Chapter 3785

Several big bosses: "." So, are you fighting against each other?

"Your Excellencies, it was the head of the Fang family who told us that the two bosses of the Mu family and the Ji family were dining at Tianjiu Restaurant. Let us beg you to make the decision, so we came, but now we know that we were wrong. Why, shouldn't we bother your Excellencies to eat at this time, we are guilty, we know our mistakes and can correct them, so can we go now?" Seeing that the big bosses were silent, the family representative couldn't help but look Nervously continued to explain.

"Don't you want to complain? Now that you've disturbed me, don't leave. If you have any grievances, talk about it!" The ancestor of the Ji family listened and said calmly.

"Also tell me how Patriarch Fang deceived you." The ancestor of the Mu family added.

"Your Excellencies, we do have grievances, but I did not deceive them!" Patriarch Fang said hastily upon hearing this.

"Patriarch Fang, you will be talking later, I want to hear what these people have to say first." The ancestor of the Mu family glanced at Patriarch Fang lightly and said.

The Patriarch of Fang's family froze immediately, and did not dare to interrupt.

The big bosses all set their sights on the family representative, wanting to hear what he had to say.

The family representative was so nervous that he opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

"Isn't there a grievance? Isn't it cheated? Now that you have a chance, why don't you say it?" The ancestor of the Mu family couldn't help but wondered when he saw that the other party was silent for a long time.

"Uh, it's a long story, I don't know where to start." The family representative said in words.

"It's okay, I'll give you enough time, let's talk!" the ancestor of the Mu family said with a smile.

"It all started with Su's aunt selling fake alchemy formulas." The family representative knew that he couldn't hide it, so he said with a straight heart.

After saying this, he glanced cautiously at the ancestor of the Su family. Seeing that the other party seemed not angry, he let go of his hanging heart a little.

"Oh, let's continue." The ancestor of the Mu family said.

"We spent [-] million to buy the elixir formula from Patriarch Su, but in the end, we couldn't refine the elixir, so Patriarch Fang came to the door and asked us to defend our rights with him, and then we had to make a big fuss. It was Patriarch Fang's idea, we just cooperated." Speaking of this, the family representative paused deliberately, and carefully looked at the big bosses in front of him.

"Is this the grievance you're talking about?" The ancestor of the Ji family raised his eyebrows and asked when he heard this.

"Yes, the number of patients in the family is increasing day by day, but we don't have any medicine to treat them, and we are also in a hurry!" the family representative said with a sad face.

"You are anxious, we can understand this, but why do you go around saying that the Su family sells fake pills?" the ancestor of the Ji family asked sullenly.

"The alchemy formula is indeed a fake, there is no alchemist who can refine it!" The head of the Fang family immediately said loudly when he heard it.

"Patriarch Fang, please shut up first, I'm asking this one!" The ancestor of the Ji family became serious and ordered.

Patriarch of the Fang family: "." Why didn't you let him speak?
"Ji Shenzun, it is true that no alchemist can refine the alchemy formula." The family representative also said.

"If that's the case, you all think it's a fake? What will the alchemist association say?" the ancestor of the Ji family asked again.

"The alchemist will always appraise it and say it's true." The family representative didn't dare to hide it, and replied truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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