Chapter 2521 Dragon Soul
"Did you fall for it?" Feng Qiyue said quickly.

"Little Yueyue, Boss Mo, what should we do now?" Feng Bai asked a little out of ideas.

"Don't worry, there must be this way, it's just that the dragon just now was a bit suspicious." Mo Qianyi reassured.

"Then the Ninth Prince will use his tricks?" Feng Qiyue asked.

Mo Qianyi squeezed Feng Qiyue's soft little hand to show comfort.

At the same time, they clearly felt the ground under their feet trembling, and immediately after, the ground under their feet collapsed, and the three of them fell down without warning.

When he fell, Mo Qianyi had already bound Feng Qiyue and Feng Bai tightly to him with his divine power, so no matter where they fell, they would naturally not get lost.

Soon, I felt the ground again under my feet.

However, it was pitch black.

After a while, faint green lights appeared in front of Feng Qiyue, Mo Qianyi and Feng Bai, as if eyes in the dark night were staring at them, making Feng Bai tremble with fear.

"Xiao Yueyue, what the hell kind of place is this? I'm so scared!" Feng Bai wailed, wanting to cry without tears.

"Don't be afraid, you are a beast, how can you be afraid?" Feng Qiyue comforted her.

"Beasts, beasts can also be afraid!" Feng Bai said pitifully.

"Be patient." Feng Qiyue said seriously.

Feng Bai: "..." I can't bear it!

Ignoring the dark green lights peeping at them, Mo Qianyi led the two women forward step by step.

As they moved forward, those dense green lights followed closely, never leaving.

Feng Qiyue was a little puzzled, "Are they trying to eat us, or what?"

"I want to attack, but... I don't dare." Mo Qianyi said, at this time, his powerful aura of the fox emperor was released, just to scare these things away!

And these things are actually nothing else, they are the dragon souls in the forbidden area of ​​the dragon clan.

Then, the place where they are now should be in the tomb of the Boneyard.

These dragon souls thought they were intruders and wanted to attack, but were stopped by Mo Qianyi's power.

But if they don't attack, but they are unwilling, they can only follow them all the time.

In fact, Mo Qianyi, as the beast emperor and the ancestor of the fox clan, respects these sacrificed dragon souls very much. Otherwise, he would not promise the second elder of the dragon clan not to run around. After all, he is not afraid of these dragon souls. Soul, these dragon souls can't hurt him, and those who may turn into souls to guard the forbidden area are warriors of all races, warriors should be treated with courtesy, right?
But now, these warrior souls have become tools used by others, and Mo Qianyi is very angry about this.

However, he will not vent his anger on these dragon souls. After all, dragon souls are innocent. They just followed their instincts to protect the forbidden area. What's wrong with them?
Therefore, unless necessary, Mo Qianyi will not attack them.

The two sides, just like this, came to a stalemate.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a light appeared in front of them, and a palace appeared in front of Feng Qiyue and the three of them.

Only now did Feng Qiyue and Feng Bai see clearly that what had been surrounding them for a long time and was unwilling to leave was actually the phantoms of dragons.

"Is this... Dragon Soul?" Feng Qiyue asked.

"En." Mo Qianyi nodded.

"Then they have been following us because they want to attack us?" Feng Qiyue said clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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