Chapter 385 It's Coming

"All the airports listen to the order, immediately supply energy to the defense system, and strengthen the strength of the upper barrier."

The moment Otto saw the Taixu Divine Sword falling, he ordered to strengthen the defensive barrier of the Destiny Headquarters, trying to block this terrifying blow.

A few kilometers away from the Destiny defense barrier is on the No. [-] frigate.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow-Lin Yu, your move looks very powerful, can it break the tortoise shell of destiny?"

Cang Xuan felt that the Taixu Excalibur aimed at the Destiny Headquarters displayed on the screen was really cool, so he wanted to know whether it was the flaming giant sword that was sharp or the tortoise shell defense of the Destiny Headquarters was hard enough.

"It's probably a bit difficult to break all the barriers, but it's not a problem to open a hole directly above."

The Taixu Divine Sword is also a low-end version of the "Taixu Divine Sword". Although it does not have the power to hit the depths of the consciousness, it is still no problem to make a hole from a turtle's shell.

"If I do it myself, I guess it's not just the defensive barrier that's broken, at least half of my destiny will have to be cut off by me."

Lin Yu glanced at the Taixu Divine Sword that directly hit the protective barrier of destiny on the screen, and at the same time was thinking about the power it would have if he did it himself.

It's just that if Lin Yu did it, it would not be a low-profile version of Taixu Sword, but the real Taixu Sword God.

Although Lin Yu knew that the levels of the Taixu Sword Jue were difficult to cultivate, but since his Shenyu core was transformed, he seemed to be very familiar with the Taixu Sword Jue.

That kind of feeling seems to have been practiced for many years, and all moves can be moved at will, and even faintly gave him a feeling of reaching an unknown realm beyond the fifth level of the sword art.


At this moment, the Taixu Divine Sword ruthlessly collided with the defensive barrier of Destiny, and the huge impact made the entire Destiny Airport tremble several times.

"It seems that your tortoise shells are not as hard as you imagined!"

Chi Yuan looked at the big hole above the airport that was pierced by the Taixu Divine Sword, still holding the Jingwei Sword in her hand, but the flame above it had disappeared.

"Does Your Excellency really want to be my enemy?"

Destiny's understanding of Feather Blade is almost zero, and Otto doesn't want to be an enemy of an organization whose strength is unknown. After all, it is unknown whether he can beat it.

Even though he ordered the airports of Destiny to increase the supply of energy barriers as soon as he discovered the attack of the Taixu Divine Sword, nearly one-third of the barriers were completely smashed, which shows how powerful the sword was just now. fear.

"When your Destiny tried to awaken the Second Herrscher to create Houkai, you were destined to stand against us, not to mention you don't really think that our Feather Blade will be afraid of your Destiny, do you?"

Chi Yuan, who said these words, looked very domineering, as if she didn't take destiny seriously at all.

"Hey! People on the spaceship over there, if you want to enter the airport, you can take advantage of this opportunity. As long as you don't affect Yuren's dealing with Honkai, you can do whatever you want."

Chiyuan said this to Teresa and Himeko on the "Helios" transport ship. Anyway, their purpose is to save Kiyana, so it's no big problem to let them in.

"Jizi, take this opportunity and let's go in quickly."

Although Teresa didn't know why Chiyuan gave them the opportunity to enter the Tianming Airport, she would not miss this opportunity.

Afterwards, they drove the "Helios" transport ship into the defense range of the Mandate of Heaven.

At the same time, No. [-] frigate also took this opportunity to enter the defense range of the destiny.It's just that frigate No. [-] has a top-notch anti-reconnaissance and stealth system, so Tianming still hasn't noticed that a battleship has entered the range of Tianming.

"It's not good, Lin Yu. A large number of Houkai beasts appeared near the Tianming headquarters."

As soon as Cangxuan and Danzhu entered the range of the Destiny Headquarters, dense Honkai beast reactions appeared on the display screen of the detector. The astonishing number surprised Cangxuan and Danzhu.

Lin Yu bluntly knocked Cangxuan and Danzhu on the heads each hard, and then reminded:
"How many times have you said it, and you always call me 'chief' or 'wing' during the action."

"I know... I know."

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu rubbed the place where Lin Yu hit.

"There are so many Honkai Beasts, so let's just disarm the stealth system and anti-reconnaissance devices. I want to see what measures Otto will take against us."

With so many Honkai Beasts, the stealth system of the battleship is useless. After all, such a large battleship cannot avoid every Honkai Beast, so it will be a matter of time before their whereabouts are exposed. Fate is a surprise.

"Then we'll go to the deck and get ready."

Yae Sakura, Yae Rin, Noelle, and Karen are very consciously preparing to go to the deck of the battleship to destroy the coming Houkai herd.

"You just need to be prepared on the deck. Anyway, those Houkai beasts can't break through the defensive barrier."

Just kidding, the power furnace of No. 2000 frigate is not a decoration, it has a power of [-]HW!

Ordinary Honkai beasts can't even break through the defensive barrier, let alone let Yae Sakura and the others make a move, so they went to the deck to put on a stance to intimidate Destiny, after all, they are Yuren's cadre-level figures.

boom boom-

As the No. [-] frigate revealed its hull, groups of Honkai beasts flew towards it immediately.It's just that before they got close to the protective barrier, they were wiped out by the self-defense armed forces on the deck.Even if a few were missed and not eliminated, they could only hit the protective barrier mindlessly, posing no threat to frigate No. [-] at all.

"Is that... Feather Blade's ship?"

Otto, who was in the command room, was shocked when he saw the No. [-] frigate showing its figure.

When did this battleship approach the headquarters of the destiny?Why didn't all the detectors in the airport respond?
"Then we will accept your first airport without hesitation! If you have the ability, come and try to block it."

The next moment, Chi Yuan flew straight towards the No. [-] Airport of Destiny, and all the Honkai Beasts along the way were wiped out by the flame wings extending from her back.

"At this point, I can't let you affect my plan."

Otto looked at the No. [-] frigate flying towards the first airport on the monitor screen, his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Rita, you take some of the "Immortal Blade" people to stop Teresa and the others; Yolandelle, you take the rest of the "Immortal Blade" people to stop the Feather Blade people.All the defense robots in the airport will cooperate with you, make sure not to let them affect the subsequent plan. "

In order to stop the two teams of Teresa and Lin Yu, Otto also spent all his money to stop them, basically mobilizing all the combat power that the Destiny Headquarters can currently mobilize.

"Yes, Bishop!"

After receiving Otto's order, Rita and Ulandal assembled the "Immortal Blade" and dispatched immediately.

"My old friend, I may have to ask you to help me with the next thing."

Otto might find it easy if he just faced Theresa.But if you add Yuren, it will be completely different. After all, he has no information about Yuren at all, and the opponent's strength is a complete mystery.

He is not willing to face an unknown enemy, but now he can only fight hard.

"I don't think I can get away and help you now because—"

When Fu Hua said this, he glanced at the huge figure revealed in the clouds in the distance, and said:
"It's here!"


As soon as Fu Hua finished speaking, the clouds were torn apart, and a gigantic figure appeared in front of Fu Hua.

That's a member of the Second Herrscher, and also a judgment-level Honkai Beast—the dragon Berenas!
 Berenus has come, can the Queen be far behind? PS: I know that you all want to know the plot behind it, so there will be more updates in one day in the near future. If you want to see it faster, you know... 乛乛
(End of this chapter)

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