Chapter 92 Hotel Explosion
Somewhere in Destiny's headquarters,

"Lord Otto, Fu Hua has been dispatched to track down the whereabouts of the "gem".It shouldn't be a problem to leave this matter to Fu Hua.only……"

Having said that, Amber hesitated for a moment.

"Just what?"

"Why did you ask her to bring..."

Amber expressed her doubts.

"Don't you think this is a good opportunity?" Otto looked at the screen in front of him, couldn't help smiling, and said, "It's time to see how far the experiment has progressed!"


The forces of Destiny spread across most countries in Europe and Asia, while anti-entropy covered the Americas.But there are also some neutral countries in these two giant organizations, Singapore is one of them.Moreover, there are clear regulations in neutral countries that do not allow the Valkyries of Destiny and anti-entropy mechs to enter.

Dr. Mackey in the upper room of the Empress Hotel, Singapore, with the man who led him away from Mandate of Heaven.

"What the hell is Cocolia doing? Doesn't she really want this 'gem'?Why not bring it back to anti-entropy directly, and even go to this island country specially. "

Dr. Mackey held the mysterious box tightly, and then questioned the man in front of him.

"It's just some small twists and turns. Someone will arrange for you to go to the headquarters in two days!"

The man stood there leisurely, took a banana, peeled it and ate it.

"You can stay here with peace of mind. Destiny's troops are not allowed to enter this country. Even if a few bugs sneak in... this hotel is full of bodyguards. And my uncle is still here! There are really small The bugs are here, I will play with them well!"

The man was right. The upper floors of the hotel were surrounded by bodyguards, and ordinary people couldn't come here.

At night in Singapore, it is time for the guests in the Empress Hotel to dine.

"Two guests, this way please!" The waiter politely greeted the two girls in cheongsam who came over.

Just as soon as she came in, the girl in the white cheongsam stared at the various special foods not far away.And the gray-haired girl next to her in a blue cheongsam seemed much calmer.

Yes!This foodie with bright eyes is Qiyana who came to perform the mission with Fu Hua, and the one next to him is Fu Hua.

"This is delicious! This is delicious too!" Qiyana's stomach seemed to be a bottomless pit, and she kept eating without any sign of being full.

"Huh? Squad leader, don't you want to eat?" Kiyana held a chicken leg in one hand and asked Fu Hua who was holding a glass of red wine while eating.

"I am full!"

yes!Not everyone can eat like Qiyana, Fu Hua just ate a little before and was full.

"By the way, squad leader! What is the mission this time? I don't know at all!" Qiyana quickly removed the chicken leg in her hand, and then asked Fu Hua about the mission.

"The task this time is just to collect information. I can do it alone! The reason why I asked you to partner is because you don't have enough credits. Teresa gave me the opportunity to bring you some credits so that you can pass!"

That's how Kiyana's credits worry you.Although she participated in the mission of searching for Jiuyou some time ago, Chiyou suddenly appeared later, which caused their mission to not be settled normally, and the credits they got were less than the regulations.But others didn't care about it, especially Theresa, because she got funding from the headquarters for extra incentives.And Qiyana is different, because her credits were pitifully small at first, and then it became even more pitiful.That's why Teresa asked Fu Hua, who is experienced in missions, to bring Kiyana some credits to make up for it, otherwise Kiyana would definitely fail, and her dream of becoming a Valkyrie would be ruined.

"Ah? Really? I didn't expect you, the monitor, to be so nice! Then I'll be impolite!"

After speaking, Qiyana tossed a piece of cake high on the plate, and... then ate it in one bite!

Fu Hua looked at Qiyana's eating, and told her to "go back to the room after eating", and then went to perform the task alone.

On the far street outside the Queen's Hotel,

A boy with long brown hair was strolling leisurely along the street with a girl with long crimson hair and a girl with black single ponytail.

"Lin Yu, what did that company say?"

"I don't know either! They said that the things to be escorted have not arrived yet, so let's play here for two days!"

"Brother, isn't this great! There are a lot of delicious and fun things here!"

That's right!These three people are Lin Yu, Fei Yuwan, and Novalu who has successfully integrated consciousness into the carrier.It's just that as soon as Lin Yu went to the company mentioned in the mission to report, he came out because the goods were not in place!But fortunately, the company had already booked a hotel for him, so Lin Yu found a time for Novalu to fuse his body, and then took the two of them for a stroll on the street.

It's just that this gave Lin Yu a headache, because Nuova Lu and Fei Yuwan seemed to be very interested, and they had been shopping for a long time without saying they were tired.It seems that shopping with girls is also a special kind of training.

But Lin Yu can also understand, after all, the two of them spent most of their time in the stigmata space, and had never experienced the real life outside.

"Lulu! Xiaofei! Go wherever you want to play! I'll be back to the hotel for dinner soon!"

Lin Yu looked at the watch turned into Cangxuanzhishu, and it was getting late, so if they wanted to play, it would be better to go early.

"What's the hurry! I'm not fully familiar with this body yet! Let's go shopping for a while!"

It's only been a few hours since Novalu's fusion was completed, which made her not yet fully familiar with this body.Moreover, the combat power is lower than that of being possessed by Lin Yu, so she wants to walk a little longer, so that she can fully adapt to this body sooner.

"Yes! Brother! Sister Lulu finally came out, shall we play for a while longer?"

Fei Yuwan took Lin Yu's hand, and asked with a cute face.

All right!Lin Yu was also defeated by Fei Yuwan's cute attack, so he agreed to go shopping for a while longer.It's just that his wallet seems to be about to suffer!
After a while, Lin Yu took the two of them and prepared to return to the prepared hotel after shopping.

"I still want to play for a while! There are so many interesting things in this era!"

It was basically the first time Novalu had seen many things here, so she still had a lot to say.

"We won't be leaving until the afternoon of the day after tomorrow! We still have time tomorrow! Don't worry!"

Although there is still one day left, Lin Yu dare not let Novalu go shopping like this!Because in this hour or so, both she and Hiyumaru had almost spent half of the funds he had prepared for this time.If this continues, Lin Yu will have no money for herself, so she urged the two of them to go back quickly.

"Okay! Let's continue shopping tomorrow!"

Novalu and Higyomaru said with some reluctance.

Afterwards, Lin Yu took Novalu and Feiyumaru to the prepared hotel, and this hotel was nothing but the Queen's Hotel.

"Wow! This hotel is so luxurious!"

Novalu stood at the door of the hotel, looked up at the hotel, and couldn't help sighing.

"Don't sigh! Hurry up and go in! This time can catch up with the meal time!"

Lin Yu glanced at his watch, guessing that the meal time in the hotel hadn't passed yet, so he planned to go in with the two of them to eat some.Who told them to go shopping all the time without eating at all!

"Then go in and eat..."

boom boom-

Before Novalu finished speaking, a series of explosions suddenly came from above the hotel.

"I'll go! What's the situation? Even a meal can cause trouble!"

Fortunately, the explosion above was not too violent, it just shook the high building of the hotel, and after confirming the safety, Lin Yu took the two of them and hid in the hotel.

"Book of Cangxuan! Check what happened here?"

Without saying a word, Lin Yu asked Cangxuanzhishu to call up the surveillance video of the explosion floor.Such trivial matters as intrusion monitoring do not need to use the power of erosion, and the Quantum Computer Cangxuan Book can easily do it.

"Let me see what's going on?"

Nuova leaned over and glanced at the video displayed on the watch of Cangxuanzhishu.It's just that the video is only from the hotel corridor, and what you can see is nothing but a sea of ​​flames.

"No! Book of Cangxuan, zoom in here!" Lin Yu seemed to have discovered something on the video, so he pointed to a place to enlarge the book of Cangxuan.

The Book of Cangxuan magnified the place he indicated according to Lin Yu s instructions, and what appeared surprised Lin Yu and Novalu, because what Lin Yu was referring to was the wreckage of a mecha.

And when they saw the wreckage of the mechas, the first thing Lin Yu and Novalu thought of was anti-entropy.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to encounter anti-entropy when you came here!" Fei Yuwan taunted Lin Yu aside.

"That's right! Lin Yu, your luck is really bad enough!" Novalu also followed Fei Yuwan and gave Lin Yu a stab.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Yu could only smile helplessly.It's just that he wanted to kill the anti-entropy people for a long time in his heart. It was enough for him to meet them when he finally came out to do a mission.It's best not to let him meet anti-entropy people, otherwise he won't be as merciful as he was in the academy last time.

"Okay! The hotel will handle this matter itself, we don't need to worry about it! Let's go eat!"

Lin Yu is not going to find things to do by himself, so as long as the anti-entropy people don t come to him, he will not make a move.If he came, then he would have to "entertain" him!So now it is still important to eat, Lin Yu immediately took Novalu and Fei Yuwan to the hotel's dining spot.

Minutes before the explosion at the Queens Hotel,

Kiyana is having a good time at the dining spot!Suddenly an old man asked her to help open a bottle of red wine, probably because he is too old to open it!So Qiyana enthusiastically helped him open the red wine.

"Thank you, miss! Help me open this bottle of wine!" The old man took the red wine opened by Qiyana, and Zhang thanked her.

"You're welcome, grandpa!" Kiyana said in a very embarrassing way, "Protecting human beings... Oh, no, helping others is mine..."

Before Qiyana could finish speaking, there was a sudden explosion in the hotel, and the floor shook violently a few times.

"This is... an explosion happened upstairs?" Qiyana immediately turned around to check the situation. The next moment she thought that the old man was still here, she turned to him and said, "It's dangerous here, grandpa! Get out of here quickly !"

With that said, Kiyana was about to leave here.But she didn't expect that in the next second, a syringe suddenly pierced her neck, which immediately made her weak and went straight down.


Before passing out, Qiyana clearly saw that it was the old man who stabbed her with the syringe just now, and she didn't understand why he did that.

Afterwards, the old man took Qiyana away.It's just that this old man is none other than Dr. Markey, who was hunted down by destiny before and then rescued by that mysterious man. His behavior is really puzzling!
After Qiyana was taken away by Dr. Mackey, the three of Lin Yu came to this restaurant in the hotel.It's just that as soon as they came in, they found a pile of empty plates on a table, which made the three of them sigh:
"Which big stomach king is this masterpiece?"

 It's too early for the goose to come out!Don't worry, everyone, you still need to wait! PS: There is a book friend named Gui Yehuang on the starting point who voted for ten votes at once. Here I can only say "Thank you, boss!" You must know that it is very difficult to vote at the starting point. This is the same as the total number of votes yesterday almost!I wish there were more of these guys! ~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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