Chapter 312 New Name

"If you go to St. Freya and want to get familiar with the campus, you can let Higokumaru and Phil lead the way. They are very familiar with the place."

Fei Yuwan also stayed in St. Freya Academy for a while when he was with Lin Yu, so he naturally knew it well; and Phil had all Lin Yu's impressions of St. Freya, and he also knew about its layout. Know it by heart.

"Brother, when shall we go?"

Phil seems to already want to go to Santa Freya early.

"Not yet, you can go there after Saint Freya's vacation is over."

It's only mid-August, and St. Freya Academy is still on vacation, so they have to wait until St. Freya's new semester starts before going there.

"Almost forgot one more thing."

Lin Yu slapped his head, remembering an important event and forgot to mention it.

"What's up!?"

Noelle and others were surprised by Lin Yu slapping his head.

"Since you are going to school, you must change your name! Otherwise, you will reveal your identity in minutes."

Phil has been to St. Freya, Teresa and the others must have remembered her name; the names of Sirin and Bella were recorded in the Destiny database when they collapsed for the second time; Noelle’s words, It is estimated that Jizi and the others will be able to think of her relationship with Noir as soon as the name is announced; and Yae Rin, Teresa may also think of Yae Sakura.

Therefore, all five of them had to change their names, otherwise they would not be able to go to St. Freya Academy with peace of mind.

"Change your name? How?"

Yae Rin is used to using her own name, and she is not used to changing her name all of a sudden.

"You can think of a name for yourself as your name when you enter school. If you can't think of it, I will help you think of it together."

Lin Yu didn t know what name Xilin and the others would come up with for him, so if they couldn t think of a suitable name, he would help to think of it.

"Well—my name was given by my brother, I don't want to take another name."

Phil thought that his name was given to her by Lin Yu, and it had a special meaning, so he was a little reluctant to change his name.

"I can't think of a good name for a while."

Sirin is willing to change her name to enter the school, but she has high requirements for the name, that is, it must be nice.

"My name was given by Her Majesty the Queen, so I hope that the name I changed was also given by Her Lady Queen."

Bella's words directly doubled Sirin's workload.

"It's easy to change my name, just drop one word and call me Al, and then everyone in the academy can still call me as usual."

Noelle thought a lot about changing her name.

The first thing is to rule out the possibility of revealing her identity. If she enters the school with the name Noelle, it is estimated that Teresa and the others will immediately think of Novalu, so she removed the word "Nuo"; The name Al has no particularity, it is very common and easy to remember, and will not be suspected by Teresa and the others; in the end, it is convenient for Sirin and the others to call herself, because she has always been called "Xiao Ai" in the base.

Noelle's idea was affirmed by Lin Yu, which directly determined her name when she entered school-Al.

"Brother Lin Yu, I can't think of a name that suits me. Come and help me think of one."

Yae Rin really couldn t find the name, so he walked to Lin Yu's side and tugged at the corner of his clothes.

"No problem, let me think about it."

Lin Yu also agreed to help Yae Rin think of a suitable name, but he couldn't think of it right away, he had to think for a while.

"Rin, what do you think of 'Lin Yin'?"

Lin Yu said the name he thought of and explained the meaning to him.

The name "Lin Yin" is actually the homonym of the combination of "Rin" and "Sakura". Combining the names of the Yae sisters can be regarded as meeting Rin's wish, after all, she is not used to using other names.

"Thank you brother Lin Yu."

Yae Rin is very satisfied with this name.

"Brother, you can help me think of one too."

After struggling for a long time, Phil was unwilling to change his name, so he asked Lin Yu to help him think of one, but there were additional conditions:

"I also want to have a name with a special meaning."

"Then Lin Fei'er, how about it?"

Lin Yu said the name almost without thinking, as if he had prepared it long ago.

"Is there any special meaning?"

Phil's wide eyes were full of anticipation.

"You're my younger sister. Whose surname will you take if you don't have my surname?"

Lin Yu gently put his hand on Phil s little head, rubbed it very fondly, and then explained to her the meaning of the name.

yes!Phil is a family member born because of Lin Yu. Although he was born in the form of Houkai Beast at the beginning, after getting along for a long time, he has long regarded her as his own sister.

What else could she be named Lin?
"Thank you brother!"

Phil naturally knew what Lin Yu's words meant, so she immediately hugged Lin Yu to express her gratitude.

"Sirin, Bella, what do you two think?"

The enrollment names of Noelle, Phil, and Yae Rin have all been settled, and there are only two of them left.


Xilin looked at Lin Yu helplessly.

"ok, I get it."

Lin Yu's expression made Lin Yu understand instantly.

So, he began to think about a suitable name for Sirin.

"Sirin, why don't you reverse the name?"

"Lin... Xi... Lin Xi? This sounds like a good name!"

Sirin immediately realized it, and was very satisfied with the name "Lin Xi".

"My Lady Queen, what about me?"

Bella didn't think of a name for herself at all, she was still waiting for Sirin to give her one!Unexpectedly, Lin Yu had already thought about it for Xilin.

"Brother Lin Yu still thought of my name!"

Sirin said she was helpless.

"Brother Lin Yu..."

Bella looked at Lin Yu expectantly.

"Uh...I see."

Lin Yu also began to think of a new name for Bella.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu came up with a better name, and asked Bella:

"Bella, what do you think of the name 'Flora'?"

When Lin Yu was thinking of a name for Bella, he remembered the names of her former partners that Sirin had mentioned before: Aurora, Agata and Galina.

Directly using the name of Xilin's dead friend may remind her of those painful memories, so Lin Yu intercepted a name from it.

"Bella, this name suits you very well."

Before Bella could speak, Sirin expressed her opinion on the name "Flora".

"That's settled then."

So after some thinking (of Lin Yu's), the new name of the five-member group was finally determined:
Phil - Lin Feier;

Noelle - Al;
Yae Rin - Lin Yin;
Sirin - Lin Xi;
Bella - Flora.

 How do you feel about the new names for the incoming five?If it is more suitable, it can be changed, and the time limit is before the next update. PS: The game plot has entered the countdown stage!
(End of this chapter)

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