Chapter 102 Did the black fans fight with me today (5)

"Bah." Song Tao didn't give Tang Yunrui any face. "Don't think about it. Your family is from a scholarly family. My baby won't get used to it after marrying."

Tang Yunrui was choked by Song Tao, "What happened to the scholarly family, when did the scholarly family become a deduction item?"

Song Tao shrugged, "It's not a deduction, but you and her are not suitable."

Speaking of this, Song Tao was a little embarrassed.She only thought about setting up a game so that Lian Qiao would not put her mind on Gu Qingran, but she forgot that Lian Qiao's face after removing heavy makeup was too beautiful, she might attract a man like Tang Yunrui... …

How should I put it, it's not that Lian Qiao is not good enough for Tang Yunrui, but that Lian Qiao's appearance today is too deceptive.After removing the makeup, she looks innocent and well-behaved like a little white rabbit, but in fact, even Song Tao knows her playful and indulgent temperament better than anyone else.

Song Tao was thinking, if Lian Qiao used her appearance today to attract men and stay with them, she might not be able to live too recklessly in the future.

After thinking about it, Song Tao still felt that it was more important for her girlfriends to be happy.

Ever since, Song Tao drank the red wine in the glass, then walked to Lian Qiao and pulled her out of the box.

"What's wrong?" Lian Qiao's eyes were clear, and she looked ignorant of the world.

Seeing this, Song Tao cursed in a low voice, "Don't look at me like that, what kind of innocent little sheep is pretending to be a big-tailed wolf!"

But she pretended to be too obedient, and wanted to bully her!

Lian Qiao understood what she meant, she chuckled lightly, and teased, "How about it, I behaved well just now, no one suspects that I am Gu Lianqiao!"

"Be good, be good, be the best in the world!" Song Tao complimented Lian Qiao perfunctorily, and then asked, "Did you drink? Let the driver take you home later."

The original owner is not very good at drinking, so every time she comes out to play, Song Tao will try her best to keep an eye on her so that nothing happens.

"I didn't drink, otherwise what should I do if the human design collapses?"

Song Tao laughed angrily, "The skin is still your skin, but if you want to pretend for the rest of your life, you can pretend, and if you don't want to pretend for the rest of your life, don't wrong yourself."

In her cognition, Gu Lianqiao is like a little wild cat, but also like a rose with thorns, the waves are really waves, and the charm is also really charming.Although Gu Lianqiao is a little more conservative than her in the matter of men and women, at most, she changes more frequently, and she doesn't have to go to bed with everyone, but Song Tao still feels that a family like Tang Yunrui is really not suitable for her.

Instead of starting by mistake and then finding it doesn't fit, it's better not to start!
"I know, I know!" Lian Qiao knew that Song Tao was doing it for her own good, so she walked down the corridor of the bar with her arms in her arms.

For the first time, I experienced the precious friendship between girls.

How nice, Lian Qiao thought.

Halfway through the walk, Song Tao suddenly remembered that she didn't take her bag, and that she still had some things to tell Tang Yunrui, so she turned and went back to the box.

Lian Qiao was waiting in the corridor, and after a while, the door of the next box was opened.

Then, Lian Qiao was suddenly pushed against the wall for no reason.

"Help me." The man's voice was nice.

Lian Qiao only saw a man with dyed blond hair who was very close to her, with deep eyebrows and a high nose.Before she had time to react, the man kissed her lips directly!
Lian Qiao: "!"

With a snap, Lian Qiao slapped her across the face.

Who did he take her for, dare to forcefully kiss her, the young lady of the Gu family?
Lian Qiao suddenly felt that the identity of the original owner was very useful, and with the foreshadowing of the original owner, no matter what she did now, she would not appear to be a failure.


(End of this chapter)

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