Chapter 2722 Duel
That valley is not too far from the Suzaku Clan's residence, and it is also owned by the Suzaku Clan. It is a place where the Suzaku warriors fight daily, and it is very suitable for duels.

But when Suzaku patriarch was leading the way, he deliberately flew very fast, intending to get rid of Feng Qiyue, but when he turned his head, he found that Feng Qiyue had actually caught up, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

how can that be possible?
How could this little hybrid catch up to his flying speed? This is really unbelievable.

"You..." The Suzaku patriarch only said one word, but he didn't know how to continue.

"What about me? You are flying fast!" Feng Qiyue urged.

So angry that Suzaku patriarch rolled his eyes, and then continued to fly fast.

Feng Qiyue followed closely behind, unhurriedly.

The Suzaku patriarch shook off a few times, and deliberately took a long way around a few times, but found that Feng Qiyue, the brown candy, couldn't be shaken off at all.

Obviously, Xia Mawei failed.

When they flew to the valley, the other Suzakus had already been waiting there, but the Lord came late, making them almost think that they had found the wrong place, that this is not the place for the duel!

However, after seeing the two righteous masters finally appear, they finally felt relieved.

But why did these two come so slowly?
The Suzakus present didn't know the little thoughts of the Suzaku patriarch, so they thought it was the Suzaku patriarch who lost his way!

So, a Suzaku couldn't help muttering, "The patriarch is probably lost again, alas! I can't remember such a close place, the patriarch's road-crazy attribute is really serious!"

Although the voice was very low, who were all present?
Either Suzaku or Beast Emperor, this little voice is not a problem for them at all.

Feng Qiyue even expressed her understanding and said: "It turns out that the head of the Suzaku clan is a road idiot! There are quite a lot of problems with you!"

The Suzaku patriarch is angry, so what if he is a road idiot?
But he never lost his way just now, he deliberately took a detour.

Unfortunately, can this be said?

He could only grit his teeth and endure Feng Qiyue's hateful sympathetic gaze.

After being pissed off like a puffer fish again, the Suzaku patriarch said, "There's too much nonsense, do you want to fight a duel?"

"Yeah, yes." Feng Qiyue smiled.

The two flew into the air together, and when they got ready, the Suzaku patriarch said, "Little bastard, I'm going to attack!"

"Don't you say a word, do ladies come first?" Feng Qiyue asked, blinking her phoenix eyes.

"Hey, do you still want privileges? No!" The Suzaku patriarch snorted angrily, and after finishing speaking, he rushed towards Feng Qiyue viciously.

Facing such a menacing Suzaku, Feng Qiyue dodged into the air without haste, and then dodged.

The first time the Suzaku patriarch attacked, he missed it, and he was so angry that he was about to explode on the spot!

"Little bastard, don't hide if you have the guts!" Suzaku patriarch provocatively said.

"I don't have a plant, so I have to hide! If I don't hide, won't I be hurt by you? I'm sorry for my life." Feng Qiyue said while flying, while talking, her body was ignited with raging flames, and it was dyed red half of the sky.

The long phoenix tail, dragging the fiery red phoenix flame, is really beautiful and dazzling!
And Feng Qiyue's phoenix eyes and tail feathers are like colorful glass, so bright that people can't take their eyes off!

This is too beautiful!
Yan Kong Fengbai had been staring blankly for a long time, and he couldn't bear to blink his eyes.

Obviously, this is the full battle state of the Phoenix bloodline that Feng Qiyue seldom shows.

(End of this chapter)

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