Chapter 1423 In Hell
With the arrival of the last week, the surviving students lived every day like years, anxious and nervous, because they didn't know what kind of danger would meet them these few days!
The orcs obviously changed their strategy again, making it unpredictable.

After going through the previous 20 days, the students who survived were all exhausted physically and mentally, and their spirits also collapsed several times!
However, they are not willing to admit defeat, and force themselves to cheer up, and the motivation that supports them to persevere is their growing strength!

Because of the high degree of oppression, their strength has grown rapidly. Most of the students of Wuhua College have advanced to the rank of King Xuan. Such an improvement in strength would have been unimaginable in the past, okay?

As for Fenghua's students, Ouyang Ze and Nangong Cheng, who are the most powerful, have actually advanced to Xuanhuang. Among the geniuses in the Cangmang Continent, they are also the top existences!Among the other Fenghua students, many of them were promoted to Xuanwang, but those who failed to advance in one fell swoop basically touched the edge of promotion, so the difference is just a chance!
When Feng Qiyue knew this situation, Dang even decided to continue to strengthen the attack and force them to advance to the next level with high pressure.

So in the last week, the students of the two colleges were basically attacked by the orcs all the time, and students died all the time, and a large number of them died!

Every day, you can keep Ming Ran busy enough!
By the end of the last week, well, the whole army was wiped out!
When Zhong Qing and the others knew the result, they couldn't help being speechless.

"Sister, why did you send them all to hell? If Dean Guan knows about this, it might cause trouble!" Zhong Qing said with a worried expression.

"Who cares about him!" Feng Qiyue didn't take it seriously, and didn't take Dean Guan seriously at all.

However, before she informed Dean Guan of the news of the annihilation of the entire army, Dean Guan came to the door himself.

When it was time to come back, none of the students came back, and the dean was completely panicked.

"Feng Qiyue, where are our Fenghua students?" Dean Guan yelled loudly as soon as he entered Feng Qiyue's dormitory.

"It's in hell!" Feng Qiyue said truthfully.

"You, actually killed all the students in our college?" Dean Guan asked with a pale face, pale in shock.

"Dean Guan, please be safe and don't worry, our college students have also gone to hell." Feng Qiyue comforted her.

"Don't be an idiot! Can the students of your college be compared with our college? The students of our college are all exquisite porcelain, but what about the students of your college? It's just rubble! Are the two comparable? "Dean Guan roared in surprise and anger, his intestines turned green from regret!

Back then, he shouldn't have allowed his own college students to practice with those Wuhua bastards, okay?It's all right now, the entire army of students has been wiped out, and he, the dean, will be implicated by Feng Qiyue!

Before, he didn't dare to inform his own families about the death of so many students, otherwise, those families would have come to Feng Qiyue to settle accounts.

He was also pondering, to delay the matter first, and see what the final result of the experience was, but he didn't expect that the final result of the experience was that there was not one left!
The more Dean Guan thought about it, the paler his face became. In the end, he couldn't control the anger and fear in his heart at all, and fell straight down...

(End of this chapter)

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