Chapter 3502

The ancestors are too eccentric!

In order to support Sudan Qing, he actually made the succession ceremony so grand. Compared with his own succession ceremony back then, the former head of the Su family is really sad!
People who are both descendants of the Su family and have been heads of the family, why is there such a big difference in treatment?

The Patriarch of the Su family became more and more unwilling. When Su Danqing had already held the Patriarch's Token, he should have let go, but he also held on tightly, and the two immediately became deadlocked.

Seeing this, the tenth elder of the Su family, who is the host, really has a big head!
What is this?

Don't you agree?

On the contrary, Su Danqing was relatively calm, and said to the former head of the Su family with a smile: "Don't worry, uncle, I will take good care of the Su family and will not let you down!"

While speaking, the warning eyes had been conveyed to the former head of the Su family, who smiled awkwardly, "Okay, Dan Qing, the Su family will depend on you from now on!"

So what if you don't want to?

Things have come to this, can he change everything?

If the entanglement continues, the ancestor will not spare him!

The former Patriarch of the Su family thought very clearly, and he didn't want to lose his life after being abandoned by his ancestors!
After the handover of the Patriarch's token, there should have been some other handovers, but the tenth elder of the Su family was afraid that this unwilling guy would make some small moves, so he directly omitted this procedure and went to the next step. a procedure.

The entire Su family met with the new head of the family collectively.

The former head of the Su family had to be invited out again.

But this time when he reappeared, he was much more well-behaved, obviously he had been reprimanded in the background.

Therefore, the process of meeting the new head of the Su family went very smoothly.

After these ceremonies were held, Su Danqing became the legitimate master of the Su family and the new head of the Su family.

Immediately afterwards, it entered the process of the dinner party.

Before the start of the dinner party, Feng Qiyue and other guests were temporarily invited to the guest room to rest, and the banquet hall also needed to be reconfigured to look like a dinner party.

About half an hour later, Feng Qiyue and the others were invited back to the banquet hall again.

The banquet hall at this time is the real banquet hall for the dinner party.

A corner of the hall is filled with an assortment of exquisite snacks and drinks, and the banquet hall is even more splendid with golden walls. It is so dazzling that it is completely different from the calm atmosphere before!
It is not difficult to see from this that the Su family has really put a lot of thought into this succession ceremony, and it can also be seen that the Su family attaches great importance to Sudan Qing.

However, Feng Qiyue looked around and was still surprised.

The food at this dinner party is all snacks and drinks. What about the big dishes?

What about the top set meal of Tianjiu Restaurant?

As far as Feng Qiyue knows, the six top-level set meals of Tianjiu Restaurant have already been sent to the Su family, and the elder of the Su family personally received them, but now, who can tell her where the top-level set meals are to be used to entertain the guests? place?
"Could it be that the Su family has found those six top-level set meals, so they don't need to entertain guests?" Feng Qiyue turned to Mo Qianyi.

"Isn't this normal?" Mo Qianyi said lightly.

Feng Qiyue: "." Normal wool!
She hadn't eaten the top-notch full-course meal at Jiufanzhuang that day, so she took advantage of the Su family first, how unbalanced did this make her feel?

Therefore, Feng Qiyue got angry, and the consequences were serious!

"I've decided not to give the elixir that Sudan Qing made by himself!" Feng Qiyue then snorted angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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