Chapter 119 Did the black fans fight with me today (22)

At this moment, Lian Xinmei suddenly understood what her husband Gu Tianming said.

He said, "The matter is such a big mess, everyone who should know knows, and everyone who is willing to help also helps. Take a step back and say, if Mu Ke doesn't know about it now, he can't stand up and protect Qiaoqiao in the first place. Why should we believe that he can protect Qiaoqiao for the rest of his life?"

Lian Xinmei now believes that Mu Ke is really not Lian Qiao's lover.

"Yes." By now, Xu Zhi didn't shy away from it. "Retire, and then marry each other."

After retiring, Mu Ke can still marry other daughters without any influence.As for whether Lian Qiao still wants... Sorry, that's not something that the Mu family should consider.

Lian Xinmei put Lian Qiao's hand in the palm of her hand, her eyes were gentle and doting, looking closely, it seemed to be full of sadness. "Qiaoqiao, originally you were the client, so I should have asked for your opinion. But my mother thinks that the Mu family is not good enough for you, housekeeper, see off the guests."

It's inappropriate, it's about retiring, but the Mu family doesn't deserve her daughter.

It was the first time for a woman who had been innocent and innocent for half her life to speak so mercilessly in front of outsiders.

Xu Zhi's expression changed on the spot. "Lian Xinmei, what do you mean?"

While speaking, Gu Tianming had already protected the mother and daughter behind him, and the housekeeper also came to Xu Zhi and made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

Seeing this situation, Xu Zhi felt even more angry.

Is the Mu family worthy of the Gu family?
Is Mu Ke not worthy of Gu Lianqiao?

A shameless woman like Gu Lianqiao is worthy?

Just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted sharply by Mu Ke next to her: "Mom! That's enough."

If you go on, it probably won't be a nice thing to say.

Regardless of the face of the two families, at least there must be a way out, after all he and Gu Xinxin...

So Mu Ke stood in front of Lian Qiao and bowed ninety degrees, with a sincere attitude. "Anyway, Sister Lianqiao, I'm sorry."

In addition to taking advantage of the incident in the video to resign, I also apologize for the relationship between him and Gu Xinxin last night...

Lian Qiao looked at him coldly, not to blame him for not helping, but just feeling a little off.He and Gu Xinxin should have been together last night, but they still had an engagement last night.

So Lian Qiao brushed her hair and said indifferently, "Let's go, you are free."

From then on he was not bound by marriage.

Everyone is safe and well, which can be regarded as the result that the original owner wanted.

"But I will not be soft on those who framed me." Lian Qiao clenched her fists, her gaze sharp.

"Heh, who knows if it's framed?"

Xu Zhi couldn't hold back her sarcastic remarks, but the next second, Lian Xinmei walked over and raised her hand and slapped her.

This slap stunned everyone.

Lian Qiao suddenly felt her eyes a little sore.

This is her mother.

She hugged Lian Xinmei's waist from behind, not only because she was greedy for her mother's warmth, but also because she didn't want Lian Xinmei to do any more drastic actions for her.

After all... the effect of force is mutual, and when you hit someone, your hand hurts too.So it's fine to leave this laborious movement to her father.

In the end, Xu Zhi was taken away by Mu Kela.The Mu family came and went in a hurry. In just 10 minutes, the marriage contract between the two families ended.

"Mom, you shouldn't have hit someone." Gu Xinxin couldn't help complaining, but Lian Xinmei felt her heart fall into the ice cellar.

Her voice trembled, "Xinxin, do you know what is family and what is outsider?"

"Or, you don't trust your sister either?"

Facing Shanglian Xinmei's disappointed gaze, Gu Xinxin immediately knew that she had said something wrong.

"Okay mom, Gu Qingran told me just now that there are plans, I'll take you back to the room and let's talk as we go." Lian Qiao dragged Lian Xinmei upstairs, without giving Gu Xinxin a look from the beginning to the end .


(End of this chapter)

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