Chapter 308

"Brother, sister Lulu, you must save me! I don't want to eat what sister Kalian made!"

As soon as he heard that Kalian was going to reward herself with delicious food, Fei Yuwan immediately asked Lin Yu and Novalu for help.

In the base, it has become an unwritten rule not to let Kallen into the kitchen, after all, it is enough to experience some things once.

"Don't worry, I will set up a space barrier in the kitchen when I go back, and I will never let Karen in."

Lin Yu also received a distress signal from Fei Yuwan.

If Karen becomes interested after entering the kitchen, it's not just Hiyumaru who is unlucky, but the entire base, and even a kitchen.

"Just in case, I'm here to help."

In order to prevent the base from being "overwhelmed", Novalu decided to contribute his own strength.

"If you have any means, just use it! Otherwise, I will take people away."

Chi Yuan let out bold words, as if she didn't take the other party seriously.


Otto looked at Chi Yuan not far away, hesitating whether to make a move.

Although all the mecha units have been scrapped, the Valkyrie units have not been affected in any way.But if the Valkyrie troops were dispatched, the two armed dolls beside Chi Yuan would definitely do the same.

That is an armed doll that can match the combat power of two S-rank Valkyrie, and one of them can even compete with the strongest Valkyrie in their headquarters, Ulandal, and more importantly, the combat power of that red kite is unknown.

Otto guessed that even doubling the number of troops might not be able to "please" them.

"This time I lost."

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Otto finally gave up the idea of ​​doing something, turned around and stepped out of the way, no longer preventing them from leaving.

"Hope to see you next time."


Feather Blade Base, Central Control Room.

"Sister, do you think Kalian would easily bring Lin Yu and the others back like this?"

Danzhu leaned back on the chair, watching the picture of the entrance of Saint Freya Academy uploaded from the big screen.

"Based on what I know of Kallen, she certainly doesn't want it to end so soon."

Cang Xuan glanced at Karen who was sitting on the control chair not far away and wearing the "Crown of Red Kite", and then expressed his guess.

Kallen has always wanted to control Chiyuan for fun, and it's rare to have such an opportunity, Cangxuan doesn't believe that she would just let it go.

"Sister, tell me, will Karen hit that Otto?"

Dan Zhu remembered some information about Kalian that he had seen in the database before, which was similar to those that Lin Yu and the others had entered the hidden data space of Destiny, but they were just other versions.

Those records showed that before Karen was killed in that data space, Otto tried to save her more than once, but the method he used was extreme, and even disgusted Karen.For this reason, Karen gave him a slap in the face.

"Don't tell me, it's really possible."

Cang Xuan felt that according to Kallen's personality, maybe she would really go up and slap Otto.

"Let's continue to see what happens next."


"Lin Yu, you go first."

Seeing that Otto got out of the way, Chi Yuan turned around and said to Lin Yu three people.

"Let's go first?"

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment.

Shouldn't we leave together at this time?What are you doing here?
So, he sent a message with his thoughts:
"Caroline, what do you want?"

"Lin Yu, don't worry, it's just a personal matter, and your identity will not be revealed."

After replying to Lin Yu's words with her mind, Kalian immediately controlled Chiyuan, put on a posture of a boss, and said to the three of Lin Yu:
"What? Did you disobey my order? Get out of here quickly and don't get in the way."


If it weren't for not revealing his identity now, Lin Yu would definitely make Ka Lian unable to eat and walk around.But now he is just Chi Yuan's "subordinate", so he can only endure it temporarily, saying:
"Yes, Lord Chiyuan."

Then Lin Yu drove a motorcycle and took Novalu and Hiyumaru away from St. Freya Academy.

"Huh—has it gone far?"

Seeing the figures of the three of Lin Yu disappear from sight, Chi Yuan felt relieved, then looked at Otto, and said coldly:
"Then it's time to settle the accounts between us!"

On the small road away from St. Freya Academy, Lin Yu was driving at high speed with Novalu and Hiyumaru.

"Lulu, I always feel that Kallen wants to do something extraordinary."

Lin Yu, who was driving a motorcycle, felt a little uneasy.

"She wouldn't be Kallen if she didn't do anything."

Novalu is also a sensible person.

"I'm a little worried, I have to go back and have a look."

Lin Yu stopped immediately, planning to go back and check the situation.

It's just that he won't show up, but hides in the space barrier and returns.If nothing happened, he could return to the base with peace of mind.In case something really happened, he could directly take over Chi Yuan's control.

"Then I'll take Xiao Fei back first."

Anyway, Lin Yu's strength lies there, and Nuovalu knew that even if he went alone, nothing would happen, so she simply took Fei Yuwan back to the base directly.

"Well! You guys go back first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yu's figure disappeared directly in place.

"Xiao Fei, shall we go directly back to the base?"

Novalu asked Hiyumaru about it.


Higokumaru nodded.

Anyway, it's okay now, why not go back to the base and find Phil and Yae Rin to play with them.

Seeing that Hiyumaru agreed to go back to the base, Novalu started the motorcycle directly, and then rushed out with an acceleration.It's just that they didn't go far, and a space door appeared right in front of them, which was the passage leading to the base opened by Novalu.

As soon as the figures of Nuovalu and Hiyumaru entered the passage, the gate of space disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace.

The entrance of Saint Freya Academy.

Rita was already fully armed, but she hadn't taken any action yet, because the armed puppet Kai was standing not far in front of her with the imitation Skyfire.

Xiaona has also followed Chi Yuan's instructions to hack the communication system of the nearby Valkyrie troops, and monitors them at any time to prevent them from interfering with Chi Yuan.And Chiyuan was standing in front of Otto, staring at him steadfastly.

"Miss Chiyuan, what do you mean?"

After seeing Chi Yuan's actions, Otto had a bad feeling.

"Since you are the Bishop of Destiny, let me learn what skills you have?"

Chi Yuan directly assumed a fighting posture.

"I hope Kallen doesn't cause any trouble."

Lin Yu, who was hidden in the space barrier, quickly returned in the direction of St. Freya Academy.However, when he arrived, he saw a scene that surprised him——

"Karen" slapped Otto away.

 How many people guessed that Karen would slap Otto? (~o ̄▽ ̄)~o PS: Deduct 1 for guesses; deduct 2 for wrong guesses, and tell what the guess is.

(End of this chapter)

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