The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 355 You will know later

Chapter 355 You will know later
After hearing Lin Yu's voice from the communicator, the two were startled, but they realized the next moment.

The communication between the two of them has been encrypted. How did Lin Yu "break" in?
"Lin Yu, how did you crack our communication encryption?"

Teresa also asked Lin Yu unceremoniously, after all, this is related to the safety of the communication system of St. Freya Academy.

"It's nothing, even our side sent people to the Oceania branch in New Zealand to look for the "Gem of Desire", and they found Mei and the others.Later, I hacked into your communication channel, and I happened to hear you talking about "Longing for Gems", so I came over to chat with you when I was thinking about having nothing to do. "

Lin Yu fell into a dilemma when he was thinking about how to make the world bubble core into armor in the base, so he wanted to go out for a walk to find inspiration.

No, it happened that Teresa and Jizi were chatting, so Lin Yu "joined" without hesitation.

"I'll ask the technical staff to add a few more layers of insurance to the communication system when I go back. I'll see if you can still break in."

Teresa stomped her feet angrily.

Even Lin Yu can break into their communication system. Are the technicians in St. Freya Academy free?
"Theresa, don't worry, I can come in because I have used St. Freya's communicator before, so I am familiar with your communication system. No one else here can do it like me."

Lin Yu's remarks were entirely to dispel Teresa's concerns, otherwise no matter how much she encrypted it, it would be useless. After all, Fei Yumaru had already regarded St. Freya's main system space as her own personal space.

"You didn't leak our communications system?"

Teresa asked Lin Yu suspiciously.

"of course not."

Lin Yu's tone was very firm.

Of course he didn't disclose it, because Hiyumaru got in with his own ability...

"Okay, Teresa, don't worry about this with Lin Yu, he was considered a student of St. Freya before anyway, and I believe he would not do such a thing."

After all, Lin Yu had stayed in St. Freya for a while, and Ji Zi thought that she had a good eye for people, so she was not worried that Lin Yu would do anything harmful to St. Freya.

After explaining for Lin Yu, Ji Zi asked Lin Yu:
"Lin Yu, you said you know the origin of "Longing for Gems", what is going on? "

"My database already exists."

Just kidding, the basic data of the Feather Blade database is all obtained from Destiny, and the data of "Longing Gem" is naturally included.

It's just that considering that the recorded information is a bit untrue, Lin Yu also deliberately asked the people who had experienced the second collapse (ie Cecilia and Sirin) to learn more about the whole process of that incident.

The information heard from these two people is absolutely true, at least much more true than those in the database.

"Then tell me, what exactly is the "Gem of Desire"?And how did it come about? "

Ji Zi didn't say much, anyway, she just wanted to know about "Longing for Gems", and it was the same for Teresa or Lin Yu.

"Then it's up to you! Let me see the difference between Feather Blade's record and Destiny's record."

Teresa also wanted to see the difference between Lin Yu s information and what she knew.

"Didn't Destiny defeat the Second Herrscher 14 years ago? When Destiny recovered the body of the Second Herrscher, it found the core of the Herrscher in her body that was broken into four pieces. It's just that before Destiny completed the recovery, The anti-entropy people stopped them with floating battleships and tactical mechs. However, Tianming had basically lost all combat effectiveness at that time, and could not defeat anti-entropy at all, so Tianming decided to hand over the second Herrscher's body and herrscher core. However, they didn't know the situation of the core of the Second Herrscher, so Destiny kept the three gems, and only handed over the body of the Second Herrscher and one of the gems to Anti Entropy. Among the three gems kept by Destiny, there was "Desire Gem". "

Lin Yu directly read the information he got from the Tianming database, and did not tell the real situation he had learned.

You know, the real situation is that Anti-Entropy and Destiny suffered heavy losses as well, but they only got one gem, and did not get the body of the Second Herrscher at all. Otherwise, where did Destiny come from with the "Sirin Project"?
It's just that only those who participated in the second Honkai knew about these things at that time, Lin Yu didn't dare to say too much, otherwise Teresa would definitely ask herself.

Adhering to the principle of "one thing more is worse than one thing less", Lin Yu did not tell the real information on his side, but just told some things that Teresa also knew.

"These things are all Tianming S-level confidential documents, Lin Yu, how do you know?"

Teresa knew how important Lin Yu s words were in Tianming headquarters, and she couldn t help but began to wonder what Lin Yu s identity was in Yuren.

"I'm in charge of intelligence here, and the database is open to me. I can find out what I want to know. If you really want to know what I do, you might as well ask Rita, she should I told you."

Lin Yu said very proudly.

He can guarantee that Teresa will definitely ask Rita about his identity, so his "true identity" as the head of the Feather Blade Intelligence Department may not be able to be preserved.

"The level of confidentiality of these matters is not low? Is it possible that your kid holds some important position in Feather Blade?"

Even Ji Zi began to doubt Lin Yu's identity when he heard this. After all, if Lin Yu is really just an ordinary member of Yuren, then he knows too much, right?

Could it be that her status as an A-level Valkyrie in Destiny is not as good as an ordinary member of Yuren?
"Lin Yu, you Yuren people are also looking for the "Gem of Desire", so will they meet Mei and the others? "

"I mentioned before that this time the competition for the "Gem of Desire" is all based on ability, if Mei and the others get the "Gem of Desire" in advance, then they will not snatch it. "

Lin Yu specifically asked Cang Xuan, but her determination to find the "Gem of Desire" is extraordinary, and she will not let it go in all likelihood.But with Nuovalu and Ji Lin watching, she didn't have the strength to act recklessly.

"Theresa, you'd better inform Qiyana and the others, this is already the best I can do."

"Got it, I'm going to inform Mei and the others right now."

Teresa cut off the communication without saying a word and contacted Mei and the others, telling them not to conflict with Yu Ren's people. After all, they didn't even know the strength of Yu Ren's people.

"I said Sister Jizi, if you can't find any information on your A-level Valkyrie authority, then upgrade! Your body may have recovered, and with the help of the God Key Xuanyuan Sword, you should be no worse than an S-level Valkyrie Bar?"

Lin Yu can basically guarantee that Jizi's strength has definitely reached the level of an S-level Valkyrie, but she would rather spend her days in St. Freya Academy than go to the Destiny headquarters to be an S-level Valkyrie.

"When you become an S-rank Valkyrie, you have to go to the headquarters. How can Saint Freya be happy there! I won't go."

Ji Zi also didn't deny the fact that her abilities had reached the level of an S-rank Valkyrie, she just stated that she simply didn't want to.Then she asked Lin Yu:

"Teresa is not here now, tell me, boy, what are you doing at Feather Blade?"

"It's not convenient for me to talk to you about this. You should go ask that Rita with Teresa."

Lin Yu always asked Ji Zi and the others to ask Rita, but he was unwilling to say anything.

"Well, you also have your difficulties, so I won't ask any more questions."

Seeing this, Ji Zi didn't ask any further questions.

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Yu disconnected from Ji Zi.

"It's not that I don't want to say it. I really don't know how to explain it to you! I will tell you when I have a chance in the future."

In the Yuren base, Lin Yu, who had just disconnected from Jizi, lay on the grass and looked at the sky and said silently.

 In the next chapter, Wendy officially debuts, let us welcome the appearance of the Fourth Herrscher! ! PS: There should be applause here!You know...\(o)/\(o)/
(End of this chapter)

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