will probably come."

When they came to the gate of the academy, Mei and the others came over to say goodbye to the three of Lin Yu.

"Lin Yu, remember, if you can't stay in Yuren any longer, St. Freya's door will always be open for you."

Ji Zi said when saying goodbye to the three of Lin Yu.

"Although we want to leave now, there are people around who don't want us to leave easily!"

Lin Yu deliberately pretended to notice something, after all, he knew that someone was ambushing outside the academy gate early on.

"Worthy of being an intelligence officer of Feather Blade, this intuition is really amazing!"

Not long after Lin Yu's voice fell, Otto's figure slowly appeared.

Teresa was stunned by the appearance of Otto, and shouted:

"Grandpa, why are you still here?"

 Because of the modification of the content of the previous chapter, this update is relatively late, but it will not be missed. PS: I was a little confused when I wrote the last chapter, but I couldn’t stand it when I read it myself, so I decided to revise it.It has been greatly revised and more than 500 words have been written. You can look back.

(End of this chapter)

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