The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 440 Leaving the Sea of ​​Quantum

"What do you mean by that?"

After listening to what Lin Yu said just now, Kevin's eyes became a little solemn.

"You don't naively think that Honkai Impact only appeared in the last era, do you?"

Lin Yu stood quietly above the ice dragon at this moment, looking at Kevin with cold eyes.


Kevin was silent.

In the pre-civilization era, they really believed that the Honkai Impact had only started to appear at that time. After all, the Honkai Impact at that time appeared out of thin air without any sign, and they were not like the people in the current era who had access to information about things that were much earlier. Broken records.

"Your so-called stigmata plan is indeed very effective in dealing with the Herrscher of the End and Honkai Consciousness in this era, but..."

Lin Yu paused when he said this, then sat for a while before continuing:

"It's just that Honkai hasn't become serious yet. Once He becomes serious, what you do will be nothing more than playing tricks in His eyes."

Since awakening the power of "civilization", Lin Yu has had some vague information about Honkai in his mind from time to time. It was an era older than the pre-civilization era, and even older than Novalu. That era is much older.

"Civilization" records the ways in which countless top human beings have responded to the collapse in many eras, but they all ended in failure.

Lin Yu is now restricted by the "Nine Lights Seal" and cannot clearly receive the information in the "Civilization Ring", but one thing he can be sure of is that he must not use the power of "civilization" too much now, otherwise It will lead to extremely terrifying existence.

As for the upper limit of the power of "civilization" that can be used, he does not dare to try, because if he is not careful, the world may be destroyed.

Therefore, he can only let the power of "civilization" naturally transmit information to him when his power is limited. Even if the speed is extremely slow, it is extremely safe.

"You...are not from these two eras?"

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Kevin made an extremely bold guess in his mind.

"You can understand that."

Lin Yu did not answer Kevin directly.

There is a Herrscher of the Sky, Noiru, from several epochs ago in his base, and Lin Yu first learned about Honkai information from her, saying that he was barely half a person of Noiru's era. There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"Did you also lose to Honkai in your era?"

Kevin is well aware of the strength of the opponent, but even with such power, he cannot deal with Honkai. This can't help but give him some new understanding of Honkai.

"That's right, even if we spent all our time in that era, we still lost to Honkai, and we lost so completely that there were not even many survivors."

Lin Yu's words may be more appropriate for Noiru, but there is indeed nothing wrong with what he said.

The people of Noir's era were indeed completely defeated by Honkai. Even the only people blessed by the God of Luck who survived to this era were Noir and Noelle.

"So...never underestimate Honkai."

Lin Yu looked at Kevin with endless indifference in his eyes. The ice dragon under his feet suddenly split into two. One rushed towards Kevin, and the other carried Lin Yu towards Bu. Ronya and Xier flew in the direction they left.

There is no need to continue spending time with Kevin here. Lin Yu also needs to see if Bronya and Xi'er have safely left the Quantum Sea under the leadership of their clones.

As for this Kevin, considering that the Forerunner SU has sacrificed so much for mankind, he can just use an ice dragon to teach him a lesson for the time being.

If Kevin offends him again in the future, he will have to settle a separate score.

The ice dragon that was assigned to deal with Kevin crashed into a large iceberg. Since its power was dispersed, the power of this ice dragon could not be compared with the previous ice dragon, so it did not smash the iceberg into pieces at once, but it was still This caused the big iceberg to retreat rapidly.

In the end, he even sank into the quantum sea together with Kevin behind the iceberg.

"Now after Kevin lifts the seal, he will definitely return to the World Snake in reality. With Kevin in charge, the World Snake will probably be more difficult to deal with in the future."

Lin Yu stood on top of the ice dragon without looking back as he hurried on, thinking about how to deal with the World Snake and Destiny in the future.

The World Snake has always been ownerless before, but once Kevin, the Lord of the World Snake, returns, they may no longer hide themselves as before. After all, some things of the Stigma Project cannot be carried out in secret. Yes, it must be put on the table.

Although it is very likely that the World Snake will act directly on the bright side in the future, the World Snake on the bright side will only be more difficult to deal with than now. "It seems that I have to continue to obtain more information from the "Civilization Circle" to cope with future situations. "

As the embodiment of "civilized order", the "Civilized Ring" around the core of the Herrscher in Lin Yu's body contains countless knowledge and technologies from previous eras, but the amount of information is extremely terrifying, and it is impossible for him to receive it all at once. , can only be absorbed a little bit every day.

"Civilized Order", as the name suggests, is the force that records the development of civilization throughout the world. Whether it is knowledge that has appeared and disappeared before, or new knowledge that is being born, they will be recorded one by one by "Civilized Order", and then become the basis of "Civilization" Used by those who master it.

But now it is impossible for Lin Yu to use the power of "civilization" without scruples. As long as the unknown existence that threatens him does not appear for a day, he will always hide the power of "civilization".

"The most important thing right now is to rescue Bronya and Xi'er from the quantum sea first."

While Lin Yu was thinking, the ice dragon had already rushed out of the quantum sea and came to the space between the quantum sea and the real world.

In the distance, he saw countless tentacles formed by a black tide trying to catch the two of them and prevent them from returning to the real world.

As for why they said they were catching two people, it was because Lin Yu's clone was an energy body, and those tentacles couldn't touch him at all, let alone stop him.

"Go straight on!"

With Lin Yu's thoughts, the ice dragon rushed directly towards the black tide, and the black tide wherever it passed was frozen.

On the other side, when they were about to approach the door of reality, Bronya and Xier were accidentally blocked by the tentacles of the black tide.

"Xie'er, don't you use the thing I left for you now?"

Lin Yu's clone saw the two of them in trouble but couldn't deal with it, so he could only give some hints.

After hearing what Lin Yu's clone said, Xi'er immediately nodded and understood what it meant. Then the dark crystal that existed in Xi'er's conscious space shattered, and black mist began to emerge around Xi'er, and then Bronny was The clones of Ya and Lin Yu were protected among them.

The black tide was corroded the moment it came into contact with the black mist, and there was no way to stop them from moving forward.

"This power won't last long, so we'd better leave as soon as possible."

Lin Yu's clone knew this power best. If the black tide surged up from behind, this power would be consumed all at once.

The tentacles formed by the black tide seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and immediately a large amount of black tide surged towards the three people, trying to completely stop them here.

"not good!"

Lin Yu's clone also noticed the movement of the black tide, but the next moment, he felt that this scene was nothing.

Because his true form is here!

ka ka ka-

When the black tide surged towards the three people and was about to fall, a chill came from a distance and froze the black tide before it fell.

"You guys are really slow."

Lin Yu, who was above the ice dragon, looked at Bronya and the three of them, and said with pretendingly cold eyes.

"You come here first. When you return to the base, you still need to report the situation with your body."

Lin Yu waved to his clone.

"Yes, chief."

Lin Yu's clone cooperated very well and turned into a stream of light that flew towards the main body's hand, and then condensed into a flame and floated there quietly.

Lin Yu himself had taken back his clone a long time ago. The flame in his hand was just a decoration, just for Bronya and Xi'er to see in front of him.

"You two follow me and get out of here."

Lin Yu parked the ice dragon next to Bronya and Xi'er and motioned for them to come up. He did not look at them more because he was afraid of exposing his identity.

Bronya and Xi'er looked at each other, nodded to each other, then boarded the Ice Dragon together, and then left the Quantum Sea with the Feather Blade leader in front of them.

This article titled The Other Side of the Sky, The Story of the Other Shore is over, and then the story of The Skyline is next. PS: Some people are worried that I have changed the settings of Honkai Impact too much. I can only say that I have overthought it, because I only extended "[-] million points" and the basic settings are basically unchanged.

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