Chapter 53 Mission Begins

A few days after the exam, there was a scene of Teresa killing a pig in the dormitory.As for which pig it is, everyone knows in their hearts.

"Qiana! You bastard, you failed all the exams again!" Teresa's roar could be heard far away outside the dormitory.

"Auntie! I was wrong! Next time I will definitely learn!" At this time, Qiyana was still scurrying around, and Teresa behind her was angrily chasing her with Judas in her hands!

As for where are the others?Ha ha!They are all doing what they should do.Lin Yu, Bronya, Mei and Fu Hua are sitting in a row playing games!Ji Zi is not in the dormitory because of school affairs.Everyone was not at all worried that Kiyana's head would be smashed by Teresa, because in their view, Kiyana's IQ had no chance of dropping.Maybe smashing it can improve it a little bit.

"You guys are so shameless!"


As soon as Kiyana finished speaking, Teresa threw Judas over, hitting Kiyana with incomparable precision.

Four people on the sofa,

"Bronya, come and help me in the middle! Stop the five people on the opposite side!"

"Okay! Brother Lin Yu!"

"Mei, you and the squad leader are going to steal the house!"


Lin Yu and the others were still playing the game, they didn't care about Qiyana's life or death.As for why?That's because Teresa will definitely show some mercy!After all, Kiyana is on the list of tasks for the summer vacation.

The academy's intelligence department quickly found out the approximate range of Jiuyou, so this mission was determined.Just wait for the range to shrink further, and then you can start.The task list has also been confirmed, and there are only four people: Lin Yu, Ji Zi, Fu Hua, and Qiyana.

At first Lin Yu didn t understand why he brought the idiot Qiyana with him, but he found out after asking Theresa.Who told Qiyana to fail too many subjects this semester, resulting in insufficient credits, so she can only take her to do tasks to earn some credits.Otherwise, Kiyana would definitely not be able to successfully graduate and become a Valkyrie.

When Lin Yu ended the game, Qiana was also unreasonable by Drisa.Don't think it's over like this, Qiyana still can't escape the make-up exam.That is to say, Lin Yu and the others have to wait until the end of Qiyana's make-up exam before they can go on a mission.

The make-up exam was two weeks after the results were announced. During this time, several people in the dormitory gave Qiyana a hellish tutoring.However, it is impossible for Lin Yu to spend all his time on Qiyana, and the tutoring is basically given to Mei and Bronya.He and Fu Hua have been collecting information about Chi You and Ji Xuanyuan in ancient China.

After the supplementary exam,

"It's finally over!" Kiyana returned to the dormitory feeling relaxed.

"The end? You think too much! This is just the beginning!"

Lin Yu has received news from Theresa that as soon as Qiyana's make-up exam is over, she will set off the next day.

"What do you mean?" Qiyana didn't understand what Lin Yu meant.

"Hurry up and pack your things! I have a mission to go out tomorrow!" Fu Hua explained to Qiyana.

Kiyana was stunned when she heard that.what task?Why doesn't she know!After that, Lin Yu briefly explained the reason for taking Qiyana to do the task.

Of course, Lin Yu said that she can go if she doesn't want to, but the price is losing her qualifications to become a Valkyrie.This made Qiyana panic, can't she become a Valkyrie?impossible!She is going to become an S-rank Valkyrie.Therefore, Qiyana accepted the task without any hesitation.

Mei and Bronya stayed in the academy temporarily, and after Lin Yu and the others determined the exact location of Jiuyou, they would drive the Huberian battleship to go with Teresa.


Guangzhou, this is the mission location of Lin Yu and his party this time.

"So hungry! Lin Yu, take me to eat quickly!" As soon as Qiyana arrived in Guangzhou, she stuck to Lin Yu to eat.

This mission is in another place, so there will definitely be a lot of expenses.The problem is that the stingy Theresa gave very little funding, and claimed that it was to save money, so there was no need to give too much funding.And the richest of the four is Lin Yu, because he basically didn't spend much on the rewards for the missions, and Lin Yu asked Lin Yu to settle all the rewards in currency instead of school points.

As for the others, it would be strange to have money.Jizi often drank, and she used all her money to buy wine, so there could be no extra; Qiyana, hehe, Lin Yu believed whoever had money, but Lin Yu didn't believe her; Fu Hua, her reward It's rarely money, most of them are points, but it seems that she has given the game almost all of them!

"Got it!" Lin Yu responded, and then asked Ji Zi, "Sister Ji Zi, let's go eat first!"

Ji Zi is the focus of Lin Yu's mission this time, and he doesn't want Ji Zi to mess around because of looking for stigmata.Otherwise, Lin Yu couldn't accept the consequences.

In a hotel in Canton Tower, Lin Yu and his party were preparing to eat.

"This! This! And this! Let's all have one!" Kiyana took the menu and frantically ordered one dish after another.

"Student Kiyana, the funding for this mission is not much. If you don't want us to have nothing to eat later, don't order so much!"

Fu Hua's words pointed out that Qiyana should order less food, otherwise she would have to drink the northwest wind later in the mission.

"Let's eat a little here first! I'll buy other things for you when I go out later!"

If Qiyana is full in this kind of restaurant, it is estimated that even Lin Yu s money is not enough to eat a few times, so Lin Yu can only let Qiyana fill her stomach first, and then buy her something from outside after she goes out .The things outside will definitely be much cheaper than the things in the hotel. In this case, Lin Yu can make Qiyana eat more.

"Then it's done! Don't go back on your word!" After hearing that Lin Yu was going to take herself out to eat, Qiyana stopped ordering, and crossed out a few dishes she ordered, probably to save some for her stomach spatial.

"These pastries taste good! Waiter, give me another one of each!" Lin Yu ate a piece of pastry, then raised his hand to greet the waiter.

"Yes, guest!" The waiter in work clothes pushed the cart to the table where Lin Yu was.There were various pastries on the cart, and the waiter brought one of each according to Lin Yu's request.

"Lin Yu, why are you still ordering these pastries?" Ji Zi asked when he saw that Lin Yu had ordered so many pastries again.Didn't you say you want to save money?
"Take some and save it for missions!"

Lin Yu is right, but there is another reason, that is, Fei Yuwan has been urging him.Lin Yu didn't understand, isn't Feiyuwan an energy body?How can I still eat?
Novalu explained to Lin Yu that it was because Fei Yuwan became the real No. 12 Herrscher.The current Feiyuwan is no different from human beings, but she can enter and exit the Ksitigarbha Yuhun at will. If it weren't for Lin Yu's restrictions, she might be able to enter and exit the star language at will.But this is quite a torment for Novalu!In the star language space, every time Hiyumaru ate, Nuova could only watch.It is too much torment for Novalu to be unable to eat it even though it is right in front of her eyes.

When the meal was about to finish, Lin Yu asked the waiter about the legend about Jiuyou by the way when he was checking out.It's a pity that Lin Yu knew all the information he got.

After packing the pastries, the four of Lin Yu walked out of the hotel.In order to prevent Qiyana from stealing pastries, Lin Yu collected half of them in the Xingyu space.

"Ahh! Lin Yu, I can't stand it! Fei Yuwan ate in front of me again!"

A few minutes after Lin Yu put the pastries into the Xingyu space, Novalu's voice came.

This is no longer once or twice. Ever since Fei Yuwan found out that she could eat, she asked Lin Yu to buy food and put it in the Xingyu space for her to eat many times.Moreover, Feiyuwan tasted regardless of the occasion, and I didn't know how to take Nuovalu's feelings into consideration.

"This is delicious! This is delicious too!" Hiyumaru praised the food while eating.

Lulu, it's not easy for you Lin Yu felt pitiful for Nuova Lu who could only look at and couldn't eat in front of Feiyuwan.

"Xiao Fei, don't eat in front of your sister Lulu! Otherwise, I won't buy it for you next time!" Lin Yu can only use this method to stop Fei Yuwan.

"But I saved a little for Sister Lulu!" Hiyumaru was actually not that indifferent to Novalu's feelings, leaving a portion of everything she ate for her.But the question is what's the use of staying, Novalu is a pure consciousness, it's impossible to eat things in reality!

"..." Lin Yu was also speechless.I have no choice but to persuade Hiyumaru not to eat in front of Nova in the future.If you want to eat, tell him, and he will let Feiyuwan come out to eat.


In the hotel, at a dining table not far from where Lin Yu and the others were sitting, a girl with short hair was thinking about something.

"The people at that table just now seemed to be inquiring about Jiuyou! Who are they?" The girl looked at where Lin Yu and the others had sat, and said to herself.

"Understood! Brat! I will investigate when I have time!" A voice came from the earphone worn by the girl.

"I have a name, and my name is Xing Maer." Xing was very unhappy to be called kid, because it made her look like a brat.

"Oh! By the way, remember to bring me a meal when you come back. I'm busy now and don't have time to go out!"

"Impossible! I want to eat and buy it myself!" After rejecting the other party's request, Xing cut off the call without hesitation.


In a certain port in Guangzhou, Lin Yu and the others have received several highly suspected Jiuyou locations from Theresa, and they are preparing to go to sea to verify it.

"Fu Hua, have you contacted the Valkyrie troops here?" Ji Zi turned around and asked Fu Hua who was behind him.

"Well! I've already contacted you! It's estimated to arrive in about an hour!"

"Then just wait here!"

Ji Zi looked at the sparkling sea surface, his golden pupils narrowed slightly.

 After careful consideration, I still plan not to join Muyue Lonicera!No way, the time is too short to insert this person!I have read several similar novels, and it seems that there are very few mentions, so I gave up this number of people! PS: The current vote ratio is 3:17!Why do I feel that there are not many people at the starting point! ( ̄▽ ̄“)
(End of this chapter)

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