Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 157 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 157 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (15)

Maybe there is some restraint, this restraint comes from the strength of Ming Xiao in the previous life, and the second is from the joy of pursuing love again in the rebirth.

These two complex emotions were mixed together, and Ping Bai gave birth to a bit of restraint.

Nalan Qingyao brushed the hair on his forehead, and said gently: "Then I will pay attention to it from now on."

Ming Xiao hummed, and asked again: "By the way, do you know where I usually practice Bingling Sword? I haven't seen it for several days."

Although Xiao knew that there was someone in the sword, he couldn't run around!It's okay to not see the sword all day long!
Nalan Qingyao froze for a moment, "I haven't seen it since that day when Instructor Yan was injured by the Bingling Sword. Instructor Yan couldn't control it, let alone other instructors. But it's Bingling Sword. Nothing will happen."

Ming Xiao was eating, and almost choked when he heard this. "What? I thought you took it to practice, so you don't know?"

His sword is missing.

There is still a person living in the sword.

Doesn't this rounding mean that he lost a big living person?
Ming Xiao felt guilty after knowing it, and just wanted to get up to look for it, when he heard Nalan Qingyao say: "Brother Xiao, don't worry, I heard from Instructor Yan that the strength of this ice sword is far more than one star. After discussing with my father and other Patriarchs, it may be more beneficial to let it develop."

To be precise, the big families have only trained people, not swords!

So they discussed it, and then they thought about raising Ming Xiao's strength first, and then considering Bingling Sword.

"Besides, in fact, without this Bingling Sword, brother Xiao can become a strong man, so don't rely too much on it."


A few days after Lian Qiao disappeared, Ming Xiao finally remembered her.

At that time, she was in the basement, watching the old man eat fried chicken.

Lian Qiao: Boom, I want to eat.

"Little Bingling, when you become a human figure, and then follow the sect master to the Wuliang Gate, will there be any delicacies from mountains and seas?"

Lian Qiao wanted to cry, "This is the Year of the Monkey."

"Young man, please be patient. Can you memorize the formulas I taught you yesterday?" The old man wiped his mouth and said quietly, "You have to work harder, the people I teach will never be better than those five idiots. The people who come out are not bad, right?"

Lian Qiao snorted: "Yes, you are the most powerful. But no matter how powerful you are, you are still locked up here?"

After a pause, she continued: "By the way...have you ever thought of running away?"

With the strength of the old man, it is not impossible.

"The chain that locks the feet is tangible, but the chain that binds the heart is invisible." The old man said this in a calm manner, and there was a sense of freedom and ease when he carefully tasted it.

Lian Qiao understood, "So it's not that I can't go, it's that I don't want to go."

"Yes, here is the old man's thoughts." The old man smiled, "Okay, don't ask, today's question will end here. You should practice quickly, and when you reach three stars, the sect master will be able to quietly I entered the sword silently to see you."

Lian Qiao: "!"

Finally! !

In this plane, it is too difficult for her to meet the male supporting role!

She vomited after eating the dog food of the hostess and the hostess, and she was afraid that the hostess would be jealous, so she didn't dare to approach Ming Xiao, okay!

The next second, Lian Qiao closed her eyes inside the sword, and concentrated on feeling the spiritual power in her body.

Seeing her suddenly being so active, the old man shook his head amusedly and helplessly.The head of the sect... can be regarded as a wonderful person.

It's not in vain that he waited so long in the late ten-star stage.

There is a saying that says, only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals.


(End of this chapter)

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