The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 90 Acceptance of Missions

Chapter 90 Acceptance of Missions

After hearing Novalu say the name of the weapon, Lin Yu was stunned.

"Could it be that this weapon can also change shape like the star language?"

Otherwise, why a weapon has two names, Lin Yu can't think of anything other than this explanation.

"No, Lin Yu! You think too much, this lance is assembled from two weapons!"

Lin Yu's conjecture was completely denied by Novalu.

"What? Assembled from two weapons?"

Lin Yu has completely conquered Novalu's weapon.

"Yes! But its main attack form is still a cavalry spear, and its secondary attack form is a sword." Nova Luzai carefully explained the two attack forms of his weapon to Lin Yu.

It turns out that this weapon is called Heitian Baiyu, and Heitian's form is a cavalry spear, which is what Lin Yu sees now.In the white feather form, the handle of the gun is separated from the body of the gun, and it is transformed into a sword to attack.

"Lulu, the power contained in this weapon is very strong! What is the source of its power?"

To be able to emit energy comparable to that of the God's Key, the material and core used to make this weapon must be very special.

After Novalu's explanation, Lin Yu had a thorough understanding of Hei Tian Bai Yu.

Heitian Baiyu, made of special soul steel.Among them, the core fragment of the third Herrscher of that era, Thunder Herrscher, was integrated into the main body of the spear form, and the core fragment of the fourth Herrscher, Storm Herrscher, was integrated into the main body of the blade form.Later, Novalu also added the power of space to them, so that they have stronger penetrating power.

It is worth noting that this weapon does not have a so-called weapon core, because the two Herrscher core fragments were directly ground into powder and completely fused together with the melted soul steel during casting.Therefore, Heitian Baiyu possesses three powers of thunder, storm and space at the same time.It's no wonder that its power is almost comparable to the God's Key.

"So it seems that this gun is still very powerful!"

Lin Yu took Heitian Baiyu and waved it a few times in his hand, feeling very good.He even began to consider whether the next form of Xingyu should be designed as a spear.

"Of course! I used it to solve several Herrschers!"

Novalu never stopped praising Heitian Baiyu, and kept boasting in Lin Yu's mind.

"Then you can use it when you come out!"

Now Lin Yu doesn't have to think about making special weapons for Nova after she is exposed, which saves a lot of effort!It happens to be able to design weapons for Karen, Rin and Cangxuan sisters.

"Understood! Find a time to let me go out!"

Although it is good to stay in the stigmata space, it is different from the real world after all, so Novalu still wants to come out.

"I will find a mission to go out in these two days! Then I will find another opportunity to bring you back!"

If Novalu and the others come out, Lin Yu can't think of any other place to go except St. Freya College!And bringing people into the academy must be approved by Teresa, so Lin Yu still needs her approval.

"Hurry up!"

Novalu also wanted to come out early to experience the world of this era for herself.

"Understood! In the past two days, I will design the next form of Star Language and find a mission!"

Now that Xingyu has reached the level of God's Key, it is time for Lin Yu to consider integrating Xingyu with the next Herrscher core.

After finishing the training, Lin Yu went directly to Jizi.

"Sister Ji Zi, how are you doing? When will Teresa agree to let you go out of the hospital?"

As soon as he entered the ward, Lin Yu greeted Ji Zi.In fact, Teresa was just too worried about Jizi, which made Jizi feel very speechless.Obviously she was completely recovered, but Teresa asked her to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days out of caution.

"I've been fine for a long time! Teresa asked me to have a final examination tomorrow, and I can be discharged from the hospital after confirming that I am fine! I don't think it is necessary. My own body is clear, and there is no problem long ago!"

But it can be seen that Ji Zi is still very reluctant.Although she doesn't need to work in the hospital, this life is too boring, and the most important thing is that she can't drink anymore.

"Don't say that! Teresa cares about you too!" Lin Yu took one from the fruit basket and ate it, and then asked Ji Zi, "By the way, Sister Ji Zi! Have you adapted to Xuanyuan Sword yet?"

"This little thing can't trouble me! Look!" Ji Zi pointed to a golden earring on her ear.

"It looks like I'm fully used to it!"

Lin Yu could tell at a glance that the golden earring was made of Xuanyuanjian.Now that Ji Zi can turn Xuanyuan Sword into a portable jewelry, it means that Xuanyuan Sword has been completely controlled by her.

"Fortunately, we can go out in two days!"

"Then let's hold a party for you on the day you leave the hospital! If you want to eat anything, you can let me know in advance, Mei and I will prepare it!"

Since Jizi is going to be discharged from the hospital, there must be a celebration.Lin Yu and Mei Yi will naturally be responsible for showing off.

"My requirements are not high, as long as there is wine!"

Jizi is not picky about food, but wine is a must.

"I'll be ready! The premise is that you can convince Teresa to agree!"

Lin Yu will naturally satisfy Jizi's request, but this must be approved by Teresa.Otherwise, if Lin Yu gave Ji Zi a drink privately, he would definitely accept Judas' "special care" after being found out by Teresa.

After chatting with Ji Zi for a while, Lin Yu went directly to the academy to find a job.Although Lin Yu did not get the qualification assessment of the Valkyrie from the Tianming Headquarters, as long as he has the consent of the person in charge of the academy, he can also receive the task. Anyway, Lin Yu has been doing this before.

"It seems that there is no task!"

Lin Yu searched the task list for a long time, but there were not many tasks for him to receive. After all, he was just a student with a grade certificate given by the college.As for Fu Hua, she is an official A-rank Valkyrie recorded in the destiny, and she has many privileges.

"Should I also consider taking the Valkyrie level test?"

Although only Valkyrie has the privilege to view the information in the Destiny database, Lin Yu doesn t care about that at all.Because Hiyumaru made a copy of everything in the database when she was idle and bored, and she also set up a hidden virus in it.However, this virus is not very useful, it can only remind Hiyumaru what important information has been collected in the database.

But that virus should not be underestimated, because as long as Hiyumaru is willing, it can paralyze the Tianming database at any time.Don't forget that the power of erosion is an ultimate virus capable of self-evolution!
"Lin Yu, I think the last escort mission is good! You can pass through several countries, and you can also have fun by the way!"

Lin Yu glanced at the escort task that Novalu said, which was to escort a batch of parts for a company.Escorted from Singapore to France, because the halfway will stop at a place that is now considered safe but once haunted by Houkai beasts, so this task is released.

"Just this task!"

Lin Yu also felt that this task was acceptable, so he took it directly.

"Uh... Lin Yu, shouldn't you check the time of the mission!"

Seeing Lin Yu accepting the task without saying a word, Nova Lu reminded him.

"What? I'm going the day after tomorrow!"

Lin Yu took a closer look at the escort mission, and immediately called out.

Are you leaving the day after tomorrow?He has to prepare a discharge party for Ji Zi the day after tomorrow!This is how to do ah?

"Who told you not to check the time!"

"Didn't you say that this mission can be accepted!"

All right!Nuo Valu also had nothing to say, because this task was indeed pointed out by her.

But since he has accepted this task, Lin Yu has to go!Otherwise, we won't be able to catch up with the departure time!If he really missed it, his evaluation would definitely be very poor.

"Hey~ I'd better tell them! I'll try my best to get Sister Ji Zi's party ready!"

Lin Yu was very helpless, but if he planned his time well, he should be able to attend Jizi's party.So Lin Yu asked Cangxuanzhishu to plan the time to see if the time would work.

Back in the dormitory, Lin Yu told Mei and the others about his idea of ​​holding a discharge party for Ji Zi.

"I think this idea is very good, you can prepare it!" Mei stopped the vegetable cutting knife in the kitchen.

"As long as there is something to eat, I agree!"

Yes!Qiyana, a foodie, only knows how to eat, so I really don't know what else she can do besides eat.

"Bronya also agrees with Brother Lin Yu's idea!" Although Bronya also responded to Lin Yu, she didn't look back at all when she answered, her attention was all on the game!

However, Fu Hua put down the game controller in his hand, pushed his glasses seriously, and said, "Since we want to celebrate Major Ji Zi, we must prepare in advance!"

"Leave the shopping to me! I'll go shopping in the afternoon!"

Anyway, Lin Yu is going to find Teresa to ask for a travel mission consent letter, so let's bring back the things we want to buy by the way!

Then Lin Yu planned to go to the kitchen to help Mei prepare lunch together.

"It's almost ready, Lin Yu! You don't need to help!" Seeing that Lin Yu was about to come to help, Mei immediately rejected his kindness.Because the lunch is almost ready, there is only one dish left, and Lin Yu's help is not needed.

"Alright then! I'll bring the food over first!"

Now that Mei Yi was almost ready, Lin Yu didn t intervene, and just put the dishes she had prepared on the table.

"Hey! Kiyana, haven't started eating yet!"

As soon as Lin Yu came out of the kitchen, Lin Yu saw Qiyana quietly eating the two dishes she had just brought.

"What's the matter! Anyway, we're going to eat! Well~Mei's dishes are always so delicious!"

This guy Qiyana didn t listen to Lin Yu s words at all, and reminisced about the dishes she ate just now with a happy face.

Lin Yu has nothing to do with Qiyana!Because as long as it was a dish made by Mei, she never stole it once, so Lin Yu simply stopped talking about her.

"Bronya! Squad leader! It's time to eat! Teresa doesn't know when she will be back, so let's eat first!"

The ghost knows what Teresa is doing these days, but Lin Yu doesn t know anyway.But if you let Fei Yuwan check it, you can find it, but Lin Yu is not that boring.So just ignore her.

Fu Hua and Bronya agreed, and sat down to eat with everyone.

After the meal, Lin Yu told everyone that he had accepted a task.However, after Lin Yu's explanation, several people also understood, so they didn't say much.

Whoever Lin Yu has been staying in the academy since Chi You's mission has nothing to do, except for training or training all day long, the few people didn't say anything, it was all because Lin Yu gave himself a vacation.

 The next chapter, Moon Shadow, is about to officially begin!Novalu will also appear later, and the goose will also come out!Please look forward to it! ~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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