Chapter 130 Did the black fans fight with me today (33)

So when Tang Shuo came over, he saw three people sitting in a row by the wall.

"Are you looking for me?" Tang Shuo pulled Song Tao up from the ground. "What are you doing? Those who didn't know thought the three of you were punished to stand."

Song Tao snorted, "That bastard surnamed Gu drugged me."

In fact, no, because she hasn't responded yet.

But she was not reconciled, and what was even more hateful was that she actually called Tang Shuo to come over!

Tang Shuo was really taken aback, "Isn't it? Gu Qingran, you owe it to me?"

It's their business that the husband and wife play their own games, that doesn't mean they can force Song Tao with drugs!
Gu Qingran hehe: "You figured it out, okay? I just gave Gu Lianqiao a cup of coconut juice, and your wife snatched it and drank it as if she was suffering from persecution paranoia. I was wondering, since you don't believe me, then Why don't you just drop the cup? Ms. Song, why do you want to drink?"

Tang Shuo: "..." It sounds quite reasonable.

Lian Qiao: "..." It sounds quite reasonable.

Song Tao: "..."

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, Lian Qiao was just about to open her mouth when she heard Gu Qingran say again: "But there is indeed something in the cup, it's just my cup."

Song Tao: "???"

May I ask who is more stupid?

"Then why do you want to drink?" Lian Qiao was really dumbfounded.

Gu Qingran would never admit that he was careless, he only raised his eyebrows, and said stubbornly: "Men don't suffer in this kind of thing, right? Tsk, I don't know which little beauty gave the medicine to me, I I have to go, it's a bit uncomfortable to endure until now..."

Lian Qiao was stunned for a moment, and grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?"

How could she just watch Gu Qingran go to have sex with others?

"At first, I just wanted to come and tell you that I was leaving, but it turned out that Ms. Song really knew how to play, which made me watch the show for so long." Gu Qingran broke Lian Qiao's hand, "Let's go, Don't run around alone, follow Ms. Song or your father."

Anyway, I can't be with him, he's just a dangerous item now.

Lian Qiao wanted to follow Gu Qingran out, but Song Tao hugged her waist from behind. "Don't go! Why does he want you to pay for his rotten peach blossoms? Baby is obedient, it's the first time you can't give it to him like this!"

the first time?
Tang Shuo froze for a moment, but it was a little unexpected.

But he just pretended he didn't hear it. After all, he was Song Tao's best friend. If he dared to think anything wrong, Song Tao might be able to eunuch him with a knife.

Outside the hotel, the assistant was already waiting in the car.

"Mr. Gu, you..."

"Back to the hotel."

"Can you be alone, do you want to..."

"It's okay, I can't die."

Gu Qingran knew very well in his heart that the medicine was actually not strong, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to watch Song Tao tormenting for so long in the hotel.

Ever since, Gu Qingran went from one hotel to another hotel under his own name.It's really tragic to think about it, not only being kicked out of the house by my parents, but also drugged for no reason.

Miserable Miserable.

At the party, not only did Gu Qingran leave early due to a situation, but even Mr. Lawn was unable to come because of a temporary errand.Gu Xinxin heaved a sigh of relief, at least Mu Ke still had a chance.

Even Qiao was a little absent-minded all night, and Song Tao's heart was really cold.

It's over, her baby has fallen.

[The host, don't worry, the male partner is not with other women. ]
The system considers itself to be the most empathetic system in the world, so it is reluctant to make its host feel sad!

(End of this chapter)

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