Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 153 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 153 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (11)

But Lian Qiao did as she did, and the moment she said the formula, it really opened the door to a new world!
Can you imagine the feeling of saying the formula, thinking about the object in your mind, and then letting you control it?Lian Qiao was really touched and cried, thinking of how many times in the cold weather, she wanted to get something but didn't want to get out of the warm bed.

In the small kitchen of the Nalan family, the cooks are busy.Lian Qiao slipped in, found the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and stuffed it into the storage space of the ring.

When you're done, the old man will naturally keep his promise. "What do you want to know? I can answer three questions for you."

"Only three?"

"Yes, don't think about it, there are only three. If you know too much, life will not be fun."

Lian Qiao: "..."

Another person whose life is as lonely as snow, just like the male supporting role.

I don't understand the melancholy of the big guys.

Lian Qiao thought for a while and asked two questions in one breath. "What is the relationship between the sect master and me? What is the second way to quickly increase spiritual power? As for the third question, let's keep it for now!"

"The second method of quickly increasing spiritual power has not been recorded in the entire continent, and few people know about it. But I can tell you that it is a relatively extreme method, called the star-absorbing method. As the name suggests, it is to absorb other people's spiritual power. He used his strength to help him complete his ascension. Because he was too evil, he was banned a long time ago."

"As for the relationship between you and the sect master, it's a long story. Noah's continent is actually divided into three realms: humans, ghosts and gods. Although there is no god in the god world, there are many ghosts in the ghost world! Back then, the ghost king led a hundred ghosts to take advantage of the sect master to retreat. At that time, a newborn baby was locked inside a sword, who do you think that sword is?"

Lian Qiao: "..."

This plot is really twists and turns.

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly, "I'm that baby?"

"Yes, to be precise, you are also the destined marriage of the sect master." The old man's eyes darkened, and he said quietly: "A baby locked in the sword is logically bound to die. I didn't expect you to still be alive. "

Lian Qiao: "..."

For a while, I didn't know whether to say that the male supporting role was miserable or the female supporting role was miserable.

Li Wangchen, the destined marriage was actually locked in the sword by the ghost king?
The original owner, was born like this? ?
After asking the two questions, Lian Qiao finally solved the confusion, and at the same time felt quite rushed.

"What should I do? I still have a lot of questions, what should I do?"

Old man: "Hold on."

Lian Qiao: "...Oh."

When Lian Qiao jumped out of the basement, she suddenly remembered that the old man gave her a flying formula as a gift.

Why jump when you can fly?
Experience the joy of flying, get!

Today is Ming Xiao's first day of study in Xiuling Martial Arts Hall, and Nalan Qinglian has a bad face when she sees him. "Yo, isn't this our good-for-nothing young master? May I ask how well you have memorized the ancient books in the past three days? I beg you to quickly rise to six stars within a year, or we will all have to be buried with you! "

As soon as these words came out, the people next to him looked at Ming Xiao with more or less hostility.

Originally, it was quite strange for the sect master to come to Qingluan country, but in the end he made even more bizarre demands.This rounding up is equivalent to a one-year reprieve of the death penalty.

Binglingjian cheated him, and he cheated the entire Qingluan Kingdom. At that time, Ming Xiao had nothing to say, but said: "If you have time to tease me, why don't you make room for me to practice well? Is it a blessing? Misfortune, it is that disaster cannot be avoided, and the weak will always be thinking about it!"


(End of this chapter)

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