Chapter 331 Compensation
Four days later, in the courtyard of the shrine, Lin Yu, Yae Sakura and others were sitting together and chatting leisurely, while Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were listlessly lying on their stomachs at the table beside them.

At this time, the two are a bit "different", because both of them have a pair of dark circles under the eyes that are comparable to panda eyes.

As for where the dark circles of these two people came from, everyone who could hear the screams every morning knew it very well, after all, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu had never had a peaceful night's sleep in the past few days.

"Lin Yu, let me tell you, when will you spare Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu? It's been four days."

Nuovalu looked at the two who wanted to sleep but dared not sleep, and felt a little sympathetic, so she asked Lin Yu when he would let them go.

"Xiaoyu, I think Cangxuan and Danzhu haven't been active these few days, why don't you just let them go? Anyway, they have already been punished."

Yae Sakura glanced at the listless two, and pleaded with Lin Yu for them.

But one thing to say, she also felt that it was a big mistake for Cangxuan and Danzhu to leave their posts without authorization during the mission, but when she saw that they were awakened by nightmares even after taking a nap, she really couldn't bear it.

The two have already received the punishment they deserved. If this continues, the spirits of Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu may not be able to bear it.

"It's just a lesson for them. Those dreams are nothing to you at all. It's because their spirits are too weak."

Lin Yu is not talking nonsense, after all, Novalu and Yae Sakura have actively tried the power of "real dream" two days ago.

However, the spirits of these two people were too strong, and they rushed over to clean up the imperial-level Houkai herd in the dream, and the "real dream" was directly broken, and it didn't affect them at all.

But this also reflects how weak Cangxuan and Danzhu's spirits are from the side.

"For your sake, let them be spared this time, I hope they will have a longer memory in the future."

Afterwards, Lin Yu glanced at Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu who were lying on the table with no energy, and then snapped his fingers lightly.

The next moment, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu fell asleep in response.


Seeing this, Novalu and Yae Sakura turned their gazes to Lin Yu instantly.

"Don't look at me like that, I've already canceled the "real dream", and now I'm just letting them sleep peacefully. "

Both Yae Sakura and Novalu interceded for them, and the punishment time was almost enough, so Lin Yu had no reason to continue punishing them, so he lifted the control.

"Let them have a good rest."

"By the way, Lin Yu, have you thought of a way to solve the consciousness of the Second Herrscher in Qiyana's body?"

Seeing that Cangxuan and Danzhu can already sleep peacefully, Nuovalu doesn't have to worry about them continuing to be tortured by "real dreams".Later, she remembered that the collapse of Canghai City could disappear, and asked Lin Yu:

"That guy should regain some strength, right?"

"It's been a few days, and it is estimated that she has regained a little strength."

During this period of time, Lin Yu has been trying to solve this problem, but there is no good way.

Although there is no need to worry that the consciousness of the Second Herrscher will suppress Qiyana's consciousness, once she regains her strength, she will definitely harass Qiyana!
Just like the scene Lin Yu saw when he entered Qiyana's dream.

Over time, who knows what that will do to Kiyana.

"It would be great if there was a way to monitor Qiyana's dreams. In that case, we would know immediately if there was any movement in the Second Herrscher's consciousness."

Although Yae Sakura wanted to help Lin Yu solve this trouble, but her power could only act on reality, and did not affect the level of consciousness at all.

"Huh? Monitoring the consciousness of the Second Herrscher?"

Yae Sakura's words gave Lin Yu a new direction of thinking. After all, it is a bit unrealistic to directly solve the consciousness of the Second Herrscher, but if she is monitored, the situation will be completely different.

"Lin Yu, what did you think of?"

Looking at Lin Yu who was meditating first, Novalu guessed that he had thought of a solution to the problem.

"Novalu, let Xiao Yu think about it for a while."

If Lin Yu's thinking state was broken at this time, the thoughts he had finally grasped might disappear, so Yae Sakura also signaled Novalu not to disturb him.

After thinking for a few minutes, Lin Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he clapped his hands suddenly and said:
"There is a way!"

"What way? Tell us quickly!"

Novalu was very curious about what method Lin Yu came up with to solve the consciousness of the Second Herrscher.

"Actually, we don't need to think about killing the Second Herrscher at all. We just need to know her movements and find a way to injure her again."

"So... what is your solution?"

Nova Lu was stunned because he didn't understand what Lin Yu meant.

"I have to make something that can monitor the fluctuations of consciousness and send it to Kiyana, and then we will get a device that can communicate with consciousness. As long as the Second Herrscher moves, we can enter Kiyana's consciousness space through the device , give her a hard lesson."

Lin Yu already had a clear idea of ​​the general idea, and he was just about to make the thing.

Currently only Lin Yu has the power of consciousness in the entire base, and this is his own design idea, so this matter can only be done by him alone.

As for the consciousness communication device, let's wait until Cangxuan and Danzhu recover their spirits.

"You tell Cecilia and Sirin about this matter. After all, they still have a lot to settle with the Second Herrscher."

Cecilia and Kiyana are mother and daughter, plus the Second Herrscher killed her once, this account is not small; there are even more accounts between Sirin and the Second Herrscher, after all The Second Herrscher manipulated her to do too many bad things, almost destroying the entire Eurasian continent.

At that time, they can even let the two of them go to Qiyana's consciousness space to teach the Second Herrscher a lesson to pay back some interest.

"Leave the matter of informing them to us, you go and make things first!"

Although Lin Yu was very relaxed when he talked about his thinking, Nova Lu could imagine how difficult it was for the thing that Lin Yu said could monitor the consciousness of the second Herrscher. After all, there is nothing simple in the field of consciousness.

"When Cangxuan and Danzhu recover, tell them that the device for connecting consciousness needs their help."

Although Lin Yu has the power of consciousness, but if he really wants to design a Unicom device, he can't do it alone, and he has to ask the professional Cangxuan and Danzhu to help.

"You have treated them like this, are you sure they will be willing to help you?"

Because Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were influenced by Lin Yu's "real dream" before, they never thought that Lin Yu did those things.Once the influence is lifted, they will definitely come to Lin Yu to settle accounts as soon as possible.

"Just give them this, it's my compensation for them."

With that said, Lin Yu took out a purple gemstone from the Xingyu space, threw it to Novalu casually, and then went straight to the research room to start making the device.

"Huh? What is this?"

Nuovalu caught the gem thrown by Lin Yu, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"A purple gem?"

Yae Sakura looked at the gemstone in Novalu's hand with some doubts.

Why did Xiao Yu take a gem as compensation?

Just when the two of them were puzzled, a few purple lights suddenly flickered on the surface of the purple gem.

"Wait! Is this...the core of the Herrscher?"

The purple gemstone was taken out by Lin Yu from the star language space just now, and it had some suppressing effect, so there was no energy fluctuation.After a short while, the suppression effect disappeared, and energy fluctuations appeared.

After knowing the true face of the purple gem, Novalu and Yae Sakura were stunned for a moment.

Where did Lin Yu get the Herrscher core?
When did the Herrscher core become so easy to obtain?

 The next part of the game story is about to start, everyone guess what will happen to the Second Herrscher? PS: Just a reminder—revenge for revenge, revenge for injustice!

(End of this chapter)

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