The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 383 Goal - Destiny Headquarters

Chapter 383 Goal - Destiny Headquarters
"Then when do we leave?"

Cecilia can't wait to get ready to go. After all, this is a major matter related to Qiyana's life and safety, and she must work hard.

"Let's go after Xiaofei and the others bring back the news from Saint Freya."

Lin Yu explained to Cecilia.

They don't know much about the current situation, so they can't act rashly for the time being. They have to wait until Hiyumaru and the others bring back detailed information before they can make further plans.

Another point is that it will take time for Fu Hua to bring Qiyana back to the headquarters of Tianming. Although the time is not much, it is enough for Lin Yu and the others to make all preparations.

"Our goal for this operation is very clear. It is to rescue Qiyana. Even if the Second Herrscher shows up, we must beat her back. We must teach her an unforgettable lesson."

Lin Yu took advantage of the preparation time to explain everyone's tasks.

Cangxuan and Danzhu were still in charge of the command work as before, but this time they were not conducting command in the base, but in the battleship.

Yes!Take command in a battleship.

It's just that it's not in the "Twilight of the Gods", but in one of its frigates. After all, the "Twilight of the Gods" has only been largely remodeled, and further modifications are needed before it can be officially dispatched.

As for those frigates, there is no need for serious modification, because Lin Yu made them directly according to the finished products before, so they can be dispatched directly after completion.

The Yae sisters, Karen, and Noelle are responsible for protecting Cangxuan and Danzhu, as well as guarding the battleship.

Novalu is in charge of keeping an eye on Ulandal, after all, she has long wanted to fight this current strongest Valkyrie of Destiny.There is no need for Lin Yu to worry about it here, after all, Nova Lu's strength lies there!As for the degree of confrontation?Then it's up to Nuovalu to decide. Anyway, Lin Yu believes that she will control the strength well.

The other S-level Valkyrie is watched by Xiaona and Xiaokai personally. After all, they are fighting at the opponent's home court. Lin Yu has to be prepared for unexpected situations, so the arrangement can be regarded as giving Rita enough face.

Fu Hua, who might continue to work for Otto and affect their rescue of Qiyana, was handed over to Ji Lin.Although Ji Lin is not Fu Hua's perfect opponent, when facing Fu Hua today, she may have the strength to fight.What's more, she doesn't need to defeat her at all, she just needs to hold her back so that she doesn't disturb other people.

Phil and Hiyumaru are responsible for cleaning up the defense robots and the Valkyrie troops of Destiny, which is not a difficult task for the two of them anyway.

Cecilia, Sirin, and Bella are responsible for heading straight to Destiny headquarters to rescue Kiana.Even if the rescue fails, the worst case scenario is that the Second Herrscher will show up and let Xilin face her. Anyway, the relationship between the two of them is not as complicated as usual, and it's time to find a chance to solve it.

As for Lin Yu himself, his task is the most important, because he needs to keep an eye on Otto, the bishop of destiny.

You know, all of this was planned by Otto a long time ago, and Lin Yu has every reason to believe that he has enough confidence to deal with unexpected situations.So he must keep an eye on this extremely dangerous guy, and if necessary, he needs to confront him head-on as the leader of the Featherblade—Yi.

It didn't take long for Hiyumaru and Sirin to rush back to the base, and at the same time, they reported the situation on St. Freya's side.

"It seems that I need to send someone to support Teresa and the others, otherwise they will not be able to cope with the fate at all in their current state!"

St. Freya's most important battleship, the Hyperion, is undergoing transformation, and the only tools available are those transport ships. How can they deal with the Destiny Headquarters in this situation!
However, Lin Yu has already made arrangements for everyone in Yuren, and only their "old acquaintance" Chi Yuan can go to support Teresa.

"I have no choice but to let Chiyuan go there."

Anyway, Chi Yuan's battle is no weaker than that of the S-rank Valkyrie, not to mention that Lin Yu prepared a big move for her when he took the time.Even if you encounter a Herrscher, you can't say you can beat it, but it's absolutely no problem to retreat completely.

At the same time, the destiny headquarters is floating on the island.

"Otto, I have brought Kiana here according to your order. What you entrusted to me has been completed, don't forget your promise."

Fu Hua brought Qiyana to Otto and reminded him immediately and also gave him a warning.

"My friend, don't worry, I have never forgotten my promise to you."

Otto smiled slightly.

He did not forget the promise he made with Fu Hua. After all, even if this person is no longer at his peak, even if his momentum has weakened countless times, those scenes from the past still shock him.

Then, under Otto's order, several people soon appeared to take Qiyana away, obviously he had arranged it before.

"My friend, the next thing may trouble you. But don't worry, this is the last thing. After this thing is over, I will follow my promise and let the destiny protect Shenzhou forever. "

Otto said to Fu Hua.

"You don't need to say much, I will do it."

Without saying another word to Otto, Fu Hua turned around and went out to prepare for what was going to happen next.


St. Freya Academy.

"Theresa, are we really going to use the Helios transport ship to go to the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven?"

Jizi glanced at the transport ship parked not far away, and then glanced at Theresa again, as if to say, "I'm afraid you're not joking."

"That's right, we don't have time to hesitate now. We can't let that thing go on the Hyperion until it's refitted. "

It's not that Teresa doesn't want the "Huberian" to attack, but there is really no way to make it attack. After all, that thing will play a decisive role in this rescue operation, so before the complete transformation of the "Huberian" Lian cannot be dispatched.


Feather Blade Base, where the No. [-] frigate boards.

Lin Yu has told everyone about the battle plan this time, and they all understand their mission and are ready to set off at any time.

"Target—Headquarters of Destiny!"

Under Lin Yu's order, Nuovalu and others quickly boarded the frigate, and he himself was the last to board the frigate.

However, when Lin Yu boarded the ship, the core of reason in his body quietly completed "sublimation".

The next moment, the core of reason gradually blurred, and a larger halo phantom than the previous halo formed by the fusion of six Herrscher cores was slowly forming.

 Those who want to know the direction of the incident can look for the game video to watch, and then imagine how the author will change it, maybe it will coincide with your ideas? PS: From here on, there are wonderful plots, which need to be written very carefully, so I need your encouragement!乛乛 (you know)
(End of this chapter)

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