Chapter 3752

Soon, the alchemist was found.

This alchemist is also a member of the Cang family, and has a very high talent for alchemy. Therefore, he has quite a status in the Cang family and is quite trusted by the elders of the Cang family.

"Cang Hua, show him." The elder of the Cang family ordered.

The alchemist named Cang Hua nodded, and stepped forward to check for Su Zhe.

After some inspection, Cang Hua's complexion was extremely solemn.

"What?" Seeing this, the elder of the Cang family couldn't help but ask.

"Great Elder, there is something wrong with his body." Cang Hua told the truth.

"What did you find out?" Cang Family Elder asked eagerly.

"I didn't find anything, but I just feel that there is something wrong with him." Cang Hua said with a depressed face.

When the elder of the Cang family heard the words, he didn't know how to react for a while.

I haven't found out what it means, but I just feel that something is wrong with Su Zhe?

After all, you are also a genius alchemist of the Cang family, okay?

Can you take some responsibility for speaking?
Just as he was complaining depressedly, suddenly, the great elder of the Cang family heard Cang Hua exclaim again, "How could this happen?"

"What's the matter?" The elder of the Cang family hurriedly looked towards Cang Hua.

But Cang Hua's face was full of shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

Following Cang Hua's gaze, the Elder of the Cang family discovered that countless red rashes had inexplicably appeared on Su Zhe's face and body. Those rashes were very small at the beginning, but they grew rapidly visible to the naked eye. Big, and, from the initial opaque red, it slowly swelled into a transparent powder, and the yellow pus inside was clearly visible, making it disgusting to watch.

At this time, he suddenly heard what Feng Qiyue had said, and immediately shouted with a changed expression: "Get away from him!"

It's too late.

The pus bubbles on Su Zhe's face and body burst open with a bang, and the pus inside exploded everywhere, and everyone present was splashed with some.

The great elder of the Cang family collapsed at this time, and reminded again, "Quickly withdraw, his disease will be contagious!"

Hearing this, the dark guards and Cang Hua present turned pale with fright.

And they also evacuated quickly, leaving Su Zhe alone in the secret room.

After evacuating, they went back to their rooms to clean off the dirt on their bodies, and took several antidote pills and countless pills to prevent them from being infected by Su Zhe.

For three days in a row, several secret guards, Cang Hua, and the great elder of the Cang family were all in fear.

At the same time, they also isolated themselves from the tribe, so as not to infect more tribesmen and cause irreversible consequences.

After half a month of isolation, the elders of the Cang family and the others showed no abnormalities in their bodies, so they relieved themselves of the isolation and began to live normally.

However, the good times didn't last forever, after a few days, a rash appeared on a hidden guard, the symptoms were exactly the same as those of Su Zhe.

The hidden guard was in a panic, hiding in the room and not daring to see anyone.

However, as a secret guard, although he often hides in the dark, he cannot always hide in the room. Therefore, his illness was discovered soon.

When the great elder of the Cang family heard about it, he was terrified!

How could this be?
Isn't it all right?
At least so far, there is nothing abnormal about his body!
However, as several hidden guards fell ill one after another, he also became nervous.

Later, Cang Hua also fell ill, and at this time the great elder of the Cang family really lost any thought of taking chances!
(End of this chapter)

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