The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 420 Agent of Civilization, Herrscher of Vientiane

In the Feather Blade Base "Sumi Mustard".

A few days later, the energy crystals that wrapped Lin Yu in the barrier were almost full of cracks, giving people a feeling that they would break at any time.

"Is brother finally waking up?"

Phil, who was standing not far from the energy crystal, heard the "click" sound of the cracks on the surface of the crystal very clearly, so she immediately stepped back a little distance, ready to welcome Lin Yu's awakening at any time.

ka ka ka-

As the cracks on the surface of the energy crystal continued to expand, the crackling sound became more and more obvious, and soon the huge crystal cracked.

boom boom-

With the slight movements of Lin Yu's fingers in the crystal, the collapse of the crystal intensified several times in an instant.


When the crystal collapses to a certain limit, its whole collapses in an instant.

"elder brother!!"

Seeing the moment the huge crystal collapsed, Phil rushed over immediately, trying to rescue Lin Yu who was trapped in the crystal pile.

As for Novalu, who was in a "retreat" state not far away, Phil had set up several layers of space barriers around her for protection when he discovered the cracks in the crystal, so there was no need to worry at all.

As soon as Phil rushed into the collapsed crystal pile, he saw a figure standing motionless on the ground. There were no broken crystals in the area of ​​nearly two meters around it, as if there was some crystal block that was about to collapse. blocked in general.

That figure was none other than Lin Yu who hadn't fully woken up after the crystal shattered.

Seeing this, Phil immediately ran to Lin Yu and gently lifted him up, and then carefully checked his situation.

"Brother seems to be fine? But...why didn't he wake up?"

After carefully checking Lin Yu's condition, Phil found that Lin Yu's condition seemed normal, as if he had simply fallen asleep.


In a mysterious space,

"It's really unlucky for this guy to have the guts to meet his clone—"Final Yan". "

The mysterious pale golden figure has been paying attention to Lin Yu's "civilization" trial, but it also includes the situation after the trial is over.

What surprised the mysterious figure was that after Lin Yu completed the "civilization" trial, his consciousness unexpectedly met the real "Final Yan" while wandering unintentionally.

When two tigers meet, there must be a battle.

I thought that Lin Yu had passed the trial and was not familiar with the power of "civilized order" too much, but what was surprising was that Lin Yu's consciousness had the upper hand in the collision.

"Although it is a good thing to have a slight upper hand, "Final Yan" is just his clone agent, this kid has a complete "civilization order", and it will be a problem if he loses! "

The pale golden figure was not too surprised by the result of the collision between Lin Yu's consciousness and "Final Yan", because his estimate was a tie-no one can help the other.

"With this kid and his companions, the real "end" of this era can no longer be destroyed like those previous eras, but the real He will be fully restored in this era, and there is not much time left for them up. "

The pale golden figure looked at the darkness in the distance, and his gaze seemed to be able to reach a certain mysterious area across space. An extremely terrifying force was slowly waking up in that mysterious area.


"Okay, Phil, I'm fine, don't worry."

Lin Yu gently rubbed Phil's little head and comforted him.

Ten minutes after Phil "rescued" Lin Yu, Lin Yu woke up, and his state was fine except that his spirit was a little depressed.

"I always feel like I'm in a fight with something, who is it?"

Lin Yu was inexplicably puzzled in his heart.

"Since you are awake, brother, I will go and tell everyone the news."

Phil was just about to leave the barrier to tell everyone in the command room the news of Lin Yu's awakening, but he was dragged back by Lin Yu.

"Oh? Brother, why are you...!??"

As soon as Phil was pulled back, he saw Lin Yu looking at him with a "smile".

At this moment, Phil felt as if something "good" was about to happen to him.

"Sorry, Phil, I'm afraid you'll have to stay in the barrier for a while."

While Lin Yu pulled Phil back, he snapped his fingers lightly with the other hand in the direction of the crystal ruins.

Then the crystal ruins like a small hill immediately turned into countless energy light spots and gathered towards Lin Yu's hands, gradually condensing into a golden crystal ball containing terrifying energy.

"These crystals still contain a lot of energy. Instead of letting them dissipate here in vain, it's better for you to absorb them to improve your strength. Based on your current situation, it should be easy to absorb them, but it may take a little longer in terms of time."

Lin Yu slowly put the golden crystal ball in Phil's hand, saying that she can start absorbing the energy in the crystal ball now.

", can I absorb it later?"

Phil didn't seem to want to absorb the energy in the golden crystal ball in Lin Yu's hand now. After all, she guessed that the absorption process would take a lot of time when she heard Lin Yu's words.

"The energy in the crystal ball will start to dissipate immediately. If you absorb it later, the absorption effect will be greatly reduced. Are you sure you have to wait?"

Lin Yu looked at Phil with a kind face, and said that Phil could reorganize the language and speak again.

"This one……"

Felton was in a tangle for a while.

She knew that Lin Yu must do this for her own good, but she couldn't arrange things for herself as soon as she woke up, right?
Originally, Phil wanted to stay with Lin Yu for a few more days, after all, she missed Lin Yu very much after sleeping for so long.

"Okay, Phil, I know what you're thinking. After you absorb the energy, I'll hang out with you for a few days."

Lin Yu could see the careful thinking in Phil's heart at a glance, so he also solemnly made a promise to Phil.

Who made Lin Yu himself unable to control the changes in the "Shen Yu Core", so he could only accompany Phil as much as possible afterwards to make up for the consequences of his deep sleep.

"Brother, you must not break your promise."

Phil stared at Lin Yu closely.

"Don't worry, I will do what I say."

This is Lin Yu's principle of doing things. Unless he encounters some absolutely force majeure factors, he will not easily break his promise.

After getting repeated assurances from Lin Yu, Phil took the golden crystal ball with peace of mind and found an open place to start absorbing the energy in it.

Looking at Phil who began to absorb energy, Lin Yu's gaze also changed slightly, and he said in a low voice:

"Phil, get a good night's sleep. When you wake up, you will have the power to rival the real "Death". After all, you are the agent of the "Civilization Order" I have chosen——"Vientiane" Lawyers! "

I'm very sorry that it took so long to update, but during this period of time I have completely perfected some of the settings I created, so the next update should be more stable... (Probably...) PS: Newly added I will find an opportunity to explain some settings in the group. If you want to know more, you can enter the group to find out.

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