Chapter 395 Confrontation
The silver-white spear in Sirin's hand is the proud work of Cangxuan and Danzhu using the soul steel to create it. Coupled with the enhancement of the power of the sky, its performance may not be weaker than some God's keys.

This is Sirin's exclusive weapon—Sky Spear · Judgment Angel.

It means judging the past, judging the past, becoming an angel, and looking forward to the future.

This weapon represents that Sirin has let go of her past as a Herrscher, and has since embarked on a bright future as a human.

"There are always ants who like to disturb my elegance."

The Second Herrscher looked at Sirin as if he were looking at an ant. It seemed that he didn't take Sirin seriously.

As for the several spears that pierced through the barrier of imaginary numbers just now, in her opinion, it was just that she opened the barrier a little slower.If she opened it faster, she didn't think those silver spears would even have a chance to leave marks on the imaginary barrier.

"Treat humans as ants? That sounds really familiar!"

Maybe others will feel very uncomfortable when they see the condescending attitude of the Second Herrscher, but it doesn't affect Xilin. After all, I have seen it too many times before, and I gradually get used to it.

If the Second Herrscher didn't show such an attitude, then Sirin would be surprised.


"Qiana is still here, I can't leave."

Although Bella had persuaded Mei to leave this area, Mei didn't listen to her at all, but continued to stay here.

"It's useless for you to continue here, it will only add to our chaos."

Then Bella glanced at the purple figure beside Mei, and said:

"Third Herrscher, if you don't want your core to be fused by the Second Herrscher, you'd better take her out of here immediately, otherwise no one will know what will happen afterwards."

"Are you talking to me?"

The Third Herrscher was startled at first, and then reacted immediately.

When did a small human dare to talk to himself like this?It seems that a human has done this not long ago.

"That's the end of the story, you can ask for more blessings."

Bella felt that she had said all she had to say, and if Mei and the Third Herrscher didn't listen to persuasion, then she had nothing to do, so she just let them go.

Bella then spread her wings and left.


A few minutes ago, the third airport was in the passage leading to the dungeon.

"That guy Fu Hua actually ran inside, see if I don't go in and beat her up."

While Xiaona was flying fast on the "Xiaolonglong", she kept complaining about the things that Fu Hua did that did not speak martial arts.

"Huh? She went out from another exit? Then I have to catch up quickly."

Just as Xiaona was about to let "Xiaolonglong" speed up, her detection device seemed to find something.

"Hmph! Let's let this guy who doesn't talk about martial arts go first this time. I'd better hurry up and save people."

Although Xiaona really wanted to catch up with Fu Hua to avenge the blow-up just now, but the information detected was obviously more important than this, so Xiaona quickly put aside her personal revenge to do more important things.

After all, what she discovered was the place where Jizi was being held.

This matter is indeed much more important than chasing Fu Hua for revenge, at least in Xiaona's view, this is the case. After all, Lin Yu has explained some similar situations.


Xiaona rode "Xiaolonglong" to the place where Jizi was being held, and then shot through the gate of the dungeon after confirming that there was no one behind the gate.


Ji Zi, who was still in a coma, was awakened by Xiaona's loud door opening.

"What's the situation outside now?"

Ji Zi, who was just awakened, didn't care what Xiaona was, and immediately asked Xiaona about the current situation.

"You're not worried about the person you're with?"

Xiaona clearly remembered that Jizi had acted with the anti-entropy Dr. Tesla before, but now that Jizi has been arrested, it is estimated that Dr. Tesla's situation will not be any better than hers.

"She's being held at another location."

Who knows why Fu Hua locked Tesla so far away from Ji Zi.

"Huh? Did you have a small thing appear in the ME club building before?"

It was only at this time that Ji Zi noticed Xiaona's appearance, and remembered that she was the small thing with explosive combat power that appeared with Lin Yu before to save Bronya.

"Hmm! It's me!"

Xiaona said proudly with her hands on her hips.

"Why are you here?"

Ji Zi was very puzzled by Xiaona's appearance here.

"I'm chasing a guy who doesn't talk about martial arts, and I just happened to come here."

There is nothing wrong with Xiaona's words, she was chasing Fu Hua and found out that Ji Zi was locked up here by chance.

"But you don't seem to have time to stay here right now? The Second Herrscher is already awake, are you sure you don't want to rescue your teammates?"

"By the way, where is Dr. Tesla?"

Only then did Jizi think of Tesla.

"Leave here and go north. You can see a watchtower there, and your companion is there."

Xiaona kindly pointed out the direction to Jizi, and then don't remind her:
"By the way, there seems to be something you can use there. If you can get it, it should help you a lot."

Except for some data stored separately in the Destiny Headquarters, most of the data has been copied by "Arsius".This includes all the information on the Godslayer Armor, and the thing that Xiaona just pointed out is one of them, and it is also inlaid with the strongest prototype of the "Plague Gem".As for whether Ji Zi can get it in the end, it all depends on luck.


The place where the Second Herrscher fought Sirin.

boom boom-

The movement of the two fighting was earth-shattering, and the area of ​​the "Helheim" laboratory was almost razed to the ground by the two.But these two people didn't care about these at all, after all, this place has nothing to do with them.

"Who are you? Why doesn't my power have any effect on you?"

In the short period of time just now, the Second Herrscher has fought Sirin for many rounds.She thought that she could easily take down Sirin with her spatial ability, but she didn't expect that Sirin seemed to be able to guess where those attacks would come from, and directly condensed a silver spear to interrupt her attack .

When facing Sirin's attack, even though the Second Herrscher was surrounded by imaginary barriers, many silver spears pierced through the barriers and attacked her directly.

What was even more frightening was that the imaginary barrier she had put up with all her strength was torn apart by the silver-white spear in Sirin's hand.

"Benares, let these ants see your power!"

Following the Second Herrscher's order, a huge and familiar figure suddenly appeared in this area.

This figure was none other than the dragon Benares who was beaten to the brink of death by Bella.It's just that because of the Second Herrscher's complete awakening, the injuries it suffered before have been completely healed, and even its state has returned to its peak.


As soon as Benares fell, he yelled at Sirin.

"Who gave you the guts to yell at the queen?"

Seeing that the dragon dared to be so rude to the queen, Bella couldn't bear it immediately, and directly dropped from the sky to give Benares a familiar blow.


Bella's blow was several times stronger than the previous one, and directly stepped half of Benares' head into the ground.

 It's a bit late to finish the work, but it's written anyway. PS: Sirin's weapon name was modified from a certain comment, as for who should know it by themselves? ( )
(End of this chapter)

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