Chapter 357

When the Houkai Beast was about to approach the girl, the three of Mei appeared in time and wiped out the Houkai Beast and the dead man, and the girl was thus out of danger.

"Are you OK?"

After destroying the Houkai Beast, Mei turned around and asked the girl in the wheelchair.

Before the girl could answer, Himeko's voice came from Mei's communicator:
"It seems that you have found your target."

"Target? Isn't our goal "Gem of Desire"?We just saved a girl. "

Mei was puzzled by Himeko's words.

They saved people, so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with finding the "Gem of Desire", right?

Just when the three were wondering, what Ji Zi said next surprised them even more:
"According to the information just sent by the Oceania branch, this lady is the "Jewel of Desire". "

" name is Wendy."

girls meet threesome

On the other side, Nuovalu and the others are watching the situation on Ya's side.

"What's going on here? Why is there such a big reaction when the detector is pointed at the girl?"

Looking at the sharply rising value displayed on the detector in his hand, Cang Xuan felt a little confused.

"It can't be that girl holding the Gem of Desire, is it?It's just...even A-rank Valkyries can't carry the "Gem of Desire" with them, can they? "

Ji Lin also didn't believe his guess.

"The Desire Gem was indeed carried by that girl, but the circumstances were a little different. "

Novalu had clearly seen the relationship between the girl and the "Jewel of Desire" when she perceived it just now, so she explained to the two of them:
"The "Desire Gem" is not carried by her, but in her body! "

Novalu said a very extraordinary thing in very calm words.


Cang Xuan and Ji Lin were taken aback for a moment.

The "Gem of Desire" is in that girl's body?
What a joke!

"Don't accept it, it's a fact."

Novalu was actually surprised when she perceived this situation before, but she had a strong ability to accept it, and she accepted it all at once.

"The core of the Herrscher has been fused into the body, so doesn't she become a Herrscher?"

In Cangxuan's view, if the core of the Herrscher is fused into the body, as long as the person is fine, it will turn the person into a Herrscher!

"She shouldn't be a Herrscher, and a Herrscher is not what she looks like."

Ji Lin immediately denied Cang Xuan's opinion.

How earth-shattering the power possessed by Herrscher is, and looking back at the girl, if the three of Mei hadn't arrived in time just now, she doubted whether the girl would be killed by the Honkai Beast.

"It is estimated that there is a problem with the fusion, let's see what is going on first."

Novalu also didn't know what was going on between "Longing Gem" and that girl.

"This is the time to use this thing."

Cangxuan took out a few earphone-like things as he spoke, and motioned Novalu and Ji Lin to put them on.

"What is this?"

Novalu and Ji Lin asked after getting the items.

"This thing is a bug that Danzhu and I made when we were bored. It can eavesdrop on communications within a certain range."

While explaining to the two, Cang Xuan put on the "earphones", preparing to eavesdrop on Mei's communication.

In fact, the thing designed by Cangxuan and Danzhu can only be used to eavesdrop on ordinary communication equipment, but the main system of Saint Freya Academy has been completely analyzed by "Arsius", so Saint Freya's In Cang Xuan's eyes, communication equipment is no different from ordinary equipment.

"Then let's hear what's going on."

After listening to Cang Xuan's explanation, Nuova Lu and Ji Lin put on the "earphones" silently, preparing to find out what was going on.


"Major Jizi, what do you mean?"

Mei had a hard time understanding what Himeko meant by "this lady is the "Jewel of Desire"".

"Let me explain. Miss Wendy, please wait a moment."

Ji Zi knew that he was going to spend another time talking.

"I'm fine."

Hearing that Himeko wanted to explain her situation to the three of Mei, Wendy didn't show anything, but just nodded.

"Three years ago, the Oceania branch conducted an experiment. They transplanted the "Gem of Desire" into Miss Wendy's leg, combined the Honkai energy crystal with her calf bone, and expected to obtain the same level as Herrscher. strength. "

Ji Zi slowly explained what he meant just now.

"So, Miss Wendy should have great strength, right? But she looks very weak now."

Mei knows what kind of power human beings can have after successfully merging with Honkai energy crystallization, which is too different from Wendy in front of her.

"Although Wendy was the best Valkyrie in the Oceania branch at that time, she was once thought to be the fourth S-rank Valkyrie of this generation. But unfortunately, she couldn't control that power in the end."

Himeko tells the reason why Wendy is in a wheelchair.

"It's my lack of strength, not only can't control the power of the "Gem of Desire", but also my legs can't move because of the crystallization. "

When Wendy heard that Jizi mentioned the experiment, she immediately said that it was her lack of strength that made her what she is now.

"How did this happen? Then why not take out the crystals, because of this, Miss Wendy can only sit in a wheelchair now."

Mei felt a little bit wrong for Wendy.

"The "Gem of Desire" can hardly remain stable in all mediums, but it can only be stabilized in Miss Wendy's body. "

Himeko explained the reason for not taking the crystal out of Wendy's body.

Although the crystals can be taken out of Wendy, it may cause them to lose the "desire gem".In this case, Destiny will not take out the "Gem of Desire" casually.

"Could it be that Destiny used Miss Wendy's body as a container in order to preserve the "Gem of Desire"?It's too much! "

After knowing the situation, Mei couldn't help being a little angry.

"There's no point arguing about these things now, you guys should bring Wendy back to Huberian."

Destiny Headquarters' decisions are not something their subordinates can decide. Ji Zi knew this truth well, so she didn't say anything to Mei, but asked them to bring Wendy back first.

Although Wendy is inconvenient to move in a wheelchair, Bronya used the mobility of the reloaded Bunny 19C to take Wendy with her at the critical moment, which made Wendy not affect the actions of the three of them.

Cangxuan and the others looked at Mei and the others leaving, not knowing what to do next.

"My Wind Core..."

Cang Xuan was so teary right now!

Her main purpose this time is to obtain the "Gem of Desire", so that her combat power can soar as soon as possible.But who would have thought that "Gem of Desire" would have been merged by others long ago!

"Why don't we ask Lin Yu. Now that the "Gem of Desire" has been fused, it is impossible for us to get it.If Lin Yu came over, he should be able to help you get the core of the wind. "

Novalu persuaded Cangxuan.

The "Gem of Desire" fused into Wendy's body is destined to be lost, but Lin Yu's bug-like Herrscher power can copy another "Gem of Desire"!

"That's right! Why did I forget Lin Yu? He said he would give me the "Gem of Desire", so I have to ask him to come here quickly. "

In Cang Xuan's view, Lin Yu is his only hope now, and there is no other person except him who can help her get the Herrscher core.

"Hey, it won't work if Lin Yu doesn't come this time, I hope he can be a migrant worker safely this time."

Novalu looked at Cang Xuan who was calling Lin Yu.

To be precise, she was calling for a beater, a beater who could help her get the Lawrence Core.

 The main character who hits the worker is about to arrive, and the "strongest" Lawrence is about to debut!Hey~
(End of this chapter)

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