Chapter 399

After sensing the movement of the bomb in Mei's body, Lin Yu didn't care too much, after all, the result would be the same whether the thing was solved or not.

But this made Lin Yu think of another thing.

Originally, the Second Herrscher wanted to take the "Gem of Conquest" from Mei, but now that Mei has used the power of the "Gem of Conquest", it may be easier to attract the attention of the Second Herrscher.

Although Sirin and Bella are currently restraining the Second Herrscher and Benares, if the Second Herrscher is determined to leave, neither of them can stop her.

"Looks like I'll have to talk to that guy."

Afterwards, Lin Yu in the command room of the No. [-] frigate leaned against the wall and slowly closed his eyes, as if he was planning to do something.

"Huh? What does Lin Yu want to do?"

Nuo Valu on the side noticed Lin Yu s movements. According to her understanding of Lin Yu, he looked like this most likely because he was using his power of consciousness to do something.

As for what she was doing, she didn't know.

On the other hand, after Teresa disarmed the bomb device, Mei's body also began to surge with a powerful force.

"This is... the power of the Herrscher?"

Feeling the power emerging from her body, Mei felt that she was several times stronger than before, even if there were several times more Honkai beasts in front of her, she felt that she could easily destroy them.

"I'll lend you some of my strength to get rid of these Houkai beasts in front of me. As for that guy, I still have a debt to settle with her, so I can't let her die here."

The Third Herrscher unexpectedly reached a consensus with Mei, because they now have a common goal - the Second Herrscher.

"I didn't expect that when you, a coward, and I still have the same purpose, make good use of this power! Don't even have the strength to fight back when you meet that guy."

Before the Third Herrscher, Mei had seen the power of the Second Herrscher together, but at that time, Mei hadn't borrowed the power of the Third Herrscher, causing her to be completely suppressed.But now with the power of the Third Herrscher, the result is still unknown.


While the Third Herrscher was communicating with Mei, she suddenly noticed something moving in the consciousness space.In order to prevent accidents, she immediately returned to the consciousness space to check the situation.

"Hi! Sir Lawrence, long time no see!"

When the Third Herrscher returned to the space of consciousness, a person was sitting at a table that appeared out of nowhere, drinking tea leisurely.After seeing the arrival of the Third Herrscher, he greeted her briskly.

"why you?"

When the Third Herrscher saw the appearance of this person in the consciousness space, she was completely stunned.

Why is this person here?


The battlefield between Sirin and the Second Herrscher.

"Huh? Is that... half of me?"

The second Herrscher quickly sensed Mei who had borrowed the power of Herrscher. After all, that power once belonged to her, so she was naturally very familiar with it.

The current battle between her and Sirin can only be said to be in a stalemate, and no one can do anything to the other.Even though her Houkai power is much stronger than Sirin's, she doesn't know where Sirin learned the fighting skills from.Those fighting skills have made up for the gap in the strength of the Houkai power, and now Sirin is fully capable of fighting the Second Herrscher head-on.

"As long as I get back the power to "conquer", this person will never be my opponent. "

As the Second Herrscher, it really annoyed her that a human being could fight her inseparably.

She was interrupted by Sirin when she tried to retrieve the "Conquer Gem" before, which resulted in her strength not returning to its peak state.Now that she feels the power to "conquer" has awakened, she wants to get back that power no matter what.

The next moment, the Second Herrscher suddenly flew into a space channel and disappeared.Sirin, on the other hand, looked around vigilantly, always paying attention to the fluctuations in the surrounding space, to prevent the Second Herrscher's sneak attack.


After being vigilant for a while, Sirin found that there was no movement in the surrounding space, and she froze instantly.

What's happening here?
The Second Herrscher... escaped?
"That's... Kiyana? No, that's the Second Herrscher. Lin, the Second Herrscher has appeared in the "Helheim" laboratory, and her goal is the "Conquest Gem" on Mei. "

Cecilia and Chi Yuan broke through the barrier of the Houkai beast group in the passage and rushed out of the "Helheim" laboratory.As soon as she came out, she saw the Second Herrscher appearing here, and then flew straight towards Mei's direction.

At first Cecilia thought that the flying figure was Kiyana, but that figure was somewhat different from what she had learned about Kiyana recently, both in terms of behavior and aura.

Reminiscent of the information obtained before, Cecilia quickly determined that it was the second Herrscher who occupied Kiana's body, a Herrscher who completely dominated the body.

"What? She ran back?"

Sirin did not expect this situation, but she quickly thought about what the Second Herrscher wanted to do.

"The Second Herrscher wants to increase her strength again by fusing the "Gem of Conquest", we must not let her succeed. "

As soon as the voice fell, Sirin flew straight towards the direction of the "Helheim" laboratory.

Although she fought with the Second Herrscher near the "Helheim" laboratory at the beginning, but after being dragged into the imaginary number space and came out, she changed her position, and she was still far away from the "Helheim" laboratory. quite far.

"Chi Yuan, stop the Second Herrscher with me."

Cecilia knew that the body controlled by the Second Herrscher at this time belonged to Kiyana, but for the sake of Kiyana's future, she had to stop her and defeat her at this time, and then help Kiyana put her The lawyer's consciousness was suppressed back.

"Roger that!"

After receiving Cecilia's order, Chiyuan immediately spread its red wings, and then rushed straight towards the direction where the Second Herrscher flew.

At the same time, in the command room of the No. [-] frigate, Lin Yu, who was leaning against the wall, slowly opened his eyes, and then let out a long breath of relief.

"Phew—it took so long to finally negotiate with her."

"Where did you go?"

Nova Lu noticed that Lin Yu opened his eyes, then walked over, and asked him.

Of course, what she asked was definitely not where Lin Yuren went, after all, he had been standing by the wall all the time.

"Just now I went to make a small deal with a domineering queen, and the result was not bad."

Afterwards, Lin Yu briefly explained to Novalu what he had done with the power of consciousness just now, and Novalu was so surprised that he was speechless after hearing this.

"Leader, it's not good, something serious happened."

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking with Nuo Valu, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu immediately yelled.Apparently something terrible happened.

Seeing this, Nuovalu and Lin Yu immediately looked at the big screen on the console.

On the big screen, while the Second Herrscher restrained Cecilia and Chito with the imaginary barrier, he forcibly controlled Mei and separated the "Gem of Conquest" from her body.

 Have you guessed who the protagonist made a deal with?What will be the content of the transaction? PS: If you can guess the second one, you are ruthless! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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