Chapter 359 The Golden Blade
Wendy was flying in the air, and her whole body was emitting extremely strong waves of Houkai energy.According to Mei and others, that kind of Honkai energy cannot be emitted by human beings. There is only one possibility...

lawyer! !

Only the Herrscher can emit such terrifying Houkai energy fluctuations.

"Lulu, what's the matter?"

After sensing the birth of the Herrscher, Lin Yu immediately came to the place where the three of Nuovalu were, and asked them what happened before.

"We don't know too well, before..."

Novalu told Lin Yu exactly what happened before, and was going to see his reaction.

"Lin Yu, the Herrscher was born, do we need to stop it? It is impossible for the three of Qiyana to defeat the Herrscher."

Ji Lin was holding Xuanyuanjian's right hand tightly and was ready to pull out the sword at any time. After all, this Herrscher brought her a strong sense of crisis.

"No need, this Herrscher is too weak, the strength of the Houkai energy emitted is only 2100HW. It is estimated that this level of Houkai energy is not even comparable to the more powerful emperor-level Houkai beast. Mei and the others should barely be able to deal with it."

Although Lin Yu was surprised when he perceived the birth of the Herrscher, he immediately felt relieved when he realized that the energy intensity of the Herrscher reached a certain extreme value.

2100HW Herrscher?
Can that be called a lawyer?

The intensity of the collapse in Canghai City was higher than this, right?

"A Herrscher of this level is really weak enough!"

Nuo Valu looked at Wendy who was flying in the air in the distance with a "powerful" energy response, and couldn't help complaining.

The energy intensity of the herrschers born in the collapse of Changkong City that she and Lin Yu experienced was more than 3000 HW. The Herrschers in the sky in the second collapse recorded in the Destiny Database were more than 4000 HW. None of these Herrschers Not much stronger than the Herrscher in the distance.

This Herrscher of the Wind, Novalu felt that under normal circumstances, he would be able to beat her powerlessly.

"Novalu, what you said is too..."

Cang Xuan and Ji Lin didn't know what to say to what Nuova Lu said just now.

The Houkai energy emitted by that Herrscher is already very strong, right?

You still think she is weak?
"There's nothing wrong with Lulu's words, we can beat ten Herrschers like this!"

Lin Yu agreed with Novalu's words very much. After all, their strength is beyond the reach of ordinary Herrschers.

Under normal circumstances, if you want the two of them to be serious, Herrscher must have at least 3000HW of energy; if you want them to feel a bit difficult, then you need to start with 4000HW.

"By the way, Cangxuan, I'll give you this thing. Don't argue that I owe you the core of the Herrscher."

As he said, a green gemstone condensed in Lin Yu's hand, but this gemstone is currently wrapped by a faint golden barrier.

"This is……"

Cang Xuan looked at the gem in Lin Yu s hand in surprise.

"When I saw that Herrscher just now, I copied her core. I specially wrapped it with a space barrier, and I will untie it for you when I return to the base."

As Lin Yu spoke, he casually threw the gem in his hand to Cang Xuan like throwing rubbish, and then looked at Wendy in the sky in the distance.

"Lin Yu, be careful."

Seeing Lin Yu throwing the Herrscher's core to himself casually, Cang Xuan immediately ran over to catch it carefully, and then looked at Lin Yu with dissatisfaction.

The Herrscher Core may not be a rare item to Lin Yu, but it is a treasured item to them!

"Okay, this time your wish has come true, you can go back and familiarize yourself with the power of Herrscher's core with Danzhu."

The Herrscher core obtained from Lin Yu, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu don't need to worry about being corroded by the will of Houkai, because it doesn't exist at all.So as long as their own Honkai adaptability is high enough, it will be fine even if they hold the Herrscher core in their hands.

However, their bodies were all constructed by Lin Yu with the power of death, so it goes without saying that Honkai is adaptable, so they only need a process of getting familiar with the power.

"Lin Yu, what do we need to do next?"

Ji Lin asked Lin Yu.

At this time, her right hand was still pressed on the hilt of the sword.


Lin Yu fell into thinking.

This situation is indeed a bit difficult to deal with, but it doesn't affect him as a passerby, after all, the Herrscher Core, which is the main target, has already been obtained.

"Let's do this! Ji Lin, stop that Herrscher, stop it if you can, and it's okay if you can't."

Looking at Ji Lin's Xuanyuan Sword ready to be unsheathed at any time, Lin Yu was finally ready to let her take action, but considering that the Herrscher was too flexible, he didn't make any other requests.

"Lulu, send Cangxuan back to deal with Herrscher's core first, and then come here."

Only he and Novalu can easily remove the space barrier on the Herrscher's core, so Lin Yu asked Novalu and Cang Xuan to return to the base together.

"Alright then, I'll go back with Cang Xuan first, and come back later."

After hearing Lin Yu's arrangement, Nuovalu didn't say much, and then mentioned Cang Xuan who was happily "watching" the core of the Herrscher, and walked directly into the space passage.

"Then I'll do it first."

After confirming that the mask was on, Ji Lin was about to pull out the Xuanyuan Sword.

"OK! Next you will be my boss, and I will be your subordinate."

Lin Yu is about to start his old routine again.

A few minutes ago, the three of Qiyana looked at Wendy flying in the air in disbelief.

Obviously, they were still having a good chat before, and they were chatting to find a way to get Wendy out of the wheelchair and stand up after they got to St. Freya Academy.But just now, Wendy took the initiative to activate the power in the "Gem of Desire".

"You hypocrites, I can't wait to kill you all. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Wendy was flying in the air at this moment, laughing wantonly.

"This energy reaction, could it be...Wendy, you released the power of the "Gem of Desire"?Or are you being controlled by the will of Houkai in the crystallization? "

Himeko fell into a soliloquy after seeing Wendy's appearance in the control room of the Hyperion.

"Major Himeko, what should we do now?"

Mei immediately asked Himeko for a solution.

"Find a way to stop her first, we'll be there soon."

It will take several minutes for the Hyperion to reach the place where Mei and the others are, so Himeko can only let them hold Wendy as much as possible, waiting for her support.


At this moment, a bright golden sword energy flew from a distance and hit Wendy directly.But Wendy had already set up a wind wall around her, so the sword energy didn't cause any harm to her.

"How is this going?"

The three of Mei immediately looked around, trying to find out where the attack was launched just now.

"I was just looking for the "Gem of Desire", but I didn't expect to see the birth of the Herrscher. "

Ji Lin was holding the Xuanyuan Sword at this time, and slowly approached Wendy.

In fact, Ji Lin's opening remarks just now were made by Lin Yu. She herself was a thousand unwilling, but after knowing what Lin Yu had contacted with Ji Zi and the others before, she had no choice but to agree.However, she also stated that she only said this sentence and would not say anything else.

Lin Yu said that as long as he said this opening sentence, the rest can be done at will.

"You are……"

Seeing the black-haired girl walking towards them with a golden sword in their hands, the three of Mei couldn't help becoming vigilant.

"Feather blade, golden blade—Xuanyuan."

This was not what Lin Yu asked Ji Lin to say, but the self-introduction that everyone had agreed on a long time ago, and everyone else would introduce themselves like this, without exception.

 Guess what will happen when Wendy and Ji Lin fight? PS: Ji Lin: Apprentice (Ji Zi), watch how Xuanyuan Sword is used!乛乛
(End of this chapter)

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