Chapter 316
Feather Blade Base, Central Control Room.

"Cangxuan, what's the point of asking us to come here in such a hurry?"

Because Ji Lin and Cecilia were practicing nearby, they were the first to rush to Cang Xuan's side.As soon as they got here, they immediately asked Cang Xuan what happened. After all, Cang Xuan notified them in a anxious tone.

"Wait a minute, let's talk when everyone else is here."

Cangxuan didn't want to say it to Ji Lin now, and then he had to say it again after Yae Sakura and the others came, so he just waited for everyone to get together and said it all at once.

Danzhu transferred the situation of Canghai City to the screen while waiting, so that he could explain the situation later.

"I'm coming!"

Karen and Yae Sakura soon rushed over.

"Is there another collapse somewhere?"

Before Nuovalu came in, he already roughly guessed the reason why Cang Xuan called them to gather this time.

After all, except for the collapse, it seems that there is nothing that can make Cang Xuan so anxious at this time.

After seeing that everyone was assembled, Cang Xuan pointed to the big screen and said to everyone:

"As you can see, the current concentration of Houkai energy in Canghai City is very abnormal. After a series of calculations by "Arsius", it is found that a large-scale Houkai will happen here in [-]%. "

Following Cangxuan's explanation, Dan Zhu also marked the situation of the Honkai energy in Canghai City, and the situation of the whole city was instantly clear at a glance.

"How big is the scale? How does it compare to the last time in Manila?"

Novalu didn't know how powerful the so-called "large-scale" Cangxuan said, so she had to compare it with the situation of the collapse in Manila. After all, the collapse was the one she encountered after the third collapse collapsed on the largest scale.

"Judging from the predicted results, the scale of the collapse this time is at least twice that of the one in Manila."

Danzhu spoke out the prediction made by "Alseus" after analyzing the situation of the Houkai energy in Canghai City.

The scale of the Houkai in Manila was more than 1000 HW. In addition to the quasi-emperor-level Houkai beast and a mutated rock emperor that appeared in the center of the outbreak, the powerful ones were some chariot-level and temple-level Houkai beasts. The rest are dead warriors and advanced Honkai beasts.

And this time it is predicted that the scale of Houkai in Canghai City is only twice that of Manila, which means that its scale will exceed 2000HW, because the number of Houkai beasts born will far exceed the previous ones.

"Is the minimum 2000HW?"

After hearing this, Nuova fell into thinking, as if planning something.

"Do we need to issue an evacuation warning to Canghai City?"

Cecilia's first thought was to ask Cangxuan and Danzhu to notify the people in Canghai City to evacuate urgently, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous if the collapse broke out.

"We don't need to worry about this. Destiny has already responded to this."

Cangxuan signaled to Cecilia not to worry about the people in Canghai City, after all, Destiny is a satellite with the Fourth God's Key, which is always monitoring the situation of the Earth's collapse!
If they can't even discover this situation in advance, then they have the nerve to say that they are the first organization to fight against Honkai?

"Show the central area of ​​the outbreak predicted by "Arseus", I will go there and wait.Once a dangerous Houkai beast appears, I will deal with it smoothly. "

Novalu plans to go to the Houkai outbreak center in Canghai City and wait. Anyway, the "that concentration" of the Houkai energy is nothing to her.

If any emperor-level Honkai beast is born, she will destroy it immediately.You know, the core of the emperor-level Honkai beast is very useful, and it is very good to serve as a "battery" in the base.

For example, after the core of the quasi-imperial Honkai beast in Manila was compressed and transformed by space, Cangxuan and Danzhu installed it on Xiaokai's body as a "battery", greatly prolonging his fighting time.

"To be on the safe side, besides going to Novalu in the central area, let's go to two more people."

As for Cangxuan, why didn't he say how many more people would go?

Isn't it because Lin Yu is in Canghai City!
"Which one of you wants to go first?"

Cang Xuan looked at the crowd to see if any of them would go there voluntarily.

"I'll go!"

Yae Sakura took the lead in making a decision.

"Then I'm going too!"

As soon as Yae Sakura said that she was going, Karen followed closely and wanted to follow.

"Karen, this operation is separate, don't try to follow Sakura like a candy."

Danzhu reminded Kalian in advance.

"I know this, don't worry, I will finish the task well."

When dealing with the Honkai, Kallen was still able to distinguish between priorities, after all, Kaslana was the guardian of the people.

"Then it's settled, and the rest of the people should also prepare to prevent unexpected situations."

After confirming the quota to go to Canghai City first, Cang Xuan also made the remaining few people prepare, after all, she didn't know the limit of this collapse.

Whether it will give birth to Herrscher is also unknown.


Canghai City at four o'clock in the afternoon.

As early as around twelve noon, the city had already issued a disaster warning.In four hours, the people here who could hide in the shelters had already hid, and those who could not hide left the city early.

"The whole city became deserted in an instant!"

Lin Yu walked alone on the deserted street, looking at the shops with closed doors everywhere, he couldn't help sighing.

A city that was still extremely lively in the morning has become so deserted in just a few hours, which makes Lin Yu a little sad, but there is no way.

The most important thing at present is to minimize the damage of Honkai to the city. After all, Lin Yu has also worked here for some days, and has a little affection for it.

Living in the central area of ​​Canghai and also a lawyer, Lin Yu had already figured out the Houkai energy of the whole city, including the hidden Houkai energy, when he discovered that the Houkai energy was abnormal, so he also knew this. Where is the limit of the collapse.

It's only 3000HW if you're exhausted!

This level of Honkai energy is nothing to him, even if he hasn't become a Herrscher yet!

Who made Lin Yu the one who came out of the third collapse?Honkai resistance should not be too high!
At [-]:[-] p.m., Honkai arrived as scheduled.

"I hope you guys can let me relax!"

Feeling the sudden surge in the concentration of the Houkai energy, coupled with the Houkai herd that appeared not far away, Lin Yu knew that the Houkai had erupted.

"It is estimated that Lulu and the others are already in place."

Cangxuan had sent the news to Lin Yu before, so she also knew that Novalu, Yae Sakura, and Kalian had arrived in Canghai City.


With a heavy punch, Lin Yu knocked away the last super breakthrough Honkai Beast around him.


Just when Lin Yu wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, he found that the area under his feet was suddenly covered by a huge shadow.

When Lin Yu looked up, he was stunned for an instant, and he froze in place.

"What the hell is this!??"

While Lin Yu was in a daze, an extremely huge warship slowly passed over him.

 I don't need to explain this battleship, right?The beginning of the next chapter is the debut of Chong Chong!Another small spoiler, Danzhu's "power bank" will be credited in this article. PS: Since most of the plot is written from the perspective of the protagonist, the redundant dialogue in the game plot is directly deleted.But don't worry, there are still plots that should be there, after all, the main line is still very consistent.

(End of this chapter)

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