The Supreme Lady of the Poison Queen

Chapter 1574 The signal is not in the service area

Chapter 1574 The signal is not in the service area

But the little old man thought again, his academy was not mentally prepared for this competition to be in such a format, and other academies must not have imagined it, so everyone is still standing on the same starting line, eh, not bad!

After calming down, he didn't go to sit alone in the VIP seat, but sat next to Feng Bai, watching the battle with Feng Bai, who had a sudden burst of girlish heart.

Since the hegemony competition lasts for three days, and it has just started now, each team has not left their birthplace, and Feng Qiyue is still sitting alone on the top of the ice field, with a bleak aura, looking So cute and pitiful!
Zhong Tao led the 48 brothers behind him, and they all sighed and looked at Boss Feng, who was vomiting blood, and didn't know how to comfort her!

How to do it?

Silently, Zhong Tao glanced at the extra bracelet on his wrist, and there was a small ball hanging on it. According to Huanyu Qiling when they came in, it was a communicator, which could communicate with the team of the hospital , and can also communicate with the team in the outer courtyard, which is quite convenient.

After thinking for a while, Zhong Tao pressed the switch of the communicator, and a light screen appeared on it, which densely displayed the names of more than N teams and members. After searching and searching, he finally found Mo Qianyi's, and immediately connected It was connected, and immediately after, a very mechanical voice came from the communicator, "The signal is not in the service area, please dial later!"

Zhong Tao is so angry, he is in Huanyu, why are you not in the service area?

So, where is your service area?
It's a pity that no one answered his inner thoughts, and he could only stare at Feng Qiyue's fluffy back that was a size too big in aggrieved manner, and asked the sky speechlessly.

Since their team stayed on the top of the ice sheet for several hours, neither moving nor killing prey, the scores of their 50-member team were all zero.

The big zero eggs hang high on the big screens in each scene, and they are marked in blood red, not to mention how conspicuous they are!
Regarding this, Nangong Sheng, Ouyang Ze and the others who were in other places were extremely puzzled. How could this happen?That ferocious guy Feng Qiyue didn't kill a single prey?This is incredible, isn't it?

You know, in such a scene, even if you trample to death a bug or kill a rabbit, you still have a share!

So, why are you scoring zero?
Can you hold back properly?
Complaining in their hearts, Nangong Sheng, Ouyang Ze and others quickly evacuated to the outside of the birthplace, trying to join their team.

The birthplace of Mo Qianyi's team is located in the forest.

In the forest, when he wanted to contact Feng Qiyue, the signal was still not in the service area. He had no choice but to evacuate quickly with his team, hoping to find Feng Qiyue as soon as possible.

But there were more than one team born in the forest. Soon, they met a team from Jingtao Academy.

The two teams added up to a hundred people, and without a word, they fought with a tacit understanding!
A few minutes later, under the leadership of Mo Qianyi, the students of Wuhua College wiped out the team of Jingtao College extremely brutally!
Just at this moment, the scene of the forest was broadcasted on the Huanyu big screen. Seeing this, the little old man couldn't help but patted his thigh and cheered wildly. He was so excited that the people around couldn't bear to look directly at him!
It's just that the regiment wiped out a team, as for you?
(End of this chapter)

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