Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 165 The male supporting role is a good sword

Chapter 165 The male supporting role, he is a good swordplayer (23)

If Li Wangchen felt busy, it would be more difficult.

Therefore, although Lian Qiao didn't know what was going on, she directly asked, "Will it be dangerous?"

Li Wangchen didn't want to lie to her, so he just said: "It's okay."

Lian Qiao understood now, and Li Wangchen said it was okay, but there was danger!
As for the one who can put him in danger, the ghost king is probably the only one in the world.

The two were silent for a while before Lian Qiao tugged at Li Wangchen's sleeve. "That...why must it be six stars?"

He asked Ming Xiao to take her to the sixth star within one year, and then asked her to go to Wuliangmen to find him after reaching the sixth star.

It seems that six stars are not easy!

Li Wangchen's ears turned red, and he said ambiguously, "You will know when the time comes."

Lian Qiao didn't think too much about it, and looked for a strategy to suppress the star-absorbing Dafa with peace of mind.

The day after Li Wangchen left Qingluan Kingdom, Lian Qiao and Ming Xiao went out together to look for clues about the Dafa of Sucking Stars.

"I heard that there is a Jiulong Jue in the library of the Ming family, which may be able to suppress the star-absorbing Dafa. It's just that the Nine-Dragon Jue is extremely domineering and easy to be backlashed, so it has been banned long before the appearance of the Star-absorbing Dafa." Ming Xiao and Lian Qiao explained a lot of information about the Jiulong Jue until the two came to a bush outside the city.

"Who told you?" Lian Qiao guessed that it was the heroine Nalan Qingyao, and she was also confirmed by Ming Xiao.

"Qingyao said that although the Jiulong Jue is domineering, it is the only exercise that can suppress the star-absorbing method. And coincidentally, it is not suitable for people with too high a star to practice. Isn't it tailor-made for me?"

At that time, Ming Xiao was holding the hilt of the sword, found a secret entrance in the bushes, and went in without hesitation. "The direct exit of this secret path is in Ming Family's Library Pavilion! Today I lied to Qingyao that I would go to the back mountain to practice. When I go back, I will bring the Nine Dragons Jue. She will be very happy to see the Nine Dragons Jue when she comes back from Song's house." !"

Lian Qiao: "..."

Those who are in love must prepare surprises for each other.


About the time it took for two sticks of incense to walk, Ming Xiao finally finished walking the secret path.After opening the partition, he found that he had indeed arrived at the Book Collection Pavilion of the Ming family.

He quietly searched for the Jiulong Jue in the Library Pavilion, the further he went in, the older the library was.

Time passed by, and when Ming Xiao finally saw a book with the word Jiulong written on the spine, he was overjoyed and took it off the shelf.

But in the next second, the surprise will turn into surprise!

Through the original slit of Nine Dragons Jue, Ming Xiao actually saw Ming Xiu hugging and kissing a woman on the opposite side of the bookshelf.

And that person... is clearly Nalan Qingyao!

Didn't he say he went to Song's house to visit his younger sister Nalan Rao?

What kind of sister did you come to Ming's house to see?Mingxiu?
I was so mad that I even kissed her!

Lian Qiao was also startled, and hinted to Ming Xiao crazily in her heart: "Calm down! Seeing is not believing! After reading so many abusive articles, we should know how misunderstandings arise, right? Calm down! Calm down!"

Ming Xiao gritted her teeth: "Is this abusing me? This is greening me!"

"Calm down! Maybe the eldest lady has some difficulties! She will definitely not betray you, otherwise why would she be with you in the first place, right?"

Ming Xiao clenched her fists.The arms under the sleeves were already bruised. "Can't I satisfy her!"

Lian Qiao was choked, "Little brother, don't drive, okay? You should think about it first, whether to rush out now or plan in the long run? Calm down! I suggest you trust the eldest lady!"


(End of this chapter)

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