The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 403 The Sixth Realm - Eternity

Chapter 403 The Sixth Realm - Eternity


When Lin Yu turned his gaze to the big screen after asking everyone about the situation, the screen on the screen happened to turn to the scene where Otto shot Fu Hua with Mimetic Skyfire Holy Tribunal.

The moment he saw Otto shoot and Fu Hua fell to the ground, the cup of tea in Lin Yu's hand that he had just picked up before he had time to drink was directly crushed by him, and the aura exuded by the whole person instantly became extremely terrifying stand up.

Even if Lin Yu knew that Fu Hua had been working for Otto, she was still his squad leader. She had taught Lin Yu the Inch Strength Fist and pointed out Lin Yu's combat flaws, so as long as she didn't do anything to hurt St. Fleur Lin Yu would not say much about the affairs of everyone in the Ya Academy.

Even if she brought Qiyana to the headquarters of Destiny this time, Lin Yu just planned to teach her a lesson after rescuing Qiyana, and didn't intend to hurt her at all.

And now Ao Tuo unexpectedly gave Fu Hua to...

After seeing that scene, Lin Yu was really angry.

"Hey! Lin Yu, calm down."

Upon seeing this, Novalu immediately opened the space barrier to protect the other people in the command room and the entire frigate. After all, the energy fluctuations that Lin Yu radiated at this time were already more terrifying than the Second Herrscher outside.

If it wasn't for the No. [-] frigate having a protective barrier to shield the energy fluctuations emitted by Lin Yu, it is estimated that the attention of the Destiny Headquarters has shifted from the Second Herrscher to Yuren's side. Be scary.

"Otto is a bastard, I will teach him a lesson for everything I say today."

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, his pupils instantly turned one golden and one red, which meant that Lin Yu was serious at this time.

In the next moment, a thick cloud of burning flames appeared in the area above the "Helheim" laboratory.And with the passage of time, the area covered by the fire cloud became larger and larger, and soon covered the entire Tianming headquarters.

"Report to the protagonist, a huge energy fluctuation was found above the Tianming headquarters, and the strength was initially determined to be fifteen times that of the previous blow."

The personnel in the Destiny headquarters immediately informed Otto of the detected situation, and compared it with the previous blow when Chi Yuan broke through the Destiny's defensive barrier.

"Oh? Is the leader of Feather Blade going to attack the Second Herrscher? Then let me see how powerful you are."

Otto is very curious about the true strength of Feather Blade. He really wants to know how powerful this mysterious organization has been hindering the destiny.


The Second Herrscher, who was about to approach No. [-] frigate, also noticed the changes in the sky above. She stopped and stood in the air and looked at the increasingly large coverage area above, and her eyes suddenly became serious.The terrifying power hidden in the burning cloud seemed to evoke a certain memory deep in her heart, because she felt an inexplicable familiarity with this scene.

After a long time, Huoshaoyun's coverage area seemed to have reached a certain limit, and its coverage area finally stopped expanding, but its coverage area at this time was still far beyond the Tianming headquarters by several times.

The next moment, a cluster of sword blades protruded slowly from the burning cloud, and then a huge sword body burning with flames gradually descended from the cloud, and its target was directed at the headquarters of destiny.

"That is……"

When he saw the flaming giant sword protruding from the burning cloud, the terrifying memory in the second Herrscher's heart was instantly awakened, and the whole person immediately became flustered, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

"How is it possible!? The person who can use that trick is obviously already..."

She remembered very clearly that the person who used this trick back then was obviously Fu Hua.But wasn't that person defeated by himself just now, and was even shot by Otto?

But how to explain the scene in front of me?

The more the flaming greatsword fell, the more panicked the Second Herrscher became.You must know that the reason why she was able to escape from that sword at the beginning was entirely because the god in the depths of her consciousness helped her block the full power of that sword.But precisely because of that, since then, the connection between her and God has completely disappeared.

This time there will be no gods to help her, so how can she block this sword?

"Huh? That sword wasn't aimed at me?"

When the great flaming sword was about to descend on the Destiny Headquarters, the Second Herrscher clearly felt that the target of the sword was not himself, but somewhere in the Destiny Headquarters.

As soon as she felt that the huge flaming sword was no longer a threat to her, the Second Herrscher breathed a sigh of relief.Then she turned her gaze to the location of the No. [-] frigate again.

The target of that sword is whoever loves, as long as it is not her.She just wanted to see how the "good opponent" that Otto mentioned just now was worth her hands.

At the same time, Otto, who was in the "Helheim" laboratory area, noticed something was wrong.

The Second Herrscher obviously went to the first airport, but why did the huge flaming sword in the sky descend towards the headquarters of Destiny?
Could it be that the leader of Feather Blade missed it?
"Report to the bishop, according to the calculation, the attack area of ​​the giant sword is the "Helheim" laboratory, please evacuate that area as soon as possible. "

After hearing the news, Otto was stunned.

The attack area is the "Helheim" laboratory?

The Second Herrscher is not here, why attack here?
"What are you still doing here? The target of that attack is you, don't you hurry up and dodge?"

Just when Otto was puzzled, a urging sound suddenly came from his mind.

This voice is none other than the voice of the first God's key that Otto has mastered - "Void Man Zang".He alerted Otto because he felt a mortal threat from the attack.

If this attack was allowed to hit Otto, he would definitely disappear as well, because the special power contained in that attack was enough to completely erase him from this world.


Otto was startled when he heard the voice of "Void Ten Thousand Zang", and immediately took Fu Hua's "corpse" and quickly evacuated from the laboratory area of ​​"Helheim", trying to avoid the giant flaming weapon in the sky. sword.

"Concentrate all the energy of all the floating islands of Destiny on the barrier above the base, and we must block this blow."

Otto gave instructions to the people in the command room of the headquarters during the evacuation, and the people in the headquarters acted quickly after receiving the instructions.

In the number one frigate.

Everyone who had already returned to the command room was stunned speechless when they saw the huge flaming sword descending on the headquarters of Tianming.

"Hey! Lin Yu, what's the situation with your move?"

Nuovalu didn't even care about the title at this time, because she was not in the mood to care about those little things anymore.

After all, the power contained in Lin Yu's move completely exceeded Novalu's cognition of his strength, and she felt that even if she was in the form of a Herrscher, she could not guarantee that she would survive this blow.

"Eternal, immortal, eternal in the universe, only time and space coexist with it, and it cannot be described. This is the sixth state of Taixu Sword Qi-eternity!"

This is what Lin Yu comprehended from the Taixu Sword Jue in endless trials, a brand new realm that surpasses the five realms of Zhishui, Wuchen, Mingjing, Taixu and Shenyun.

 Guess how Otto can block the protagonist's sword?You don't need to guess to know that Otto must have blocked it. After all, if you can't stop it, there will be no follow-up, so you can imagine how it was blocked. PS: I have been too busy at work recently, and I am working hard to update stably recently, I hope you will forgive me... o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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