Chapter 314 Admission
"Sumi mustard seeds" in September, in the courtyard of the shrine.

"Rin and the others went to St. Freya to go to school, and the base felt much empty all of a sudden."

Yae Sakura sat at the table, looked around, and said involuntarily.

"Phil and the others are the most noisy ones in the base. I'm really not used to them leaving the base suddenly."

Cecilia has long been used to the days when Phil and Hiyumaru are playing around, but now that they are not in the base, she feels a little uncomfortable.

"Without those little guys in the base, it really feels like something is missing in the base."

Cangxuan and Danzhu were not used to Feiyuwan and the others leaving.

No, they had been thinking about it for a few days after they left.

"Isn't "Arseus" connected to the monitoring system of St. Freya Academy?Can't we always check what they're doing? "

Seeing that several people were missing those rambunctious little guys, Karen didn't understand what they were doing, so she said casually.


As soon as Karen's words came out, the eyes of Yae Sakura, Dan Zhu and others turned to her instantly, as if they had a great reaction to what she said.

"What...what's wrong? I said...did I say something wrong?"

Being stared at by several people in unison, Karen's little hand that wanted to take something from the plate shrank back in fright.

"Karen, is your IQ online today?"

Cang Xuan looked at Karen suspiciously.

"That's right! We didn't even think of such a good idea, why did you think of it?"

Danzhu also cast the same gaze on Kalian.

Yae Sakura, Cecilia, Novalu and others also looked at Karen as if they were strangers.


Karen didn't know what to say in the face of everyone's suspicious eyes.

What's wrong with my IQ?Offended you?

"Don't worry about this guy's IQ, just take a look at what Phil and the others are doing in St. Freya Academy?"

Danzhu didn't want to waste time on Kalian's IQ, so it was more important to urge Cangxuan to call out the monitoring of Saint Freya Academy.

"I'll call the monitoring screen here."

Cang Xuan slid his small hand in front of him, and a light screen appeared in front of everyone.Then she tapped the screen a few more times, and the scene of St. Freya Academy appeared on the light screen.

"Call out the screen where Phil and the others are at this time."

Following Cangxuan's command, the light screen stopped after switching several screens, and Yae Rin and the others appeared on the screen.

"What are Rin and Xiaoai doing?"

Cecilia saw Yae Rin and Noelle dragging their respective suitcases to a house.

"Xiaoai and the others have a separate dormitory? What the hell did Lin Yu do?"

Cang Xuan naturally saw that Rin Yae and Noelle were moving the suitcases into the dormitory where they lived.

It's just that she thought Lin Yu was very good at letting Xilin and the others enter St. Freya Academy. In the end, he not only made it easy for them to enroll, but also allowed them to have a separate dormitory.

"Did Lin Yu go through the back door?"

The principal of St. Freya Academy is Teresa, and Lin Yu and Teresa are acquaintances.If Lin Yu had greeted Teresa, Xilin and the others should have easily obtained such conditions.

The problem is that Lin Yu is not so stupid!
If Lin Yu asked Teresa to take special care of Bella and the five of them, wouldn't it be clear that the five of them were related to Yu Ren?

So she was very curious about what Lin Yu did to make Phil and the others get such treatment.


"Ah chirp-"

Lin Yu, who was rushing to the coffee shop to start a part-time job, sneezed inexplicably, then rubbed his nose, and said:
"Calculating the time, Xiaoai and Xilin have almost moved into the dormitory, right?"

It is not difficult for Lin Yu to get Phil and the others to be admitted to St. Freya Academy.It's just that it took a little thought to let them have a separate dormitory.

"I don't know when what I did will be discovered by the headquarters of Destiny? Will Otto be furious when he finds out?"

Lin Yu just used the power of erosion to hack into the system of Destiny Headquarters, and then added a few places for the Valkyrie reserve team.Then, with the help of the system of the Destiny Headquarters, in the name of Otto, they sent a few students who were more resistant to Houkai to St. Freya Academy, pretending to be Otto's apology to Teresa for the last incident.

After all, it would be a good thing for St. Freya Academy to have a few more students with excellent qualifications, and those so-called excellent students are none other than Sirin and the others.

"Pay more attention to whether Theresa will send a message to the headquarters of destiny. If she does, Phil and the others will be exposed all at once."

After considering the shortcomings of doing so, Lin Yu passed the news to Fei Yuwan, asking her to pay more attention to the communication system of St. Freya Academy.After all, Higokumaru will stay in St. Freya for a long time now.


St. Freya Academy, the dormitory where the five Sirin lived.

"I said how could we be arranged in an independent dormitory alone? So that's what happened!"

After receiving Lin Yu's news, Fei Yumaru, who was staying in "Ksitigarbha Yuhun", understood why Phil and the others were treated so well.

"Sister Xiaofei, come out and help us move things too? We have a lot of things, and the five of us are too busy."

While dragging his suitcase into his room, Phil asked for help from Higokumaru who was in the "Ksitizo Soul" bracelet on Sirin's hand.

After all, this is St. Freya's Academy, so you can't use power casually like in the Feather Blade base.Otherwise, Phil would have already used the weapon space to transport the suitcase into the room, and there was no need for such trouble.

"Before we set off, my brother said that I can't show up casually in the academy, and you have to do many things by yourself."

Hiyumaru said that he was just a bodyguard secretly protecting them and could not show up to help them.

To put it bluntly, she is lazy. After all, she can control the entire system of St. Freya, so there is no need to worry about the surveillance monitoring her presence.

"Sister Phil, there are a lot of people entering school these days, and there are a lot of people walking around, it's better not to let Miss Xiao Fei out."

Noelle heard Phil's voice as soon as he came out after moving his things into the room.

It's true that Higokumaru is a system that can control the entire academy, but she can't control those people who come and go. It would be a bit bad if Higokumaru's figure is seen by them.

"It's better for us to take our time."

Sirin slowly dragged the suitcase into the room with some difficulty.

"My Lady Queen, I will help you."

Bella moved her things into the room early, and when she saw that her Lady Queen was struggling to move things, she immediately volunteered to come over to help.

"Bella, don't call me Your Lady Queen from now on, call me sister. Also, from today onwards, you will be called Flora."

Seeing that Bella hadn't changed her habit of calling herself Queen after entering school, Sirin reminded her.

"Got it, my lord."


Sirin was speechless.

 The previous chapter has been completely changed, which is counted as yesterday's update.But I know that this is a bit unreasonable, so I updated it today, and I will continue to update it tomorrow. PS: Does anyone remember the time when the game plot started?I'll see if it's the same as mine.

(End of this chapter)

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