The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 339 I Come To Play With You

Chapter 339 I Come To Play With You

In St. Freya Academy, in the dormitory of Sirin and the others, Higokumaru has already told them the news that Rita will come here for inspection.

"Don't worry, my brother has already said that there is no need to worry about this matter, and you can continue to go to school normally."

Hiyumaru said casually while lying on Sirin's bed while reading the manga, not taking this matter to heart at all.

"But that Rita is coming tomorrow, shouldn't we make some preparations?"

Bella still seemed a little worried.

"My brother said that, so we shouldn't worry too much, right?"

Although Lin Yu never disappointed Phil, she had a little doubt this time.

"Why don't we pack up our things in advance and be ready to evacuate St. Freya Academy at any time?"

Yae Rin suddenly made a bold proposal.


The others felt that Yae Rin's proposal was reasonable, so they left Sirin's room and returned to their respective rooms to start packing.

At the same time, on a tall building next to the entrance of St. Freya Academy, Lin Yu stood there as if preparing for something.

"Huh—this should be fine."

As Lin Yu breathed a long sigh of relief, a complex formation enveloped the entrance of the academy.

This formation will not have any effect on the people in the academy, but it is different for those who come to the academy.

The main function of this formation is to exert some kind of psychological hint on the person entering the academy, and this person is Rita who is about to come to St. Freya Academy.As for the main content of the hint in her heart, it is actually to let her ignore the existence of Sirin and the others as much as possible, so as not to arouse her suspicion of Sirin and others.

"My control over the power of consciousness should have improved a lot, right? If I control that raven again, I should be able to control it for a long time?"

After setting up the formation, Lin Yu couldn't help but think of how he controlled the raven in London before and "stealed" the third god's key from her.

It's just that at that time, he was not proficient in controlling the "Tianhuan" form of "Xingyu", and could only control her for a few tens of seconds.The time was barely enough for him to replace the God Key and leave the scene. If it were now, Lin Yu felt that it would be fine for him to drink a cup of tea in front of Raven before leaving.

"In order to prevent the level of hints in my heart from being insufficient, it's better for me to personally go out and attract Rita's attention during the exam the day after tomorrow."

This formation cannot 100% make Rita ignore Sirin and the others, so at this time, someone who can attract her attention needs to appear.

Lin Yu himself is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"Hey! I have also tried my best to let you study for a few months with peace of mind."

Lin Yu sighed, then glanced in the direction of Xilin and the others' dormitories, and then shook his head helplessly.

Who made him Phil's brother!

"Huh? Has the Second Herrscher made any movement?"

Just when Lin Yu finished sighing, the warning of "Crystal of Qianlong" suddenly came from his mind.

At the same time, after hearing the news, Sirin immediately stopped packing her hands and prepared to put on the consciousness communication device; Cecilia also rushed to the command room immediately, preparing to sneak into Kiana's consciousness space .

"It will take a while for Sirin and Cecilia to enter Kiana's consciousness space, I'll go and see the situation first."

The next moment, Lin Yu's figure disappeared directly from the tall building, as if he had never been here.

Ten minutes ago, Qiyana's dormitory.

"Ah~~ The training arranged by the squad leader is really exhausting."

After dragging her tired body back to her room, Qiyana fell directly on the bed, still complaining that today's training was too tiring.

"Head...a little pain..."

Just as she was about to fall asleep, there was a sudden burst of pain in her mind.

"This is... Saint Freya Academy?"

When Kiyana opened her eyes again, she found herself standing in the center of the Saint Freya Academy Square, which surprised her.

"Uh heh heh..."

A burst of mysterious laughter suddenly reached Qiyana's ears.

"Who? Who's there?"

After hearing the mysterious laughter, Qiyana immediately turned around to check the surrounding environment, trying to find the person who made the laugh.

"Lost little girl... welcome home~☆"

That mysterious voice sounded again.

"Where is this? Why... am I here?"

Kiyana still had no idea why she was here.

"It looks like I've been asleep for too long, but that's okay. Now, the gears of fate are turning again.

Welcome home, Kiyana Kaslana~"

That mysterious voice seemed to be no stranger to Qiyana, or rather familiar.

"Home? No, it's not here... who are you? Why do you know my name?"

Qiyana was very curious about how this mysterious voice knew her name.

"Hey~ This is really an indescribable question. Do you like the world I built for you?"

These words of the mysterious man revealed an important message to Qiyana, that is, the place she is currently in was created by her.

"World? What are you talking about? By the way, I must be dreaming."

As she said that, Qiyana pinched herself severely, still muttering "Wake up~".

"Hahahaha, you want to leave me just now? It's really sad, but it's not that easy to leave here, eh?"

The mysterious man couldn't help laughing when he heard that Qiyana was leaving here in a hurry.It is not easy to leave here, after all, this is the world she created.

"You... what are you going to do? Let you taste the power of me, Kiyana Kaslana! I am the strongest Valkyrie!"

When Qiyana said this, she remembered the scene of being taught by the monitor in training today, and felt a little embarrassed, so she immediately changed her words:
"Ahem... the future is the strongest."

"Kaslana? Valkyrie? Hahahahaha! It seems that you really don't know anything about your evil fate.

You are just an orphan who was abandoned by his father and has never even seen his mother.Don't you wonder why you have been without your mother's company since birth?Why is father leaving you? "

The mysterious man's words kept revealing some information that Qiyana didn't know.

"You... What the hell do you... know?!"

After hearing these words from the mysterious man, Qiyana seemed a little anxious.

"Oh? Have you finally aroused your interest? You know, even in my sleep, I have been observing you. So, I know everything about you. Your life, from beginning to end, Everything is a lie~☆

bring it on!Let's play a little game, if you can catch up with me, I'll share a little secret with you~"

Then, a dark shadow appeared not far from Qiyana.And on the road leading to her, several dead warriors and Houkai beasts were waiting for Qiyana.

Obviously, she didn't want Qiyana to simply catch up with her.

"Then just wait for Miss Ben to catch up with you!"

Qiyana was very curious about the so-called little secrets in the mysterious population, so she also wanted to catch up and ask what those little secrets were.

However, at this moment, a slightly angry voice suddenly came from above:

"If you really want to play, then let me play with you, Second Herrscher!!!"

 Guess whose voice is at the end of the article? PS: Although today is April Fool's Day, I don't have the energy to make jokes recently, so keep updating normally...(ー_ー)!!
(End of this chapter)

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