Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 159 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 159 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (17)

In her previous life, Nalan Ruo was never married, and helped Ming Xiao when he was in trouble, and then followed him as a tool man.

To tell the truth, Nalan Qingyao was tempted to let Nalan Kuo marry Song Bin.

After all, Nalan Ruo gave so much in the previous life, and Ming Xiao never fell in love with her.That being the case, in this life, let Nalan Kuo have a good home.

Nalan Qingyao knew Song Bin very well. Although he was a bit dull, he had a pure temperament.In the previous life, if Nalan Qinglian hadn't thought he was not romantic enough and had sex with her, the two of them would not have had such an embarrassing quarrel even if they couldn't harmonize.

Nalan He was still thinking, when he heard Mingwei say: "Since the Song family has made an opinion, our Mingxiu..."

Nalan He almost didn't blow his hair. "What are you messing around here? Isn't Mingxiao also from your Ming family?"

There are only three daughters in the Nalan family. Could it be that the Ming family still wants to have two?
Lian Qiao was a little curious, so she asked the system: [Why are they so interested in marriage?He regards the daughter of the Nalan family as a sweet pastry. ]
[Host, except for the Nalan family, the five major families in Qingluan Kingdom are all yang and yin, so the so-called rare is the most precious...]
Lian Qiao: [...Okay, I understand. ]
No wonder they can come up with such things as martial arts competitions to recruit relatives. After all, they have three daughters, and they are both talented and beautiful. If they were placed in modern times, they would be three China Merchants Banks.

It was originally a hunting meeting, but who would have imagined that the masters would get together and talk about marriage again.

Yuan Yu didn't want to lose face anymore, and quarreled with a few big men at the top of his voice, and finally finalized the marriage of Nalan Kuo and Song Bin.

Nalan Qingyao breathed a sigh of relief, and Yuan Yu also breathed a sigh of relief.

The hunting meeting officially started, Ming Xiao just wanted to go in, but was held back by Nalan Qingyao. "Brother Xiao, why don't you hand over the Bingling Sword to me for safekeeping."

Ming Xiao: "..."

"Brother Xiao, don't you worry about me?"

Ming Xiao hesitated for a moment, and finally handed over the Bingling Sword.

Lian Qiao knew that the heroine was not happy seeing her, so she flew out a second before the hilt of the sword fell into Nalan Qingyao's hand.

Isn't it nice to fly around the mountains by yourself?

But as she flew, Lian Qiao felt something was wrong.

Why are there so many beasts chasing her? ?

Fortunately it can fly.

However, when Lian Qiao saw a flying tiger not far away, she felt a little uncomfortable.

It's just a sword, what are you doing all around her?And no meat to eat!
Lian Qiao tried to calm down, and suddenly thought that before she left, the old man seemed to be looking at her with a smile, and let her have fun...

Lian Qiao cursed in a low voice, thinking that she must have been tricked by the old man again.

As things stood, these beasts followed her wherever she went.In this case, Lian Qiao thought about it and took the challenge. Maybe after fighting these beasts, she could be promoted to three stars, and then she might meet the male supporting role.

At the same time, Ming Xiao who was fighting a fierce tiger was also engrossed.

Nalan Qingyao paid close attention to the situation of one man and one tiger the whole time.

Although Ming Xiao's sudden burst of spiritual power in his previous life defeated the tiger, the tiger still bit his calf before dying.Later, it was Nalan Kuo who accidentally rescued him, and the two had an intersection.

But in this life, with Nalan Qingyao standing by Ming Xiao's side, it is absolutely impossible for her to be injured.But it was a coincidence that Nalan Ruo missed Ming Xiao, and unexpectedly met the Bingling Sword stuck in the tree!

"Why is it inserted on such a thick stump?"

Lian Qiao: "..." I don't want to either, okay?

Nalan Ruo wanted to pull out the sword, but failed several times because of too little strength.She was a little frustrated: "No, my spiritual power is of healing type, so it's useless at all."

Lian Qiao: "..." Well, then she'll plug it in.

She was so tired, too tired to kill so many beasts.


(End of this chapter)

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