Chapter 5456

"Girl, what did you eat for me? Why did I suddenly lose my strength?" The ancestor of the Cang family panicked for a moment, and couldn't help asking loudly.

"Don't worry, it's not poison, it's just that it will temporarily make your body lose the ability to resist. It will be fine after the injection." Feng Qiyue comforted her with a smile.

"Girl, I am your own uncle, how can you treat me like this?" the ancestor of the Cang family couldn't help saying with grief and indignation after hearing what Feng Qiyue said.

"Then if I don't do this, can you honestly let me give the needle?" Feng Qiyue asked calmly.

"How is it possible!" The ancestor of the Cang family categorically denied it, and his face was really ugly.

"Then there is nothing to say, bear with it for now, Patriarch of the Cang family, you can rest assured that this medicine is not harmful to your body, and it will only temporarily make you lose your strength, but at the same time, it can also make you feel clearly The state when the needle is applied, so experience it carefully, you know?" Feng Qiyue reminded with a smile.

"Girl! This seat refuses! You should give this seat the antidote quickly, otherwise, this seat will be annoyed." The ancestor of the Cang family roared very angrily, so angry that he was about to explode.

How dare, how dare the stinky girl treat him like this?

It really makes no sense!

Who gave you the guts?

give you face?


Feng Qiyue turned a deaf ear to the roar of the ancestor of the Cang family, and didn't take it seriously at all.

The old ancestor of the Cang family was so angry that he could only continue to roar and threaten, "Girl, I will give you one last chance, let me go quickly, otherwise, the consequences will be natural."

Before the minus word could be said, Feng Qiyue had already pricked a needle somewhere on the top of the Cang family ancestor's head.

After this injection, the ancestor of the Cang family trembled all over, the feeling was so sour and refreshing, and then he lost his voice.

He opened his mouth and screamed angrily, but he couldn't make a sound at all.

Immediately, the ancestors of the Cang family panicked again.

How could this be?
what happened to him?
What did the stinky girl do to him?
The handsome face of the ancestor of the Cang family changed like a palette in just half a minute, and he collected almost all the colors, but it was useless.

Feng Qiyue ignored it at all, and only sent him one word, "Noisy!"

The ancestor of the Cang family stared angrily.

He is noisy?

He is noisy?

Ah ah ah ah ah!
Is there any reason?
The stinky girl made him like this, and still thinks he's noisy?

The ancestors of the Cang family wished they could spray Feng Qiyue's face with a mouthful of old blood, and let her know why the flowers were so red.

But his idea naturally has no chance to come true.

At this time, Feng Qiyue had already started to inject needles on him one after another.

"Patriarch of the Cang family, concentrate on feeling it." At the same time as the needle was being injected, Feng Qiyue specifically instructed.

I don't think about it!

The ancestor of the Cang family rolled his eyes, apparently not intending to cooperate.

The stinky girl made him like this, how dare she instruct him?
He just doesn't cooperate!
Seeing the naive thoughts of the ancestor of the Cang family, Feng Qiyue just smiled helplessly, but didn't care.

And as more and more needles were applied to the ancestors of the Cang family, the ancestors of the Cang family also went from not wanting to cooperate at first, to becoming more and more powerless and unable to control their physical feelings, and had to cooperate.

In this way, he naturally became more and more panicked.

But his mind is extremely clear.

Moreover, he can also deeply feel the extremely irritating sour feeling of those needles piercing his body.
(End of this chapter)

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