Chapter 109 Did the black fans fight with me today (12)

Lian Qiao snorted, she had scolded Gu Qingran ten thousand times in her heart.

No check, no check!
He likes to see beauties and asks Yao Qingyi to make stickers, body, assistant, and management!

No, check, point!

An impatient look appeared on Lian Qiao's face, and Yao Qingyi pretended to be casual and added another sentence: "By the way, Miss Gu, is the front desk not letting you in? Then you should come with Sister Xinxin, she came to Mu You don't need to make an appointment. Alas, Mr. Mu is really nice to Sister Xinxin."

The small receptionist was trembling, wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself.

Lian Qiao hooked her lips, and slapped Yao Qingyi so badly that she almost fell to the ground.

Bitch in the air, annoying to death.

Yao Qingyi covered his face and let out a cry of pain. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the elevator, and when he saw a figure, he said tearfully, "Miss Gu, how can you hit someone casually? Mr. Mu asked Miss Xinxin to come in and out of Mu's at will to discuss work. Yes, they are innocent, don't get me wrong..."

Lian Qiao held her breath in her heart.

One second the white lotus was still showing off how special Mu Ke was to Gu Xinxin, and the next second it was explaining that the two were innocent.

When she was stupid, she used her toes to figure out that Mu Ke must be here.

Lian Qiao leaned over and pinched Yao Qingyi's chin to force her to look at her: "Do you need a reason to hit you? No matter how eccentric you are, this lady beats you until you don't even know Yao Ziyi!"

A click.

Lian Qiao's domineering and Yao Qingyi's aggrieved appearances were photographed.

In the next second, Gu Qingran shook his phone leisurely, and said with a smile: "Miss Gu is really amazing, she can come up with some black material anytime and anywhere. Why don't you stop being the president and change careers to be a paparazzi? Ms. Gu alone can make my master eat delicious food and drink spicy food."

Seeing Gu Qingran's playful smile, Lian Qiao felt a little better for no reason.

Forget it, the guy didn't nervously come over to help Yao Qingyi, which means he wasn't too stupid.

Yao Qingyi was still pear blossoms and raining, Mu Ke frowned, "Sister Lian Qiao, why bother to vent her anger on Xiaoqing, if you have any dissatisfaction, just come to me."

Mu Ke waved his hand, and the assistant behind him walked over to help Yao Qingyi up.

Lian Qiao snorted coldly: "Brother Mu Ke doesn't think it's inappropriate?"

"Where is it inappropriate?"

"Yao Qingyi is Gu Qingran's assistant, what does it have to do with you?"

It was Gu Qingran who wanted to protect him, but this guy was very happy to take pictures there, but Mu Ke didn't call himself out to protect him.

Why protect?Not because of Gu Xinxin.

Mu Ke lowered his eyes slightly, and knew that in terms of distance and closeness, he was naturally closer to his fiancée Gu Lianqiao.He pursed his lips, "I'm helping the manager, not the relative."

A good assistant does not help relatives.

Lian Qiao turned to leave, but Gu Qingran grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing?" Lian Qiao's tone was quite bad.Outsiders thought it was jealousy, but she knew it was because Gu Qingran took Yao Qingyi as his assistant.

Gu Qingran put the phone back into his pocket, still smiling like a beating. "Your name is Brother Mu Ke, shouldn't you also call me brother, huh?"

The original owner was called Brother Mu Ke, so Lian Qiao has subconsciously paid attention to this title in the past few days.

As for Gu Qingran...

Lian Qiao smiled but said: "In your next life!"

Lian Qiao hurriedly left, Mu Ke looked slightly sad, while Gu Qingran touched his nose. "Tsk, you have a really big temper. Isn't it just calling me brother, and you won't lose a piece of meat."

"You fight against her all day, it's no wonder she is willing to call you brother." Mu Ke and Gu Qingran walked out of the company side by side.

"Forget it, the future is long, and I will have a lot of opportunities to make her cry and call me brother in the future."

Mu Ke squeezed the space between his eyebrows: "She is younger than us, so you have the nerve to bully her."

"Why are you embarrassed. Leave me alone, but you, aren't you afraid that the girl will sue after she returns home?"


(End of this chapter)

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